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Stupid phrases or sayings

In my job as a security guard, I have a another phrase I don't think has be'en mentioned here but perhaps people like myself or even fathers, older siblings, babysitters, etc. have experienced. When someone tells you:


If you weren't causing trouble then I wouldn't be speaking to you, yet here we are.
There are two that really annoy me:

The Other Day

In any context of the sentence. For example, "My buddy and I went driving the other day..." The other day... When? See, the problem with this statement is that 'The Other Day' could be yesterday, could be a week ago, could be a year ago... I really hate it when people say that because then I have to ask them when and they get all defensive because apparently 'The Other Day' should explain it.

(It gets really bad on the East Coast of Canada, where I used to live.. They say that alllll the time).

Be That As It May

This kind of goes along with Vlad's With All Due Respect one, except this saying is less polite... At least to me it seems that way. Honestly, I don't know why this statement bothers me, but I just cringe everytime I hear it.

Oh, and for honourable mention, anyone who ends their question with "at" really need a vocabulary lesson. For example, "Where are you at?" or "Where's so-and-so at?" Oh, I hate that so much. (Again, you hear it mostly on the East Coast of Canada... Boy I'm glad I don't live there no more). 😵
I hate it when my mom uses this excuse with the kids: "Because I said so". Use "Don't question me" or something like that, but "Because I said so" just makes them want to know WHY. 😛

here's one I hate.


And here is a typical conversation by a snotty girl.

"So, like, I went to the store, right, an' like, I saw that bitch , so I like, went over to her an' like went "Wussup, bitch"."
Rofl@Wade. xD

The one I find quite irritating is the "That's gay! It's gay! You're so gay!1" kinda stuff I keep hearing from people. These sayings are almost always used as a form of insult to someone that the sayer doesn't like or used when something occurs that the person may dislike. Gay is simply a term that describes someone as being attracted to someone of the same sex. Either that or meaning to be happy. So when you claim that something is "gay" in a frustrated tone, that really makes no sense to use. Using gay as an insult to someone you don't like or using it when something is displeasing to you is unnecessary and may be quite offending to people who are homosexual.

Honestly, that whole concept is just so stupid and gay. 😉
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People need to stop using the word emo. Its stupid. Emo was music 10 years ago. I think people should abandon the word emo and call todays music what it realy is, puss-rock.:super_hap

hmmm yes that sounds right...emo was music in the 90s and shouldnt be used now, emos are stupid people who hate themselves and im waiting for someone to criticie me on that
I've never cared for the phrase, "We cordially invite you...". I mean, what are my other options? Are you going to vehemently invite me? Blasphemously invite me? Unconsciously invite me? What?
There are two that really annoy me:

The Other Day

In any context of the sentence. For example, "My buddy and I went driving the other day..." The other day... When? See, the problem with this statement is that 'The Other Day' could be yesterday, could be a week ago, could be a year ago... I really hate it when people say that because then I have to ask them when and they get all defensive because apparently 'The Other Day' should explain it.

(It gets really bad on the East Coast of Canada, where I used to live.. They say that alllll the time).

Be That As It May

This kind of goes along with Vlad's With All Due Respect one, except this saying is less polite... At least to me it seems that way. Honestly, I don't know why this statement bothers me, but I just cringe everytime I hear it.

Oh, and for honourable mention, anyone who ends their question with "at" really need a vocabulary lesson. For example, "Where are you at?" or "Where's so-and-so at?" Oh, I hate that so much. (Again, you hear it mostly on the East Coast of Canada... Boy I'm glad I don't live there no more). 😵

As I'm from the east coast of Canada (Halifax in particular), I still have those phrases as part of my regular vocabulary and I really don't see too much problem with it. I use 'the other day' when I can't exactly recall the specifics.

Be that as it may, it's your opinion. ;D

I've never cared for the phrase, "We cordially invite you...". I mean, what are my other options? Are you going to vehemently invite me? Blasphemously invite me? Unconsciously invite me? What?

I like that. When I get married? Every invitation of mine is going to have a different adjective for this reason alone.
LMFaO Ninja!!! XD

"It was in the last place I looked..."

No, I would have kept looking...>_>
LMFaO Ninja!!! XD

"It was in the last place I looked..."

No, I would have kept looking...>_>
Alittle off-topic, but the above reminded me of the attached:


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I got one.

"Happy Valentines Day"

Now just absorb the irony.
why do Canadians always say "eh" after everything.
its kind of endearing but i don't get it!!
Funny, I could say that about Americans saying 'fuck/in' this that or the other.'

Also because when you expect/want to hear a particular word, you hear it much more often.

