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same-sex marriages on going Battle

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TMF Expert
Nov 5, 2003
Did you hear the speech that Mr. Pres Bush gave on this issue? i think the speech was today. But it was on like every news stationed that covered this topic! i 110% back up the president on this issue. i don't care how much Gay couples complain and cry over to wanting to have a part in marriage and making it legal for them to get married just like between a man and a women. it is totaly wrong and going against what the word of Gods says and Stands for. Becasue my dad said just tonight (he is a christian btw) but that if you allow Gay couples and thier rights for them to get married in every state. Then over time you will have to allow insest marriages to happen and Mormons to get married as well.

i will like Gays as people but i do and will not like them for what they stand for and thier lifestyles that they live
BellyButtonsRoc said:
i will like Gays as people but i do and will not like them for what they stand for and thier lifestyles that they live

That is incredibly unopen-minded. It's you point of view though.
By the way have you never heard of those priest abusing children ???
Do you think it's normal ???? Can those people do what they want ???
What do you think about it ??
Sees !!
Well as two lesbians who aspire to marry but thankfully not in America your point of view is your own. We fail to see how two women being in love is wrong or against God, since we both believe in Him, but we are sure you will respect our point of view that we don't mind you, but we hope you live your life in Iraq and get blown up. Two lesbians getting married in no way harms you or angers God. AS usual someone has to be a narrow minded jerk and what a surprise it is the man who skipped military service and thinks Nigeria is a continent MR George W. Bush! Bush is one of the uneducated president yet. While Mr Clinton is a Yale Graduate, Mr George W. receives an honorary degree! But enough about that. Explain how lesbian marriages = incest. Because incest is biological wrong and lesbianism is much safer than heterosexual "Right" sex because you can't get pregnant and get HIV! So um what harms you about two girls getting married? We hope you'll respect our point of view as we respect yours.
Thank you BellyButtonsRoc
P.S we also like navels and though we find men uninteresting like you we will like them as people and tolerate their lifestyle cause it doesn't hurt us! We take it a girl left you for another... Don't feel bad BBR after all only a woman can really satisfy a woman, even if you lack balls!
-> original poster.

... I just wonder how comes this almighty Gods needs so many people to voice His will...

Really, God, give us a call, drop us a line. Send a god-o-gram and tell us: "Aye, gay couples give me the shivers... I'm 4 thousand years old and I'm homophobic."


Mmm... no, mailbox is empty. Maybe God is busy counting casualties.

What about letting Him [or Her... or It] alone, and thinking about things with common sense?

Do we really need a God? An elastic, handy Over-Father to excuse for all our mistakes?

And if we do need Him, is this the Love he wanted us to share? Did he send His son to die just to have ppl fighting over it - 2000 years later?

Do you really believe in supreme Good and Godly love, or is He/Her/It just an excuse for horrible deeds, done in His/Her/Its name?

Maybe a gay couple can't bear children, but what about feelings, about love?

I've seen some footage of gay marriage: those couples looked happy, truly in love. Are we so mean, so shortsighted, so self-righteous to tell them "No, this is Wrong"?

If you really believe in God, pray Him/Her/It for peace, and let the sleeping gays lie.

My 2 eurocents.

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Kalamos said:
Do we really need a God? An elastic, handy Over-Father to excuse for all our mistakes?

A doG ? no thanx 🙄 What we need is tickling 🙂
Once i saw a comic and the god was represented by a person just like you see in offices sitting in a front of his computer and when someone came to see him he asked her/his name and so on then he just erased them from the human list and said : okay it's over now LOL - that was thread apart - 😀
alf said:
A doG ? no thanx 🙄 What we need is tickling 🙂
Once i saw a comic and the god was represented by a person just like you see in offices sitting in a front of his computer and when someone came to see him he asked her/his name and so on then he just erased them from the human list and said : okay it's over now LOL - that was thread apart - 😀
as a lesbian living in socalif.i dont think same sex couples should get married...i know kinda weird coming from a lesbian..but just wanted to give 2 cents in

tiffanyfoottklr said:
as a lesbian living in socalif.i dont think same sex couples should get married...i know kinda weird coming from a lesbian..but just wanted to give 2 cents in


It's not weird it is a point of view - but you do not need to get married to live together though.
alf said:
It's not weird it is a point of view - but you do not need to get married to live together though.
very true i am with my g/f for 2 yr's now and i am very happy with or without licens...
Thank you Kalamos--Ammending the constitution to ban gay marriage, regardless of your political or religious views, is hypocritical--it goes against the whole basis for the constitution, and the foundation of this country!!! To deny people the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" by banning gay marriage, you deny basic human rights. Also, to declare that one of the reasons for banning gay marriage is because it is a sin against God or because the Bible says it's wrong...what happened to separation of church and state? What happened to all men being created equal? The last time we reduced the Constitution was Prohibition...we all know how well that worked...

