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RS - Day 00 - Boundless Tharagya.

Reno had been sitting in the stocks for a while now, listening to the cries of laughter from his new female companion. At first, part of him had enjoyed the scene. After all, she was the reason he was here in the first place, so let her suffer for a while. However, as her clothing was stripped from her, and the tickling became more intense, Reno stated to get a little bothered by her plight. After several moments as shale seemed to be uninteredted in giving Melissana even the smallest of breaks, he finally had enough.

"Hey, Bitch!" Reno called out in a loud voice. "Why don't you give it a rest already and let her be?"
Shale stops, glaring at the slave who just made a bold display of audacity. She walks over to Reno and responds, "I suppose you don't want to be left out, do you?" Taking a look at Reno's bare feet, secured in the stocks, she slides her fingertips up both soles at the same time, then slides them back down to the heels.
While Reno keeps a calm face as Shale walked over, a cold chill ran down Reno's back. The chill quickly becomes a winter storm as Shale cruelly runs her fingers up and and then down Reno's soles. At the first touch of her fingers, Reno's teeth grit, his lips becoming a straight line across his face. However, as Shales fingers glide over his soles, his eyes quickly shut, a rebelous smirk fighting it's way to his face.

"Heh, stop it!" Reno complains, trying to miantain some degree of control. Control, that he is finding, is quickly slipping out of his grasp.
"What's the matter? Are you ticklish too?" Shale taunts, letting her fingernails glide slowly across Reno's soles. Slowly and gently, but by no means pleasurable. A sadistic grin appears on her face, the same one she had when she was tormenting Melissana. And just like with Melissana, the more Reno tries to stay in control, the faster those fingers move all over his sensitive feet.
"No..." Reno responds to Shales asking if he's ticklish, however the internal struggle, so well display on his face, seems to suggest otherwise. It would seem that despite his protests to the opposite, Reno is indeed ticklish. After a few more minutes of shale slowly dragging her nails allong Reno's feet, he breaks out into laughter.

"Aahahahahahaa stoppit!" Reno finally desolves into laughter. He tries to pull his feet away instinctively, but the stocks are well designed, allowing him only the mobility to wiggle his toes in response. It was times like these Reno wished he didn't have size 12 feet.
Shale continues to wiggle her fingers up and down Reno's feet, digging in a little deeper until it almost seems like she is scratching the tender soles. "Aha, so you are ticklish!" she says, still taunting Reno in a childish manner, "Well then, laugh it up. A ticklish slave is sought after these days. You may end up in a hands of a torturer more sadistic than me."
Melissana watches with confusion clear on her face. Her own torment has finally stopped, and she blames Reno for her enslavement. But she can't help feeling sympathy as Shale tortures his feet.

Finally she can't stand it. "Please, why can't you just leave us alone!"
"Thats enough out of your yap, wench!" Brom says rather sternly, giving Mellissana an evil look. "Your strung up there to laugh, not speak." He glowers at the girl. Suddenly a grin spreads over his face. However, it's not the type of grin that would put ones mind at ease.

"You know, i don't think i said you could stop laughing dear." Brom's grin broadened. "Perhaps i should tickle you myself. Or maybe i should get these men to tickle you dear? How does that sound?" He sneers, as several of the guards exchange looks, obviously liking the idea.
Melissana looks wordlessly from Brom to Shale, then back to Reno in the stocks. She opens her mouth to plead for mercy, but slowly shuts it, unable to think of anything that won't get her more tickling.
Watching the scene between Brom and Melissana in frustration, Shom slowly begins to test his bounds.
"You know, i think i have a better idea." Brom says with a grin. He walks by mellissa, reaching one hand down absentmindedly and giving her tush a little tickle before he heads towards the stocks.

Brom's eyes fasten on Shom, ignoring Shale and her adventures beside his target. Slowly he unlocks Shom. "Now, stand up, or you and your friends will get an arrow in the gut." Brom orders, and from the number of guards standing about, it seems he could very well make good on that threat.
Shom stands and stretches, looking Brom in the eye. "What game are you going to play with me?" he says coolly.
"It's a simple game really." Brom responds, grinning. "I want you to begin tickling your friend here." Brom makes a gesture towards melissana. "If you don't, then i'm afraid we'll have to loose an arrow in her, as she'll now longer be as entertaining."
Melissana lets out a terrified gasp and tugs desperately at the ropes.

W-what?! Please, don't shoot me!
Shom angrily walks over to Melissana, hesitates then puts his hands on her sides, just below her armpits. "Forgive me," he whispers to her, and begins to lightly move his fingers up and down along her sides.
Melissana nods briefly as Shom whispers to her. Then she drops her gaze, his closeness making her suddenly very conscious of her nudity.

She bites her lip as his fingers touch her skin. His fingers skim along her skin and she tries to hold back the giggles that well up. She twists to one side, then straightens suddenly and tries to hold, feeling his fingers so near her exposed breasts.
Noticing Melissana's unease, Shom moves behind her dropping his hands to tickle the sides of her stomach, kneading the muscles that lie along there.
Melissana's grateful smile at Shom quickly gives way as the laughter she was struggling to hold back breaks free. She twists and turns, pulling against the ropes that bind her.

"Aaahahahahahahahaha! Ohhahaha...my tummy! Aaahahaaaa..."
Shom works on Melissa's tummy for a few more minutes, then decides to give her a break by slowly lifting the pressure off her stomach and just gliding his hands down her sides, from stomach to hips.
Melissana's laughter eases when Shom's hands move from her stomach, although she continues to giggle quietly as she catches her breath.

"Oh...heeheehee...oh my. Can...heeheeheehee...can he stop now?"
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Shom turns his head to look at Brom and the girl, decides that silence is not an acknowledgment to stop. He slowly glides his fingers across Melissana's ribs, then moves them up to her armpits and begins to kneed the muscles on her the undersides of her arms. Whispering in her ear, " I know this is agony, is there something I can do to make it more pleasant for you?"
Melissana squeals as Shom's fingers move up her sides to tickle under her arms. She starts to blurt out an answer to his question, but her laughter interrupts. When it subsides for a moment, she still doesn't answer, glancing under her eyelashes at the men avidly watching her. But as she twists and turns, the sides of her breasts brush repeatedly against Shom's tickling fingers.
As Melissana's breasts brush Shom's fingers for the third time, he leans in and whispers in her ear, "Was the girl right and you do enjoy this, I have known women who do." With that Shom drags his fingers along Melissana's breasts till they are just beneath them. He then begins to tickle underneath the sweet mounds of flesh.
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