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1st Level Orange Feather
Nov 23, 2001
This tale grew in the telling...

Sorry, that was the beginning of another story which also featured the occasional Orc. What I meant to say is that since writing this in 2007, I've altered it several times until my original post has more than quadrupled in length, each rewrite incorporating a few new situations and pitfalls which I've either seen occur or had drawn to my attention during my roughly ten years as a member of the NEST Dungeon Monitors.

We Monitors are a group of male and female NEST veterans who for the past decade or so have mingled with the guests, helping to keep things enjoyable, safe, secure and running smoothly for them as the popularity of and attendance at this Gathering (the world's largest TK Fest!) doubled and redoubled. During that time a few situations have cropped up that I felt needed a quiet mention for future reference. A QUIET mention, I hasten to add, because the overwhelming majority of attendees are fantastic, and NEST is one of the few events I've helped monitor which always seems to attract genuinely pleasant and friendly people.

However, since the Single Male, no matter how well-intentioned, is sometimes regarded as a bit of a loose cannon especially if he's a younger guy or if this is the first time he's attended an 'Event' anything like this, a few words from an older guy who's also made one or two (I wish!!) mistakes over a long and pleasantly sordid career might be helpful. Obviously not all of the points discussed will apply to every single newbie who reads this, but have a look, "Know thyself" as Socrates said (yes, I know, also Alexander Pope plus a host of others...) and if the shoe fits...

When necessary I'll be cruel to be kind but that's only because I genuinely want you to enjoy yourselves. In fact, I sincerely hope each and every one of you looks back on the NEST weekend with fondness, a satisfied sigh, and an inbox full of new friends' and playpartners' email addresses to keep you busy 'til your return next year. The following will definitely help with that.

OK, here we go.

Upon your entering the hotel, you will be immediately surrounded by a gorgeous array of shapely women from late teens to mid 30s, seductively dressed in a gorgeous array of filmy negligees, tiny bikinis, abbreviated cheerleader outfits, and Victoria’s Secret lingerie, all with perfect pedicures, all recognising your utter irresistibility and all competing desperately with one another for their chance to play with you and you alone. Sound like fun, Casanova?

Slow down, tiger. NEST is a gathering of ordinary adults of all ages, shapes and sizes with one preference in common. Do all people who happen to like broccoli have a particular appearance? Of course not. So you’re best off, next time you are on a crowded bus or commuter train, having a look around and realizing that the over 18s travelling with you mimic the cross-section of men and women you’ll see at NEST. Older or younger, slim or heavy, attractive or plain, attached or unattached, white, black, asian- these are your fellow participants.

And how many women will be there, I hear you ask? Well, it’s usually about a 55%-45% split in favour of men. Last year that meant about sixty women attended. However, some of those women were partnered and completely monogamous, although some of the other ‘attached’ women did bestow their charms (to a degree) and attentions upon guys other than their significant others. About 15 women were single; most played with multiple random men in groups or one-on-one depending on what they themselves felt like doing and when. Now and again a woman will be attending just to test the water, and will identify herself as a non-participating observer.

As for your chances of interacting with some or all of those 'babes'- well, since men and women are for the most part biologically programmed to ‘mate’, substitute the word ‘sex’ for the word ‘tickling’. Then imagine yourself in any ordinary bar for an evening out. Sure, everyone's there in the hope of having a good time- but how many of the women there are you going to have sex with? It’s exactly the same at NEST. OK, admittedly, tickling can hardly be equated with full sex, so- how many of the women in that bar will allow you a nice long kiss?

Keeping this in mind, it's important to remember that simply because a woman happens to be attending NEST does not mean she has any obligation whatsoever to do anything with, for, or to you! She owes you nothing but politeness, and not even that if you are impolite to her or make her feel uncomfortable. By all means present yourself for her consideration, after first finding out if she's 'available' BY HA-VING A PLEA-SANT NON-SEX-U-AL CON-VER-SA-TION WITH HER (ever heard of that approach?), but whining 'Well, if you're not here to play, why are you here at all?" if she's not interested will not do you any good.