Most importantly, I fail to see how letting people who are committed to one another, and who are adding more love and joy to this world by being together in matrimony goes against/threatens the "American Family." I think Bush is more frightened than threatened, personally...I'm apalled and disgusted by our President, as he sounds like a small child who has been backed into a corner by a small group of wealthy Conservatives who are financially backing his campaign for reelection/demise of the American People...

BBR--your comments disgust and sadden me...I thought you were more open minded than that...it's ok for you to discuss two chicks tickling eachother, but when it comes to the two of them being in love, you play the religion card? How very sad, and small your world must be. I feel sorry for you and hope that some day you are able to broaden your horizons and realize that God is LOVE--plain and simple. He does not discriminate, and, if you are one of his devout followers, you shouldn't either. I cannot deny anyone the right to be homophobic...however, in turn, don't deny ME the right to feel and love how/who I want...
None of the writers of the constitution could ever forsee the need to ban what in their eyes was wrong and would always be wrong. Most, if not all of the writers of the constitution believed in God and that the Bible was THE guide by which to live. The constitution DOES NOT contain a “separation of church and state”. It contains an anti-establishment clause in the first amendment – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” This is to keep the state out of the church, not the church out of the state. There are also numerous limitations on the “pursuit of happiness”, which, by the way, is not a right in the constitution, but a concept in the Declaration of Independence.

Yes God is love, but God is not lust. He loves all his children equally and does not love homosexuals less than any other sinner. That is good for me because I sin every day. He does not discriminate, but He will judge us all. He calls us to judge/discern every day – between right and wrong, good and evil – sometimes hundreds of times a day. That is why He gave us the Bible to help us discern between them.

BBR is not homophobic. He is not irrationally fearful of or hateful towards homosexuals, he just doesn’t approve of the acts they engage in, which the Bible tells us is wrong (i.e. an abomination, wicked, etc…) behavior. BBR has ample support in both the Old and New Testaments. Homosexual acts are not condoned anywhere in the Bible.

As God’s children we are called to love one another, not lust after one another – either homosexually or heterosexually. No one can deny you the right to feel whatever you wish, but there can and must be limits on how you express/act out those feelings.
i dont think its normal for gays to get married. the day a man can get another man pregnant or a woman get another woman pregnant is the day ill accept gay marriage. until then, why cant they just be happy with civil unions? 😉
I personally think that it should be legal, not just because I am bisexual either. No offense to anyone, but screw you christians that believe other ways, oh it's not God's will BS. I am personally not God's child, my mom made me okay I was a sperm. Anyways my point is that, we all have our rights, gays have them too. And they are citizens of the US, so they should be allowed to do what they believe they should as their own right. It's not fair for heterosexuals to marry the ones that they love, and not the homos. Marriage is something extremely special. It's not like gays are freakin' aliens or that it's a disease. I respect gay rights.
i think its going to open all kinds of doors. next thing will be people wanting to marry pets, or thier own family members or god knows what!
If being pregnant is the key word, then mature couple should NOT get married, since they are too old to bear children.

What about sterile persons? Since they can bear no children, their marriage should be void as well...

Come on... it's a matter of love and feelings. Letting gay couples marry isn't really belittling traditional marriage. It's just a sign of social open mindedness.

Gay work and pay taxes. I can't really see no good reason to ban gay marriages - expect out of meanness.

My 2 eurocents.


-> Maniac

Quite meaningful... 😉

"Marry pets". As if gay were animals or something like that.
Besides, what's in for you if men marry men, and women, women?

Do you fear being forced to marry a bearded hairy sailorman? 😀

What about if they found tickling immoral, uh? It's illegal in some states, did you know?

What if someone decided to meddle with YOUR private life and sexuality? What if they said fetishist can't marry 'cause they'd make bad parents? It's not sci-fi.

Think about it. Tolerance. I don't even speak about respect, but... tolerance.

As above, my 2 eurocents.

