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RS - Day 00 - Boundless Tharagya.


Level of Lemon Feather
Jul 13, 2003
Active Sandbox for:

- blackmagicjack.
- Cosmo_ac.
- tickledgirl.

We are assuming your chars got captured somewhere outside Bisanthium, by a roving squad of Manhunters, hiredswords who look for escapee and runaway slaves.

They saw easy money, and hauled you three along, planning on selling you to slavers back in Arthenas.

Until we choose what day main plot is currently on, you can play here.
I would suggest taking turns, describing your char's feelings and fears.

Somewhere in Northern Tharagya.

Your crimes have finally caught up with you - be they threft, running away from your rightful master, or simply outliving him.

Whether you earnt your freedom through legal means, or simply defied law by wits alone, you're out luck now.

You are currently chained to a metal pole, inside a wobbly roofed carriage; air inside is stuffy, and floor is raw and hard, but at least you were spared from marching behind, chained with the convicted murderers and pit slaves.

Your fate is uncertain, maybe you'll end up serving a just owner; or you'll never see sun again, and die a horrible death in the underground arenas, in Asperum.

All you can do is hope for best, and maybe strike a conversation up with your comrades in misfortune.
Melissana sits on the hard floor of the carriage, biting her lip and trying to hold back her tears. She'd had such a short taste of freedom, and now she was captured again.

(OOC: cosmo, maybe Renos caught Melissana trying to steal from him and in the resultant uproar we both got nabbed? Go with that for interaction if you like the idea, or feel free to ignore it. 🙂 )
Reno grumbled to himself and sighed, as he looked over at the young women a few feet from him. This certainly was not how he had planned on spending his time. He was tempted to yell at her, after all it was her fault they were here in the first place, but yelling would do little good, and probably only draw attention to them that would certainly be unwanted attention.

Reno shifted his weight on the floor, pulling at the manacles that bound him. He heard the rattle of the heavy chain and sighed again. Without his tools, he wouldn't be able to pick any locks, and sadly his tools were out of reach. Though, he admitted to himself, it was better to be chained in a cariage, then bound in stocks. The thought only gave him a bit of comfort though, as he doubted they would be in the carriage forever.

His eyes shifted from his binds to his two companions, the young women and a black male. "The names Reno. Who might you all be?"
*Melissana's eyes flash angrily as the man responsible for her capture (perspective's everything! 🙂 ) speaks. In an angry whisper she replies*

"I'm Melissana, as you'd know if you stopped to ask instead of making such a commotion."

*She sits up sharply as she responds, but suddenly realizes that her movement has tugged at the nearly shredded fabric of her cheap tunic. She tries to adjust the tunic back over her tummy and sides, but the heavy chain comes up short, yanking the manacles around her wrists. She sits back uncomfortably, blushing lightly.*
Shom's eyes flicker to the two other captives as Reno speaks Taking both in with his eyes, he simply says "Shom" and goes back to a melancholy silence, though when Mellisana blushes he looks to her with a faint smile on his lips. "You are chained and most likely to be sold later, yet you worry about your modesty?"
*Melissana looks confused for a moment. As an apprentice, she lived under her teacher's rules and her work was his. But she was not a slave. The threat of her impending slavery is only slowly beginning to dawn.*

Of course, I am. That is...I'd have to work for an owner. But that doesn't mean I'd be uncovered! I mean...err...would I?

*she subsides, shrinking back away from Shom and Reno, nervously trying to shift the frayed remains of her tunic into a more modest position*
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*Shom looks at Mellissana with some sympathy in his eyes, and decides not to answer her question* "How did you two come to be here, neither of you has the look of an escaped slave"
"She stole from me, i made a commotion, and here we are." Reno put bluntly. He didn't appreciate the look Melissana had shot at her. It was deffinitly not his fault that she had chosen him to steal from. The fact she seemed to blame him for what happened would only create complications in the future.

"Does anybody have any idea of how we can get out of here, or where we're headed?" Reno asks, running his hand through his hair.

(OOC: Would Reno still have his lock pick secured in his belt or have they been removed? Also, how far away are there hands bound from there bodies?)
(OOC: Can we just wing it, since we're in a sandbox? I.e. can Cosmo come up with whatever answers he'd like to those questions?)
Melissana glared back at Reno. "I just needed something to wear. I would've paid you..." she trailed off. "...if I had the coin."
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tickledgirl said:
(OOC: Can we just wing it, since we're in a sandbox? I.e. can Cosmo come up with whatever answers he'd like to those questions?)
Sure, that's the whole purpose of this thread: introducing yourselves and getting to know each other, before tackling the "in-continuum" game.

Also consider we are usually lenient with equipment-related issues: if you need a minor item, and it proves to be critical in plot-advancement, we assume you had it all along, or you found it somewhere handy.