Or even worse, whining, 'You played with him, why won't you play with me?' Think about it- would you approach a woman after you've just seen her kissing (or heard about her kissing) some guy, and ask her the same question? Women do tend to chat with one another and compare notes, and if you're going to be the topic of conversation it's best if that conversation favours you.

Speaking of conversation, it's a wonderful thing when you can discuss your primary obsession with a female for a change, and even have visual evidence she IS female because she's standing right there in front of you. And some women are chatty and happy to talk in great detail about their kinky likes and dislikes. However, just because she confides that she's always fantasized about being dragged to a hotel room by the hair and then tied up and wallpapered by a man who is singing 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' in Russian while he dances the rumba in swim fins DOES NOT mean it's time to dash off to Home Depot, Latin Dancing Class, Modells, and the Slavic Division of the Berlitz Language School before grabbing handfuls of her tresses and making like you're hauling a canal barge. She may be innocently volunteering all of this info without meaning it as an invitation, so don't jump to conclusions even if your Other Brain (the one located below the beltline) is screaming that it's a dead cert.

Finally meeting that goddess (the one to whom you’ve been chatting endlessly online) in R/L does not mean she’ll bring your fantasies of her to fruition. While everyone understandably wants to meet THE ONE at NEST, make sure the object of your desires feels the same way about you. Internet personas often differ from what people are really like. That applies to her perception of you, as well as yours of her. Sometimes one or both participants are disappointed in a R/L meeting. Be gracious if this occurs.

"Cut your coat according to your cloth" is a British expression meaning not only should action suit circumstances, but also and more importantly means know the quality of your own cloth. Be realistic about what you have to offer; how many aces are in your hand at the Erotic Poker Table?

That brings us very nicely to the very delicate question of how sexual harassment is perceived, and how that perception applies at NEST. "Sexual Harassment" is simply unwanted courtship/wooing/etc. Brad Pitt is incapable of Sexual Harassment. Johnny Depp is incapable of Sexual Harassment. Robert Pattinson is incapable of Sexual Harassment. Even the odious Justin Bieber is incapable of Sexual Harassment.

But I am DEFINITELY capable of Sexual Harassment, and undoubtedly you are too because unlike the lucky bastards mentioned above, the overwhelming majority of women find us very resistible indeed. Regrettably an average day for you or me does not include countless laydeez clutching fan magazines with our pictures on the cover throwing themselves at us on the street begging for an autograph and no-strings 'involvement'.

So ease back on the ol' 'enthusiasm' at NEST because not every female there will think you're hot. A welcoming hug or friendly pat from one of our fair NESTettes is not necessarily an invitation to start grabbing at her then and there, or even to give her what you consider to be a subtle poke in the ribs. Only a boorish idiot thinks 'Getting away with it' is in any way laudable, and this type of behaviour is akin to the pathetic mentality of some geek who 'accidentally' bumps into a girl in a high school corridor and scuttles away giggling inanely because he hasn't the character or courage to speak to her, but somehow still thinks he's done something clever. Instead, just be pleasant, approachable and don't take things for granted- it really is a lot less trouble and a lot more effective.

The most important rule at NEST is 'No uninvited touching'.

So if in doubt, always err on the side of caution. When a woman says, 'Maybe later', or 'Some other time', or 'Sounds good, but I'd like to think about that first', it generally means 'NO'. And if you find this sort of 'coded indirect interaction' infuriating and wish she'd just have the virtual balls to tell you outright what she means, please remember it's her absence of actual balls that provides the soft skin, cute walk, higher voice, smaller feet, abundant hair on head, lack thereof elsewhere and interesting fore-and-aft topography. You have to take the bad with the good, and involuntarily/subconsciously testing your ability to understand indirect speech is undoubtedly a mechanism the female of the species developed over countless millennia to help determine whether you are an Insensitive Beast or not. (As opposed to being a Hairy Chested Brute, which is something quite different and outside the scope of this basic little homily.)

