DM Talk
The creaking of old wood straining can be heard as the enterance to the Carriage is opened. One male and one female manhunter enter. Any thoughts of trying to take the two quickly evaperates as you can easily see several more behind them, armed with swords.
The male is large and musculer, probably standing about 6 feet tall, wearing a simple green vest and brown pants. If you had to guess, you'd say hes in his mid thirties to early forties. A large sword hangs of his belt to his right. The light of outside torches shines off his clean shaven head. While not a handsome man, he certainly isn't what most would call ugly either, finding a good middle ground.
The female behind him is some what a contrast to the large, imposing frame of the man beside her. Standing barely over 5'2, and probably no older then 24, she has a small, pixy-like frame, slender and barely looking more then a hundred pounds, though she doesn't seem overly skinny. her short dirty blond hair moves slightly from the wind, her blue eyes dancing with excitement as she looks over the captives, a mischivious smile on her face. She is dressed in a knee length skirt with a green vest similiar to the one the male is wearing, though this one exposes her toned belly and shows off her small but pert breasts.
"Lets take them out for some air...and a bit of fun..." The small girl says, an impish grin on her face as she looks over both males. She gives the large man a smile. "Come on Brom."
"Fine Shale..." The man says with a slight sigh. Reaching down, he unfastens the bindings of each member, using a small metal key he takes from his pocket. With a hand on the hilt of his sword, he gestures for the others to exit, while Shale hops out the front, looking at your small troup expectantly.
When you get outside you can see the bustling activities of the Manhunters as they set up camp for the night. Brom steps out behind you, watching for even the slightest chance you'll make a break for it, while Shale simply lets her eyes dance over you, her grin ear from ear.