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My sentiments exactly...pets and family marriage...well, I am not into either, but there are genetic, FACTUAL reasons why such unions would never work. Bestiality and Incest are in a category all their own...gay folks...well, we're just open minded lovers...nothing wrong with love...and I still don't see how gay marriage is a threat to the "American Family"...thank you Kalamos for having such a level head and open mind...
I'm not level headed. I'm not even THAT tolerant, or respectful of others. 🙂

But... I sometimes pause and think: what if somebody started banning something I do like?

What if they said alternative lifestyles are immoral? Tickling fetish would become illegal, maybe.

No, while I think there must be laws to protect people and society, such laws should be an expression of people as a whole.

If a law needs to be amended, so be it.

Besides I - too - can't see how allowing for some slack is going to make society crumble.

Especially, I don't understand why common ppl should be allowed to decide for others!

How can a non-gay person decide about a gay person's feeling?

It would be as if I, a man, wanted to decide for all women. I am not a woman, how can I make a law about women, without asking them what they feel?

No, really, being tolerant is not a sign of weakness. It's just a sign of open-mindedness and faith in our society and civilization.

Only fearful ppl fight to the bitter ends. 🙂

My 2 ... well, you know what. 😀 😀 😀


Camel26 said:
well, we're just open minded lovers...nothing wrong with love.

All we need is love *singing* all we need is love *all together* all we need is love love, love is all we need 🙂
The Beatles by the way for those who have not guessed 😀
Speaking of animals, did you know Batman and Robin were a gay couple?

😀 😀 😀
Kalamos said:
Speaking of animals, did you know Batman and Robin were a gay couple?

😀 😀 😀

The curious point is the fact that homosexuality is......ow well known for centuries if not above - and people became to talk about it more often now which is quite good though. D'oh ! 🙂
It's really a matter of society and times. While in ancient Greece it was quite normal - and to some extent even pedophily was [but don't confuse homosexuality with pedophily, since they aren't really the same], in Rome it was shunned.

The Teban Holy Battalion was the best of the best, and the soldiers were all lovers. They fought for their comrade in arms and mate. And never gave quarters to the enemy.

In medieval times religion was very wary of male homosexuality, and some of them were burn at the stake.

It's all about times, culture and milieu. That's why I can't really see why ppl make a fuss over these matters.

Why is Mr President so worried about gay ppl? Can't they shoot a rifle... straight? 😛


[Alf, that one was a pun in english: straight also means non-gay. It's a common yet derogatory term, since it implies gay ppl are warped... 😉 ]

So let me get this straight, homosexuals getting married will destroy and make a mockery of the whole married institution........
But the 60% divorce rate, drive through wedding chapels, and Britney Spears 55 hour drunken marriage in Vegas are perfectly ok, right?

The people who speak the loudest against homosexuality get the most aroused when viewing gay porn? It's a fact!
Kalamos said:
It's really a matter of society and times.

[Alf, that one was a pun in english: straight also means non-gay. It's a common yet derogatory term, since it implies gay ppl are warped... 😉 ]

Yeah agree - how about that island named Lesbos ?.......
Well another point to that thread : are bi sexuals people statified as lesbian or gay ?
And thanx for the straight i heard of it sometimes it's not used much - or i have not heard it much too.
Warped.....cannot even imagine LOL
civilization itself was based and founded on a man and women. i have no problem with civil unions. i just think this marriage thing will lead to big social and economic problems.
I didn't bother reading this whole post, just a few of the beginning ones. Seriously, I don't see any problem with gay people getting married, who gives a damn? Screw God about all this shit. I don't believe in him, and everything I keep hearing about him, makes me think that if by some off-chance he is real, that I would hate him so much.

Anyway, I think everyone shoudl just let gay people do what they want. There's not a goddamn thing wrong with it, and I am sick of hearing about it.

And that's my opinion. Whee.
i just got up out of bed so im still alittle tired 😛

But i just thought i would check on my thread and i see that alot of people wrote back to it. But anyways Why do some of you people think that it should be legal? Myself as a christian i shouldn't go against Gods word because it clearly states MARRIAGE should be between a Man and a Woman. it NEVER says Marriage shoud be betweeen a Man and a Man or a Woman and another Woman. Thats for sure it clearly is stated and layed out. and gibby is right i do not Hate Gay people i like them as people (i never said that once in my first thread) what i said was i just do not agree with there lifestyle that Gay people are living.
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