In any case I hope to God that this practice is not an orchestrated global campaign originated by paleolithic cavewomen and perpetuated by each successive generation of females simply to baffle us but even if so it doesn't matter- that's simply The Way They Are.

Grin and bear it.

And don't stand too close.

On the other hand, when offered a non-verbal 'maybe', respond to it decently rather than by exploiting it. For example, if a lady basically unknown to you shyly- or generously- accepts your offer of a footrub in a public place (say the hotel foyer or atrium), don't casually try to manoeuver said foot into your (very obviously "interested") lap. She'll notice even if she seems oblivious, and the female grapevine will immediately and exponentially start to bear very bitter fruit for you. Additionally the Monitors, who are less inclined to let this sort of thing go, will regard you as a potential problem. Have a listen to this amusing but vital video (with catchy tune to sing along to forevermore!)

Most obvious, but also in dire need of a mention especially after an event I recently attended, which in fairness I should mention was NOT a Nest gathering... Hygiene.

Are you aware that the average woman's sense of smell is far more highly developed than yours is? This is not merely my opinion, but a verifiable, scientific fact. Gentlemen, with luck you will be actually touching women, and they will be touching you. Perhaps even when you are *gasp* bereft of shirt and/or shoes.

So for God's sake remember that Miss Shower is your friend, Miss Soap wants to get up close and personal, Miss Deodorant seeks an LTR, Miss Toothbrush and Miss Mouthwash want a threesome with you, and Mr. Washing Machine just loves demonstrating his efficiency vis-à-vis your clothing. Of course pheromones are important, but if yours only seem to render polecats, weasels and skunks amorous a change is in order. The temperature in Philadelphia, even in early May, can easily hit the mid to high 80s, and a potential play partner won't be impressed if you make the hairs drop out of her nostrils merely by introducing yourself.

NEST is simply a microcosm of your own life. If you have reasonable social skills, and genuinely enjoy interacting with people OFFLINE, you’ll have a greater chance of making a connection IRL. Even more specifically, how well you will do with the women at NEST depends on what the women are like back home, assuming you’re not from Saudi Arabia or have a job as a live-in handyman at a convent for geriatric nuns. If they’re pleasant, talkative ladies who are basically friendly and on average happy to at least chat to you once you’ve broken the ice and established a few points in common, you will do very well at NEST.

If, however, all the women where you come from are snobbish, standoffish and won’t give you the time of day, I'm afraid that’s exactly what you’ll find at NEST. Women are women, and to complain that they’re ‘difficult’ is as useful as a sailor complaining that the waves make him seasick, or a boxer who is annoyed that he gets punched. In other words, if you’ve always had problems with girls, it ain’t them- it’s you. Not a lack of money or looks or height or fitness or too much weight or any other excuse you can come up with- it's you as a person. If you don't change your attitude or approach you'll be stuck with the same old response. Work on yourself and you'll have more success.

Please go to all the pre-main event meetings and workshops which have been organised for your benefit, and be sociable. Being non-participatory will only leave you bereft of, or at least rusty in, some essential practical skills. More importantly, being shy and hermit-like will curtail your opportunities to meet, converse with, and interact on an undemanding, purely social level with potential friends and -dare I say it- play partners. There's no need to be a brilliant conversationalist- just be pleasant, make a real effort to acquaint yourself with as many people as possible, and keep it casual. For once, you don't even have to try to explain yourself, since the entire congregation shares most of your vile proclivities already to varying degrees. After all, everyone's there for the same reason, both men and women.

But at the same time be realistic. Remember that (apart from A-list celebrities) only men who pay for it have instant 'encounters' with total strangers. So mingle, chat, keep your mad desires warm on the back burner, and only turn up the heat when the time is right. People will understand if you're a bit nervous- they may well be a bit shy themselves, BUT...