On that topic, being that I'm currently in the States, a personal stupid phrase would be "Say eh!" Really, it applies to anyone in a foreign country where the locals want you to say things that sound funny to them. It's alright for five minutes, but after that, it really starts to grow thin. I'm not your personal entertainer.
When someone sneezes and you say "God bless you"

Well, first off is the obvious problem- what if they don't believe in God? What if YOU don't believe in God? Why are you saying something you don't mean? What if you don't really care that this person just sneezed, only that they didn't sneeze on you? What does God have to do with it and why would a simple sneeze be so detrimental that God would need to bless you?

Another one is any of the curses that invoke Jesus, God, or other religious figures in christianity specifically.

"God damn" or "Jesus Christ", or even "Jesus, Mary and Joseph".

If you don't believe in or respect any of the above individuals than why would you invoke their name in a curse? The curse would do nothing since theres no faith behind it. Plus, I doubt any of them would curse a situation just because you're angry. The God of the Old Testament might have in specific situations of wrath, but Jesus (God the Son), his mother Mary, and Joseph (his foster father) would never curse anyone. One might say, well, its because I don't believe in or respect them that I say it so freely. Others might say well, it was the worst thing I could think of that could match my anger at the time. Well, I agree, it is one of the worst things you can think of saying whether you're looking at it from the angle that when you die you'll have to give accounts to these individuals for why you dishonored them in such a way which means owning up to your shame...while others may be offended if you openly use these names with a loose tongue in association with a curse or swear.

Ok, well, if thats how it is, why not "by Buddha's lard!" or "for karmas sake" and things like that? I know what you're going to say..well, there are more christians in america so it makes more sense that these have become the habitual curses. Well, fine. I still think its stupid though.

Another one is "For Heavens Sakes!"

So....you're saying something in frustration on behalf of or for Heaven...a place you might not even believe in? Why would heaven need your blessing or approval anyway? You're the one going or not going there, its not the one coming to you. Would heaven's status be dependant on whether or not you got others do things in it's name? No, of course not.
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That's why I say 'bless you.'

Honestly, I used goddammit when I believed in God. It stayed with me out of habit.

How about proud parents? You know the type. Displaying their child's minor scholastic achievements on the back of their car and bringing them up when they can because clearly being student of the month in elementary school means everything in life.

I am easily annoyed.
How about proud parents? You know the type. Displaying their child's minor scholastic achievements on the back of their car and bringing them up when they can because clearly being student of the month in elementary school means everything in life.

I am easily annoyed.

Ohhhhh!!!! I hear you! I saw one of those stickers yesterday. "Proud Parent of an honor role student at such and such elementary".

Gee wiz, talk about insecure parents. Now I know what some people are thinking- but Vlad, are you saying its wrong to praise your children?

No. I'm saying it looks insecure to praise them with a bumper sticker. The point is obviously to brag to others about your son or daughter's achievements and how you're so proud of them. Why can't more of that energy and love be given straight to the child or ALL of it be given to the child? Why the need to rub it in other people's faces? If it wasn't for an engine, bumper and a few extra feet, hell...it would be rubbing it in your face (not to mention smashing it in!) LOL

The reason I suspect some of these parents are insecure is because its an established fact that many parents are glory hounds of bygone days, meaning that their time has passed and they're looking to achieve something they did not or could not, through their children. Like alot of those pagaent mothers dressing their little girls up like freaks and whores or those baseball dads who go apeshit when the umpire calls a foul or something on their kid's little league game. This bumper sticker thing may seem completely different, but its similar in that you're pushing the idea of success, or what you percieved as success, on other people, in the same way that mother parades her daughter around or the father acts all pro with his little league son. You're just trying to accomplish more than you can or need to, and it ends up looking very transparent.

Because you posted a phrase that I've seen is actually applied in real life, and I saw it yesterday, you sir, and your messege, have hereby been APPROVED! with not one, but three paws up! 😛aw: 😛aw: 😛aw:


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To me, that begs the question. What's worse, parading around minor acheivements and such like your post detailed, or ignoring larger achievements? Is it more of a blow to the child when he's been told he's special for minor things and finds later that many children shared, or is it the child who thinks that his best doesn't seem to be good enough, despite the fact it is? I'm usually not one to deal with black and white either/or, but your post made me think that.
When someone sneezes and you say "God bless you"

Originally, it was believed that a sneeze was the soul trying to escape the body. Of course, this wasn't a Christian belief at first, but eventually (when the Romans forced everybody into Christianity) was adopted, as were many holidays, traditions, and all that other mumbo jumbo Christianity picked up along the way.

I'd say... Christianity is like America. It welcomes everyone/everything as long as the majority agree.

Now, to my stupid phrase.


Why do you have to type LOL? Can't you just say... "haha" or "hah" or, "Ha" for that matter? 2 LETTERS CAN APPLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF "Laughs" as 3!

