Trying to look back, it's really tough to figure out what exactly prompted the radium bog idea, HDS... as you indicate, influences from all over tend to get get scrambled together. Most likely it was old "Tarzan" movies :laughing: ... as a kid, I was always really impressed each time some bad guy disappeared into quicksand! It seemed a particularly nasty, exotic way to meet your end! The Lord of the Rings and the Dune series have always been amongst my very favorite reading... it seems impossible they wouldn't have been prime influences. As in The Two Towers, the bog was supposed to have formed around the site of a disaster (a radioactive meteor strike). A large dollop of King Kong will become obvious too, the further we proceed.
The primary source of inspiration for this whole project was Treasure Island (small surprise there), one of my favorite stories since childhood, with a bit of Moby Dick thrown in for spice (the random, multi-ethnic nature of the ships' crews; the name "Talioshi', a rather deliberate take-off on the Pequod's second harpooneer, Tashtego). Wilbur Webfoot is sort of a Jim Hawkins surrogate, though of course he doesn't receive the same focus as in the original. And many of the details don't have literary antecidents at all. I've lived in a quiet rural setting my whole life... without outside distratctions, the mind does tend to wander...