MODERATE YOUR DRINKING! The subtle difference between being 'a bit more relaxed and convivial' and 'paralytic, interspersed with episodes of projectile vomiting' is easily apparent to the discerning eye, and that eye may well be female. While a slightly tipsy, giggly woman might be cute, there's no such thing as an attractive male drunk, and playing with someone if you're not in full and complete control of your faculties is a recipe for disaster. At very worst, this can lead to "An Unfortunate Series of Events" which will culminate in your being involuntarily positioned at a 90° angle in front of but still far too close to your new cellmate, Mr. "Burly" Bates (AKA The Baltimore Bunghole Buggerer) whose grasp of the concept of Safewords is shaky in the extreme.

Admittedly all of this is a worst-case scenario framed as a cautionary tale, so just be sensible and all will be well. The potential to have a great time is in your hands (or "at your fingertips", nudge, nudge, f'nar f'nar) but a great time comes in many forms. I didn’t play at all for my first few NESTs, because for one reason or another opportunities didn’t happen to materialise. So I just socialised, did some sight-seeing, watched some play, and made some great friends who I’m delighted to see every year. I never considered it a waste that I wasn’t playing all the time.

But over the years I have seen many single guys have some happy group or one-on-one experiences. The one thing they all seemed to have in common was that they were all personable, friendly fellows with no preconceptions or expectations who were decent guys first, ticklers second.

And that’s the key to their success- it will, with a bit of luck thrown in, also be the key to yours.

Sincere best wishes to all of you, and keeping the above post in mind, have fun at NEST!

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And the ladies' point of view...

Written in 2007, a few NESTs ago, but still both valid and pertinent.

After that, I thought it might be useful if I offered a woman’s perspective on the subject. There are a few points that I think need to be addressed..

1: Last year was my first NEST. As I’ve told a few of you, I don’t think my experience was the typical “newbie” one, because firstly, it wasn’t my first fetish event, and secondly, I did not come alone and was in fact in the company of a NEST veteran.

So, I can’t really offer the viewpoint of a single woman attending NEST. However, I can empathize with how they might feel. Being a woman in a setting like this can be very intimidating and overwhelming, especially if they are in the minority, and organizer Tkl-Duo Ann has estimated a 2 to1 ratio, at last count 71 men, 34 women. Even if you are an attached woman, like me, it can STILL be intimidating. I can’t claim to have felt intimidated myself last year, but I know that some women faced with the same situation(s) were. No one should fault them for this, as everyone has different comfort levels. And you should not be resentful of someone simply because they choose not to play with you.

2: There is every likelihood that you will get to participate in some sort of play over the course of the 3 days. I can’t recall one single person last year who had no playtime at all. Everyone got a chance to do something. However, the chance of getting to indulge in the play session of your dreams with the girl of your fantasies is far smaller. Most people’s ideal session is a long, intense, one on one experience. This is unlikely to happen. If it does, my congratulations in advance! But don’t go with unrealistic expectations. Respect people’s and couples’ boundaries. For instance, don’t expect the warmest of receptions if you, as a single man, request a private one on one session with someone else’s wife or girlfriend. This happened last year, and the couple involved felt very uncomfortable with the suggestion. Get to know people first, so you have a better chance of knowing how your offer will be received.

3: Remember that, for a woman, coming to something like this at all, whether single or, to a lesser extent, as half of a couple, takes a great deal of courage. And if a woman is uncomfortable, she will automatically pull back. She will also be more reticent if she senses the slightest hint of desperation. Women can sense desperation very well. And we don’t like it. If you act desperate, our first thought is to wonder why you are, and why you think that we, and we alone, are the answer to all your sexual needs. Let’s assume the woman is the lee. She is unlikely to want to be tied down and tickled by someone who is wild-eyed, panting, foaming at the mouth, and looking at her as if she is a prime rib roast and he hasn’t eaten in a month.

