What a great thread! I know that the last post was in February, but I just
have to respond... (This is my first day on the board.)
Bravo to everyone who said whatever floats your boat. I am into m/m, but I think f/f, m/f and f/m are cool, too.
I honestly don't know if I would enjoy being tickled by a woman, but I would be willing to try it. Same for tickling one. My fantasies are about men, but ya never know... I always like expanding my horizons, and such an experience would give me the chance to think about what I WOULD like if I WERE straight...
I have a background in science fiction fandom, where I have met a lot of slash writers who are still friends today. Slash = romantic and/or sexual stories about characters... Mulder and Scully, Kirk and Spock, all three of Charlie's Angels in a tub of whipped cream... Whatever. Although I have written mostly m/m slash, I know that most m/m slash is actually written by heterosexual or bisexual women. They write gays better than we write ourselves! I have been moved to tears by some of the m/m romantic slash some of my female friends have written
I say all this because, years ago, two bisexual women once requested a lesbian story from me--and I gave it my all. Not only did they find it hot but, shock of all shocks, a gay male friend told me that even
he had found it hot. I have to admit that I did have fun writing it. I had the chance to think about what I WOULD like if I WERE a lesbian.
I may even try my hand at a F/M tickling story (or maybe mutual M/F and F/M tickling?) here. Why not? I do get a tiny bit bi-curious every now and then.
Let's see what happens to my first piece of m/m tickle fiction, which I posted a little while ago. Once I get my tickle pens in gear...
Some people (both straight and gay) are not comfortable experiencing tickling with the sex they are not attractred to... And that is fine. Anyone who is not against my freedom is cool in my book. He or she need not like the same things. I have more straight male friends than gay friends, and they accept me as a gay person. (At the risk of sounding stereotypical... We're talking poker and beer in someone's basement--or even in my apartment.) I don't need to flaunt anything or make them uncomfortable by testing the waters in any way. They are my friends. Period.
Some people on this thread asked if it is offensive when they say they are not to be into m/m stories. NOT AT ALL! Again, whatever floats your boat.
But if I ever do meet a straight guy who wants his feet tickled by me, super cool! (Hasn't happened since I was in my late teens... And now I am in my late 30s) I don't tickle any of my straight male friends today, but there were many tickle fights when we were teens. I can still see them in my mind's eye...