I am strict only when players *ask* for a higher lever of simulation: since we don't do dice, I have to track wounds, losses and so on more accurately.
But that is by no means mandatory.
As long as you play with cassandra, you won't be bothered with stats, scores and so on.
"Why did you not trade or work for the clothes?" Shom asked while giving Mellissana a curious look. "As for escape, I had not considered it" Shom replied without emotion, " I was waiting to determine if servitude again would prove acceptable, though if you wanted to escape, they should feed us in the next day or two"
"Trade? What do I have to trade? And who would hire a baker who looks like this," ask Melissana, gesturing at her tattered clothing. "If I could have gotten some clothing, then I would have been able to work."

Glancing at Reno she adds snippily, "And pay for what I needed."

Turning back to Shom she asks, "I assumed they will feed us. At least I hope so. But how food let us escape."
"Yet you did not ask" Shom remarked in answer to her self-pitying retort. "As for escape", he shakes his manacled hands, "perhaps when they feed us, they will remove these". "If you were free what would you do?"
Melissana looks challengingly at Reno. "And what would you have said if I'd asked"?
"I might have given you a little bit of money. However whats done is done." Reno replied, sounding a little irritated. "Instead of focusing on what GOT US here, let's try and figure out a way to GET OUT of here" Reno returns, looking at the girl with a tired expression. Being in chains was not new to him, but it was still unpleasent. Had had quickly learned though, that spending your time going over how youy screwed up, or what you could have done differently, was best left to be analyzed once you were out of the chains again.
Melissana starts to reply defensively "You wouldn't..." but then she stops. "No, you're right. We can argue about it later."

"But," she looks around, tugging at the chain holding her, "I still don't understand how food will let us escape."
Shom looked at Melissa with a confused look on his face, " I have been a slave for 20 years, it had never occurred to me to plan an escape, I simply assumed if I had my hands free an opportunity would present itself"

At which point Shom shifts to stand on his feet in a crouch and stretches his stiff muscles. "But are you certain you wish to escape, it would only mean that you would be back in the same predictament that you were before"

"But if escape is our plan" looking at Reno, "then it would be best to work together and know what each of us is capable of."
"I'm a thief by trade. I can pick pockets, and locks, if i have the right tools, or the ability to reach my locks." Reno shifted slightly. "Unfortionatly, i can't do that right now. Other then that, i can handle myself alright in a fight."

"What about you?" Reno asks his dark skinned companion. "What skills do you have?
Melissa looks at Reno in surprise. "You're a thief?! And you made such a fuss about me trying to borrow some clothing. Hmmph!"

Calming slightly, she goes on "Well, despite what you seem to assume, male aren't the only one with skills. I'm good at not being seen...err, when I'm not getting myself into trouble, that is. It's a skill one needs to learn as an apprentice, at least with a master like mine. Similarly, I'm not bad at overhearing conversations. And at dodging, or patching up wounds."

She says this last quietly, the pain of her memories - dodging blows and caring for wounds - clear in her eyes. Then her chin comes up.

"And I'm the best baker you'll ever meet. Give me half a chance and make you the best bread, cakes, or whatever you like. Good enough to serve at the emperor's own table!"

OOC: Let me know if I'm being too obnoxious. I'm playing Melissana as quite the bitch, mostly because she's very scared right now and trying to cover it.
Shom actually grinned at Mellissana's explosion, " I do not think he was discounting you, and I am quite relieved for one that we have someone who knows her way around a kitchen among us". Turning to Reno " I was bodyservant to the women of House of Artosa, my most valuable skill at this juncture would be that I am skilled in combat, I can take six of our captors, barring interference."

(OOC: If that's the best you have for bitchiness, you're going have to go back to bitch school, Tickledgirl 😀)
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"Being a thief doesn';t mean i enjoy being stolen from anymore then the next person. In fact, it's considerably worse. Try thinking of it like how you'd feel if another chef stole your favourite rescipe." Reno responded. He then leaned backward again testing his bonds. So, a thief, a ex-servant, and a cook...interesting combination.

"Well, i can't pick the locks until i get some tools, so i think we'll just have to await until an opertunity arises."
Melissana rolls her eyes. "That analogy is all wrong. A thief steals, a chef cooks. So apart from the fact that I'm a baker not a chef, I wouldn't be offended if an amateur tried to bake me a cake. I certainly wouldn't shout at them and get them locked up."

Then primly, "But you were right, even if you couldn't stick to the plan. We should concentrate on the future, not the past. For now, I suppose we'll have to wait for some food to make our escape."
You hear loud knocking on the wagon's planks.

"Quiet inside!"

Apparently manhunters aren't in for some chitchat.
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