I also am going to have to draw a parallel with sex here, for lack of a better analogy. A man will enjoy himself just by getting to do it. A woman only enjoys herself if she has it done well, and in the manner she prefers. Unless she is fairly sure that you are going to be able to do it the way she wants it, she has no incentive to do it with you. It’s the same with tickling. Any woman would rather cherish a good fantasy than endure a bad reality.

In closing, in a situation like this, nice guys really do finish first. The higher your expectations of people or the event in general, the less chance you have of fulfilling them. Best of luck.
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KittenToes said:
She is unlikely to want to be tied down and tickled by someone who is wild-eyed, panting, foaming at the mouth, and looking at her as if she is a prime rib roast and he hasn’t eaten in a month.

Very well written and a fine reality check by both of you. I especially like the sentence above. 😀
Very nice posts indeed by both of you.This will be my first NEST,and any advice is welcome.😀
KittenToes said:
She is unlikely to want to be tied down and tickled by someone who is wild-eyed, panting, foaming at the mouth, and looking at her as if she is a prime rib roast and he hasn’t eaten in a month.

Wait, hold on a minute here... From prior threads, I already knew that there were going to be yummy 'lil hamburgers all over the place at NEST. But am I now to understand that there will be prime rib as well?!? Oh goodness... *salivates deliriously onto his keyboard* I shall have to pack my spare bib!! :veryhappy :veryhappy :veryhappy

All I can add to this is............

Bravo, Jonmath and Kittentoes!!!

Your first two posts say it all. People.......just refer to said first two posts if any questions.


asutickler said:
...am I now to understand that there will be prime rib as well?!? Oh goodness...
You bet your sweet ass, there will be.

I'm waiting for you, darling... *slips into his fishnets*
Azrael said:
You bet your sweet ass, there will be.

I'm waiting for you, darling... *slips into his fishnets*

That is soooo wrong on so many levels.........

On topic:

Nest is a place to meet people in the community and form friendships...
A place where people will not judge you by whatever your kink might be, but only for the way you treat and relate to others....

Keep that in mind and everyone will have fun......




Good on you both for an exquisite set of descriptions!
jonmath said:
Slow down, tiger. NEST is a gathering of ordinary adults of all ages, shapes and sizes with one preference in common. Do all people who happen to like broccoli have a particular appearance? Of course not. So you’re best off, next time you are on a crowded bus or commuter train, having a look around and realizing that the over 18s travelling with you mimic the cross-section of men and women you’ll see at NEST. Older or younger, slim or heavy, attractive or plain, attached or unattached, white, black, asian- these are your fellow participants.

But can't you just tick a form or something, to state your preference for the slim and attractive ones. :blaugh:
jonmath said:
Upon your entering the hotel, you will be immediately surrounded by a gorgeous array of shapely women from late teens to mid 30s, seductively dressed in a gorgeous array of filmy negligees, tiny bikinis, abbreviated cheerleader outfits, and Victoria’s Secret lingerie, all with perfect pedicures, all recognising your utter irresistibility and all competing desperately with one another for their chance to play with you and you alone. Sound like fun, Casanova?

Slow down, tiger. NEST is a gathering of ordinary adults of all ages, shapes and sizes with one preference in common. Do all people who happen to like broccoli have a particular appearance? Of course not. So you’re best off, next time you are on a crowded bus or commuter train, having a look around and realizing that the over 18s travelling with you mimic the cross-section of men and women you’ll see at NEST. Older or younger, slim or heavy, attractive or plain, attached or unattached, white, black, asian- these are your fellow participants.

Since men and women are biologically programmed to ‘mate’, substitute the word ‘sex’ for the word ‘tickling’ Then imagine yourself in any ordinary bar for an evening out. Sure, everyone's there in the hope of having a good time- but how many of the women there are you going to have sex with? It’s exactly the same at NEST. OK, admittedly, tickling cannot exactly be equated with full sex, so- how many of the women in that bar will allow you a nice long kiss?

