26 less Americans, how is that a bad thing?
You are a disgusting beast.
I know you think you are funny, and I am one that appreciates a joke as much as the next guy, but that is over the line.
26 less Americans, how is that a bad thing?
26 less Americans, how is that a bad thing?
26 less Americans, how is that a bad thing?
And also make a point to report his post.
No...let his words stand so that all will know what he is and avoid patronizing his site...He has no use for Americans so I am sure he has no use for our money...
You are a disgusting beast.
I know you think you are funny, and I am one that appreciates a joke as much as the next guy, but that is over the line.
Is has been said that the shooter was Autistic. As a parent of an adult Autistic, I can see this happening on certain levels. I have no sympathy for him nor do make any excuses; but I can understand how it ended up happening in an elementary school. That might have been his mental age depending upon the severity of his Autism. Case in point, my son is chronologically 27 but has a mental age of about 14. There are times he borders genius, and times I scratch my head wondering how he managed to get himself in certain types of trouble.......then I have to remember his mental/maturity age.
I cannot ever see my son blowing me away then going to his former elementary school and blowing away 26 people......not at all. But although my son is immature on many levels, he has enough presence of mind to know if he uses violence to solve a problem, this ain't tv, he'll suffer the most dire of consequences and he knows he's not jail material!
As immature and irresponsible he can be at times (and trust me, he can give me a run for my money), I'm so glad that he wouldn't stoop to such lows. If a 20 year old is that sick, he belonged in an assisted living facility at the very least, or institutionalized.
Something went terribly wrong here and we'll probably never know everything about it. Sad and tragic.![]()
26 less Americans, how is that a bad thing?
Ignorant fucks like you should be in the shooter's way. Not innocent children.
I'm disgusted by DutchTickler's comment just like the rest of you but I think it's obvious that he is just looking to grab our attention. Like the members of the Westboro Baptist Church (which made some very disgusting comments about the shooting) he is simply going to say hateful things to stir up trouble. Lets not give him the time of day.
I'm disgusted by DutchTickler's comment just like the rest of you but I think it's obvious that he is just looking to grab our attention. Like the members of the Westboro Baptist Church (which made some very disgusting comments about the shooting) he is simply going to say hateful things to stir up trouble. Lets not give him the time of day.
26 less Americans, how is that a bad thing? My clips: http://www.clips4sale.com/301
26 less Americans, how is that a bad thing?
Thank you so much for handling this properly.The above mentioned studio has been closed and this person will no longer be allowed to use our services.
Clips4Sale.com in no way wishes to be associated with this sort of comment and we apologize to anyone who has been offended by this persons callous and upsetting comments over the tragedy that took place in Connecticut. We are all deeply saddened by the events that happened and give our heartfelt condolences to those who are suffering from this devastating incident.
The above mentioned studio has been closed and this person will no longer be allowed to use our services.
Clips4Sale.com in no way wishes to be associated with this sort of comment and we apologize to anyone who has been offended by this persons callous and upsetting comments over the tragedy that took place in Connecticut. We are all deeply saddened by the events that happened and give our heartfelt condolences to those who are suffering from this devastating incident.
The above mentioned studio has been closed and this person will no longer be allowed to use our services.
Clips4Sale.com in no way wishes to be associated with this sort of comment and we apologize to anyone who has been offended by this persons callous and upsetting comments over the tragedy that took place in Connecticut. We are all deeply saddened by the events that happened and give our heartfelt condolences to those who are suffering from this devastating incident.