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I had shot this lady in late September and it was AMAZING. She was on the lawn, looking sunny and relaxed, a tall Jewish "lady of a certain age," as they say. So exciting to see her big soles exposed, such a thrill to get her in my viewfinder and have her not put her feet down. But now, only one month later, in late October, everything was so different. The lawn was closed. I was walking and walking and walking, all afternoon, finding nothing -- well, not nothing, exactly, and I DID get some awesome sole exposure, but pretty irregularly. It's to be expected as the year winds down. Actually I had seen the Jewish Uber-MILF once more, in mid-October, all dressed up in a suit, leaving the park, looking SEXY and snazzy, and was absolutely DYING to see her dressed like that with her bare feet up. But where?
Well, a week later, that resolved itself! I was walking last the library front checking out the little seating areas. This is where I get quite a lot of material when the lawn is closed. At first I had to do a double take, because I saw someone sitting parallel to the library -- usually people sit facing away. She was behind a hedgerow so I only saw her from the shoulders up -- it's sort of hard to describe where she was, but there was only a narrow walkway beyond the hedge, where she seems to have dragged two chairs, and sat down. I had to look. I had to see if her shoes were off. So I sauntered over and glanced over, and yep. Bare soles! She was dressed for work again, chic in a little skirt and black leather jacket, but she was resting her feet out of her killer pointy toed stilettos, which were piled up on the seat next to her bare soles. Ok, so there I was, standing near the front of the library, in this narrow walkway, and in front of me was a second shot at the Jewish Uber-MILF's bare soles, this time with ger sexy stilettos not only off, but right next to her feet! So it's a no-brainer, I sat down and shot, right?
It was just too much. I felt incredibly self-conscious, It was just TOO WEIRD. To sit down on a narrow walkway, right in front of the library, was more than I could cajole myself to do. I turned and walked away, cursing myself. Then something just came over me and I knew this might be the last chance in my life to catch this beauty in this way. What if she's only temping in midtown for a month? What if she moves in the winter? This was it. I had to get it. So I went back, walked over in front of her, and sat down on the walk.
It was, I admit, incredibly humiliating. I could smell bum piss as I got closer to the ground but at least it wasn't directly below me! But once my ass hit the pavement, it's funny, I just went on autopilot. I took the camera out, took out my book, opened the viewfinder, all the things I normally do, the procedure sort of catching me up in the moment, and my feeling of self-consciousness just disappeared. I pointed the camera at her and wondered if she would put up with this, not one, but twice. There is my vision, looking down at the viewfinder, were those big gorgeous shapely soles again, that sultry face, femme fetale-ish, that hair. All I needed was for her to stay. And she stayed.
She was reading the paper and her phone, on and off, resting her sexy feet from those shoes, which looked killer sexy but incredibly uncomfortable. So my guess was she suffered through work hour after hour, craving a moment when she could just sit down in a public park and take those shoes off. And she did it tucked away in this little spot. And then there I was, with my camera, yet she stayed, so my conclusion (for what it's worth) is that she found the attention entertaining, although my guess is she still gets a lot of that. She wriggled those big feet around and this time studiously avoided looking at me, unlike the last time, when she peeked at the camera now and then. Once I was there and shooting and she stayed and was wriggling those big bare soles around, trust me I was having some highly rude thoughts. Ha ha! She had had her shades on when I got there but I think she found it hard to read with them on after a while and she slipped them off and I just gasped when she did that.
This went on for longer than I had a right to hope. But thenm finally, she put her feet down. I was about to stop shooting but I saw her grab those killer stilettos and so I remembered to follow her feet down to the ground. The skirt caused me just a little alarm, but nothing materialized in my lens. She crammed those shoes on -- MAN they were very tight, and I think quite a bit too small for her. Then she put her feet back up and there WAS a flasher moment, and I immediately put my arm in front on the camcorder. Hate when that happens! I glanced over and I saw this pair or big pointy shoe soles settling down on the chair and I thought OH MY GOD and powered up the camcorder again, getting a her as she was settling in again, and this time I DID catch her looking. She was peering at her shoes, then she looked right down at the camera, then back at her shoes, then she went back to the New York Times Sunday magazine, the whole time waving those big shoes soles at me. They said size 9 but I think they were at least half a size too small -- many women just can't being themselves to buy shoes bigger than a size 9, it's like the sound barrier. lol I had caught a few seconds of that, and it was time to go -- I was already incredibly late for something. Now I once again remembered how embarrassing my position had been, and when I got up and left I avoided the glances of people sitting on the plaza!