Keep in mind that finally meeting that goddess (the one to whom you’ve been chatting endlessly online) in R/L does not mean she’ll bring your fantasies of her to fruition. While everyone understandably wants to meet THE ONE at NEST, make sure the object of your desires feels the same way about you. Internet personas often differ from what people are really like. That applies to her perception of you, as well as yours of her. Sometimes one or both participants are disappointed in a R/L meeting. Be gracious if this occurs.

And gentlemen- at NEST, when in doubt, always err on the side of caution.

NEST is simply a microcosm of your own life. If you have reasonable social skills, and genuinely enjoy interacting with people OFFLINE, you’ll have a greater chance of making a connection in some way at NEST. Please go to all the events and workshops which have been organised for your benefit- being non-participatory will only leave you bereft of some essential practical skills and more importantly cut off your opportunities to meet potential friends and -dare I say it- play partners. Remember that (apart from A-list celebrities) only men who pay for it have instant 'encounters' with total strangers. So mingle, chat, keep your mad desires warm on the back burner, and only turn up the heat when the time is right.

I didn’t play at all for my first few NESTs, because for one reason or another opportunities didn’t happen to materialise. So I just socialised, did some sight-seeing, watched some play, and made some great friends who I’m delighted to see every year, I never considered it a waste that I wasn’t playing all the time. But over the years I have seen many single guys have some happy group or one-on-one experiences. The one thing they all seemed to have in common was that they were personable, friendly fellows who were decent guys first, ticklers second.

And that’s the key to their success- it will, with a bit of luck thrown in, also be the key to yours.

You would think this would be common sense. Then again you would think....
jonmath said:
Upon your entering the hotel, you will be immediately surrounded by a gorgeous array of shapely women from late teens to mid 30s, seductively dressed in a gorgeous array of filmy negligees, tiny bikinis, abbreviated cheerleader outfits, and Victoria’s Secret lingerie, all with perfect pedicures, all recognising your utter irresistibility and all competing desperately with one another for their chance to play with you and you alone. Sound like fun, Casanova?

Bollocks, I knew I should've applied. Ah well, back to Soho with me bundle of tenners it is 🙁
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander..

WheresThe Clip? said:
But can't you just tick a form or something, to state your preference for the slim and attractive ones. :blaugh:

You have to ask yourself first if you'd have any luck if that type of woman ticks those boxes on her form also......
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You have to ask yourself first if you'd have any luck if that type of woman ticks those boxes on her form also......

LOL. 😀
jonmath said:
You have to ask yourself first if you'd have any luck if that type of woman ticks those boxes on her form also......

What so that means I am expected to be slim and attractice as well :rant:

In that case I am not coming :evilha:
jonmath said:
You have to ask yourself first if you'd have any luck if that type of woman ticks those boxes on her form also......

Been working out 4x a week and watching the diet for a while now for just such a reason.
Of course, I've been eating a bit much due to summer/holidays and not been hitting the gym as much due to overwork.
So dang, I can't check off the box... lol
ViperGTS said:
Good thing I am naturally attractive and slim.


To say nothing of the fact that you're apparently taller than an SUV 😎
I was telling Melinda today that I thougtht we'd (some of us ol' veteran NEST'rs) had almost unofficially nominated Mark and Megan as the 'cutest' couple of NEST, or at least I think at least M 'n I'll agree on that.

Spenser, one of the ol'er and 'gray-er' of the community.
MTP Jeff said:
To say nothing of the fact that you're apparently taller than an SUV 😎

LMAO! That or it's one of his Matchbox cars... :blaugh:

Awesome posts from both Jonmath and Kittentoes. It could not have been said better by anyone else, and I thank you both for tackling those tough subjects with class and maturity.
Hell, I am just suprised that this will not be a total sausage party. Just being able to watch will be fine by me, and be around "my people". :3poke:
Sorry. I had to.

I thought it was a brilliant thread and although it was written a year ago doesn't mean that it can't be enjoyed/studied by the new 'crop'.

Good Work.
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