Latest clip added to store, in both 1280 and 4096 resolutions, is “Redheaded Artist’s STUNNING soles”, store is:
This was shot in fall of 2018 so yes I’ve been selfishly holding onto it for over two YEARS! But yes I’ve come around and now realize I’m not the only one who should be able to feel the ecstasy that invariably results from looking at THAT face, THAT hair, and especially THOSE soft, shapely, vulnerable bare soles!
This was shot right at the end of the lawn’s season in 2018, in fact if memory serves on the last day before it got rolled up for the year — I came onto the lawn from the fountain terrace and saw a brilliant mane of auburn hair and, propped on another chair, a pair of exquisite ivory feet, in ... literally ... the PERFECT position for my nefarious purposes. Better yet, there was no one anywhere near her feet on the lawn. So I could pick precisely the right place to sit to capture the ideal angle. Which I then proceeded to do.
Once the viewfinder was open and chimed on (which I don’t mite because I want the woman to know), I saw her peeking with mild interest and curiosity at my camcorder and I also recognized her, for she was none other than the little red headed artist from, I think, 2016, who was preparing an illustration with her bare feet propped up, snd was rather incongruously wearing a conductor’s cap! *The first time I shot her she showed no concern, despite the fact that I was right on top of her that first time (I had no choice then). So my suspicion was that she wouldn’t be alarmed by my interest in capturing video of her bare soles, and again, that turned out to be the case. *
For almost 20 minutes she sat there with her ankles crossed, her luscious, curvaceous, soft, creamy pink bare soles on STUNNING display. She was reading a popular science book which, if anything, made me adore her EVEN MORE.
After a minute or two she hit me with a little look, just to let me know she knew, but after that her *move for the longest time was to ignore me scrupulously, but then once again, after a further 14-15 minutes I think, she decided to let me know in no uncertain terms she knew and gave me some very direct looks, and believe me, I knew I was on notice! But I sat there transfixed by the sight in my viewfinder. In fact I had been repeatedly been checking to make sure REC was on in red because I did NOT want to get home and discover I hadn’t been recording!
After that round of fierce camera looks, she rolled her legs over the side of the chair. I sat for a few seconds to see if she was staying but it was clear she wasn’t so I began packing up. When I was still getting ready to leave I noticed ... she was standing in front of me. I looked up and she was talking to me. I slipped my headphones off, curious and slightly worried because of the intent stares she had given the camera. She said, in a gravelly little monotone, “I’m sorry, just wanted to know if those bathrooms over there are still open,” and she pointed to the restrooms on 42nd near the library. I told her I was pretty sure they were, and she said, “oh good, I’m dying for a pee! That’s the only reason I got up.” This was a message, I knew it, the best little message I think I’ve ever gotten. I sat on the lawn a bit longer but the guards blew their whistles and closed the lawn, and that was that for 2018.