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RS - Day 00 - Boundless Tharagya.

Kalamos said:
They want the narrators to oversee their game.
I did my part, introducing them to the game, but they now claim they are ready for the real thing.

When I asked if we should run the sandbox and escape ourselves you intimated that you had something planned, and made it 100% clear that escape was impossible.

I know GM-ing takes a lot of time and attention, and it seems like this is a hassle for you guys. Speaking for myself, I think we can run our own sandbox for a while and see how it goes. Would that be easier on you?
I guess I spent all the love and attention I could give for the background part. 😉
I'd really like to oversee your game guys, but I simply can't keep up a reasonable pace.

Either I turn your game over to cassandra, and you assume that escape is possible, after all - and it is, since I planned something you aren't aware of yet that makes it feasible 😉 - or you wait a bit longer, and let me post at my own - slow - pace.

There are a couple of things I'd like to implement - I've been planning to for months; something I'd like to add are simple stats, and some unforeseen element to the game - but I need guys who can show more than a fair amount of patience.

How does it sound?
The lack of responses speaks eloquently enough, considering the hurry to game on you guys were in. 😉
Please refer to cassandra for further instructions.
Shom leaned over closely to his other two compatriots. "If we are to escape, I must know something. What will do after we escape?"
"Do? We'll be free. Or do you mean where we should go? I don't know much about the area we're in. Do you?"
"Will we be better off free?" Shom looked into the girl's eyes to see her reaction. "As for knowing the area, I know Bisanthium, though I have seen maps of surrounding lands."
"Do?" Reno raised an eyebrow. "Being free again sounds good for a start. And from there, i'll go back to my thieving ways. A person has to make a living after all."
OOC: Well, i think we could use some direction. I think our charactors are all talked out and we're basically waiting for something to happen.
Ooc: Got any ideas on what you want to happen next? Your characters can be pursued by someone but I think you might want to get to the tickling part as soon as possible.
Ooc: Well, I certainly wouldn't mind getting to some tickling. 🙂 But that shouldn't constrain the story. Do what works best for you.
Ooc: I don't have any ideas right now. Maybe you can wait and see if Kalamos suggests anything, or wait for something to happen in Bisanthium that you can get involved in.
Kalamos discussed an escape earlier. Would it be okay if we came up with something along those lines ourselves? (At the risk of having the slavers not be quite as omni-prepared as Kalamos had implied.)
The cart has a secret weakness. Applying some force, it might come apart easier than first expected. Some external shock, such as upturning the wagons, might help.
You can play from there.
OCC: Might i make a suggestion? Perhaps the slavers have stopped for the night to set up camp, and they take us out of the wagon for some torture fun. I'm not sure where Jack's preferences lie here, so perhaps he just watches bound to a tree. Anyway, nce the guards have there fun, they bind the rest of us with Jack's Char to a tree so they can go back and enjoy more drinking by the fire. During this time, perhaps Jack has managed to find an old nail, sharp rock or something and cut away at the ropes binding him, so after the guards have left, he cant break the ropes, release the others, and they can all make a break for it. Just an idea.
Cosmo, would you like to oversee this thread?
You said you have experience with DM'ing, and a sub-narrator might help with parallel plot lines.
This should make this story-line self contained and consistent, and speed up game a bit.
Drop me a line if you need infos.
OOC: cosmo, does this work for you? Just to throw in my 2 cents, I think it's a great idea. (Of course I'm not the one who'd have to do the work, so that's easy for me to say.)
OOC: I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes. Expect my first post some time tommorow, though don't have too high of expectations 😉
OCC: Well, here is my first post, nothing special, but it's late tonight and i need to try and get some sleep 😉 I'll post a follow up tommorow. Oh, and i'll be trying to keep my GM typing in the little slanted text that Kal has been using.

DM Talk

As the hours of silence pass by, the new companions can only sit and muse over there possible fate. Your only interaction with your new captors is when they toss you a water skin and a few apples for sustenance. The encroaching darkness, as the last shades of sunlight that shined through the slight tears of the fabric of the carriage canvas, makes for an unsettling sight as it robs you of one of the last things you possessed. The ability to clearly see your surroundings.

In the darkness you travel, feeling the carriage jostle and jump whenever the wheels hit something, and occurrence which seems to be happening more and more commonly as time passes. Outside you can hear the chirps of crickets and the hoots of owls.

What seems like several more hours pass by before the carriage comes to a shuttering halt. Outside you can hear the sounds of the Manhunters as they bark at each other. While what most of they say is unintelligible, it would seem your captors have decided to set up camp for the night.

And as you hear a few voices from just outside the carriage, it seems that they haven’t forgotten about you either…
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Italic is my way to post out of char. 😉
I sometimes resort to Bold for DM talk, but as long as you notify you're posting in DM talk it should be fine.

If you really need infos, you can check my older post, Tharagya and alii.
DM Talk

The creaking of old wood straining can be heard as the enterance to the Carriage is opened. One male and one female manhunter enter. Any thoughts of trying to take the two quickly evaperates as you can easily see several more behind them, armed with swords.

The male is large and musculer, probably standing about 6 feet tall, wearing a simple green vest and brown pants. If you had to guess, you'd say hes in his mid thirties to early forties. A large sword hangs of his belt to his right. The light of outside torches shines off his clean shaven head. While not a handsome man, he certainly isn't what most would call ugly either, finding a good middle ground.

The female behind him is some what a contrast to the large, imposing frame of the man beside her. Standing barely over 5'2, and probably no older then 24, she has a small, pixy-like frame, slender and barely looking more then a hundred pounds, though she doesn't seem overly skinny. her short dirty blond hair moves slightly from the wind, her blue eyes dancing with excitement as she looks over the captives, a mischivious smile on her face. She is dressed in a knee length skirt with a green vest similiar to the one the male is wearing, though this one exposes her toned belly and shows off her small but pert breasts.

"Lets take them out for some air...and a bit of fun..." The small girl says, an impish grin on her face as she looks over both males. She gives the large man a smile. "Come on Brom."

"Fine Shale..." The man says with a slight sigh. Reaching down, he unfastens the bindings of each member, using a small metal key he takes from his pocket. With a hand on the hilt of his sword, he gestures for the others to exit, while Shale hops out the front, looking at your small troup expectantly.

When you get outside you can see the bustling activities of the Manhunters as they set up camp for the night. Brom steps out behind you, watching for even the slightest chance you'll make a break for it, while Shale simply lets her eyes dance over you, her grin ear from ear.
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