Latest clip is “Supersexy Parking Lot Soles,” store is:
Parking lot soles are awesome! (For background on how I got this, see further below.) I actually didn’t see this car pull into this lot in Pelham Bay, but I saw a tattooed teen walking from the car toward the stores. I didn’t really think anything of it til I strolled by the area where he’d left and I saw a little pair of bare feet propped way up on top of the passenger sideview! Gorgeous little tootsies—but small. Was this a spunky 12 year old? Had to check of course, so approached the car from behind and saw it had Mississippi plates as well as several stickers indicating the car spends a lot of time at Yale University. The backseat was completely packed with stuff, so it is my suspicion this was a pair of college kids headed back for the Fall semester.
As I passed the front seat of the car from behind I glanced into the car seat and saw a little gal maybe 20 who was slouched way down on her seat, mask on but down off her face, intently texting. Quick looks at her face — she reminded me a bit of Linda Blair in her early 20s, like when she was in “Hell Night.” I felt a thrill when I saw the gorgeous tops of her bare feet super closeup! FLAWLESS. I moved up beyond her car, to the back of the car parked diagonally in front of it, leaned on it, and glanced over quickly to my left. Her soles were SUPER visible and SUPER gorgeous. This was literally the sexiest thing I had seen in public in months. I slipped my camcorder out of my bag and flipped open my viewfinder. It took me a minute but I was able to rest my camcorder pretty steadily on my chest, with my iPhone resting on top of it. It looked like I was reading my phone but I was looking into my viewfinder.
It took her quite a while to see the camcorder but she noticed me right away. I wasn’t doing anything but leaning on the car but still I was standing in the lot next to that car for a while so she kept quickly looking at me. But she was scrunched down so far in her seat she couldn’t see the camera. She would actually pull her feet into the car pretty often (I edited all that out pretty seamlessly, but she did it a LOT) but still didn’t see the camera ... until, that is, she did! At one point she slid up just enough to see and I could see *her* seeing *me* shooting away. It’s a real rush of adrenaline when that happens! From then on, forget it — she kept looking and at one point she even said something. I am deaf as a post and I’ve tried a million times to hear what she says but I just can’t make it out. She looks sort of scoldy though, although kind of humorously scoldy.
The thing that’s sexiest about this is pretty much the thing I love the MOST about candid sole shooting. She saw, she knew what I was doing, and probably why, but those tender sensitive soles just stayed up there, allowing me to get clear video images of them in living color for later enjoyment, as I’m sure she knew. Lol! That’s very erotic to me.
I leaned my ass against that fucking car for over 20 minutes. (I was super lucky the driver didn’t come back!!!) For about half the time her bare feet were stuck up on top of that sideview, going back and forth though, up and down, and she would see me standing there waiting for her feet to return, not sure if they ever would. The little smirk on her face as she looked at me waiting and anticipating! LOVE THAT!
The last time she put her feet out onto the mirror, something seemed to be a little different. She seemed more focused on her phone than usual and then she looked up at me with a kind of sneer I hadn’t seen before. So I started looking around and sure enough Mr. Yale was on his way back from the stores carrying a big white shopping bag and a tray from Dunkin. While I wasn’t that keen on a confrontation I also wasn’t super worried about the situation, so rather than skeedaddling at high speed I just slipped my camcorder back into my bag and casually walked away, sauntering down the lot. For a minute I had that feeling like someone was right behind me (other candid shooters will know this feeling well lol), but then after about five minutes I got to the end of the lot and turned around and I was alone ... with this totally priceless cargo in my bag (other candid tapers will know how THAT feels too — getting away with it is SWEET).
I was going to write a whole explanation about how I’ve been trying to find feet up in parked cars in parking lots in the Covid era, but let me boil it down to this: this is the only shopping center lot soles I got in *three months* of frequent stake outs! Was it worth it? FUCK YEAH! Will I keep it up? Probably not!