Latest clip, store is
The lawn is closed so much, I've been trying different locations to see if I can see any bare soles that are film-worthy, and for the most part, the legend of the lawn lives on! It's still the best place, although rarely open now. But when I actually DO catch something in an unusual location, it's often phenomenal, often an amazing experience!
Like for instance this girl sitting on a waterfront esplanade on the East River. When I first passed her she was sitting up more, her bare soles pressed on the bench, talking in Lebanese on her phone (I had a friend in grammar school who was Lebanese and I know what that sounds like, lol) then in English. She was quite a character, very exuberant. I thought, if she lies down I am dying to see what sort of shooting opportunity arises, and I went to a bench a hundred feet or so away and waited to see what would develop. I had barely sat down when she ended her phone conversation and lay down on the bench. She her legs were still bent, her soles still pressed on the bench, but that soon changed as well, and she stuck her legs straight out and crossed her ankles. I strolled over as casually as I could to the bench one down from hers, mercifully open, because if I had sat on the same bench it would have seemed to on top of her, and took my camcorder out, putting in on the bench. I zoomed in on her and her soles were beautiful, about a size 7. She was so pretty and I could see she was on to me basically instantaneously. She seems to have found my interest in her feet very entertaining, as she took pictures of me and wiggled her feet around.
I got a bit concerned when I looked to my right and saw that I wasn't the only person with an interest in her feet -- another guy had come along and was standing basically in front of me. I hadn't noticed because I was sitting turned in my bench to the left. She noticed him and I now noticed him too, and he was looking at her soles on the bench a lot. I don't know if he noticed I was filming. She got up and I thought, oh well, this guy ruined it, but then she did something amazing. She sat up, walked over so the moved further to the left on her bench -- now much closer to me, and him -- and she put her back up against the middle armrest and put her beautiful feet UP ON THE END ARM REST. I was like, holy fuck and immediately turned the camcorder back on! The guy had not noticed any of this because he was looking at a tug on the river, but he turned around and saw her beautiful soles right there and he was like OH MY GOD! She saw his reaction and she laughed out loud and looked at him with a smile. This is the first thing I caught in this second part of the clip. She looked at me too, but with a very quiet, almost conspiratorial smile on her face, now and then. She had actually come over and put her GORGEOUS feet -- closer to me! Holding the camcorder at this weird angle was aching my wrists but I had to catch every moment of this! IT IS AMAZING!
I kept shooting until a woman came along on the esplanade with a stroller and her little one, and the little one, about three I'd guess, ran right up and patted the Lebanese girl's bare soles! The Lebanese girl let out a huge laugh and said to the little one, "girl, my feet are TICKLISH!" and the mom said, "oh I'm sorry," but the Lebanese girl said it was completely ok, and I immediately put my camcorder away (I edited it until right before the tiny one appears in the frame). The guy walked along. I put my camcorder away as the Lebanese girl talked to the mom and the little girl and as I was leaving the Lebanese girl caught my glance out of the corner of her eye and gave me such a sly smile -- it completely electrified me and I would not WAIT to look at the video!!!