Of course, I prefer the standard "haha" response.

Also, when's the last time somebody ACTUALLY ROFL'd? If you WERE Rolling on the Floor Laughing, how the crap did you type it to me?

There are quite a few, which is why, I leave you with another one.

"Thats Niiiiiice!"

Ever since Borat came out, people HAVE to imitate him. Can't people be THEM and not somebody who's pretending to be somebody else?!

jeez... Sacha Baron Cohen does it, and its funny, but, when your the 14th freakin' person in the office who does it, NOBODY FREAKIN' CARES!

I'm gonna go eat a pizza and take a nap on my heat rock. I've had about enough of it...


"i've had it up to here..."/"You are THIS close to...."

What? Anger/Annoyance/Rage has a limit, and its in some kind of form that can be measured using Length or Height?


I've had it about up to here with this thread. Jeez.
Now, to my stupid phrase.


Why do you have to type LOL? Can't you just say... "haha" or "hah" or, "Ha" for that matter? 2 LETTERS CAN APPLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF "Laughs" as 3!

Of course, I prefer the standard "haha" response.

I think its because hahahahaha and LOL are not expressing amusement in the same fashion. While they are clearly typed differently, they might also express a different type of feeling. LOL means lots of laughs. But, depending on it's usage it can be used in several ways ranging from being funny, to being a smartass, to trolling.

Also, hahhahahahha is not the only way to laugh. Some people chuckle and it sounds nothing like ahahaha, some people hiss, and some people snort and some people laugh silently and nothing comes out, etc. LOL is a universal way of delivering a similar sentiment of amusement without having to go into explainations for how thats carried over, or in what context... like what I'm doing now.

Also, hahahaha might seem like roleplaying, since you're mimicking actual laughter but are spelling it out. Because LOL isn't spelled out, it can take on a broader meaning.
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I think its because hahahahaha and LOL are not expressing amusement in the same fashion. While they are clearly typed differently, they might also express a different type of feeling. LOL means lots of laughs. But, depending on it's usage it can be used in several ways ranging from being funny, to being a smartass, to trolling.

Also, hahhahahahha is not the only way to laugh. Some people chuckle and it sounds nothing like ahahaha, some people hiss, and some people snort and some people laugh silently and nothing comes out, etc. LOL is a universal way of delivering a similar sentiment of amusement without having to go into explainations for how thats carried over, or in what context... like what I'm doing now.

Also, hahahaha might seem like roleplaying, since you're mimicking actual laughter but are spelling it out. Because LOL isn't spelled out, it can take on a broader meaning.

While I agree (I don't hahaha when I laugh)

I've seen ALOT of people LOL waaaaay too much.

I enjoy the way you use it, it seems like if you find something personally enjoyable, enough to cause laughter, anyway, you LOL about it.

But, I'm talking about when i'm having an IM conversation, and an LOL comes up after everything I say.

I may have the biggest ego in the world (*check me out on page 158, guinness book of world records, I once claimed that I could beat God at arm wrestling) but sometimes I think when i'm having an IM convo, "Damn, I don't even think i'm THAT funny."
When people overuse something its almost always annoying, but most people are too polite to say anything.

Another phrase is "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all"

How intolerant is that? So you're saying I cannot give a criticism even if it's due? What if it's essential for it to be there, like with an art critique thats horribly one-sided? If I'm not allowed to say anything but nice things I'm not allowed to speak? Thats BS. Criticism can be just as important as praise, but one has more merit over the other just because some PC (there we go again with the phrase) guy wants us to always say good things so we're cool with everyone? How are you supposed to thrive in adversity when you're neutering yourself like this?
Ok here is one that annoys me.

"I think you could appreciate this, (fill in name here).
To me, that begs the question. What's worse, parading around minor acheivements and such like your post detailed, or ignoring larger achievements?

I think, in this case, the level of achievement is irrelevant when compared to the situation wherein a parent puts more emphasis on their pride for their children than the children themselves. It is well intentioned pride, but a bumper sticker turns it into gloating, regardless of merit.

Canadian Ninja said:
Is it more of a blow to the child when he's been told he's special for minor things and finds later that many children shared, or is it the child who thinks that his best doesn't seem to be good enough, despite the fact it is?

I think the answer is to let your child know how special they are to you, and allow them to realize it for themselves, but to also teach them that others are special too and to expect to meet other special children. If a child is not directed properly in this way, he may become introverted, like the parent. Being special is something to be shared with others, not kept to yourself. If a child realizes this early on, he's less likely, in my opinion, to feel inadequate, since when he sees the differences in others and in himself, he won't have to feel bad, since he will see that he has strengths that others do not. So, it's not, in the end, a matter of how much praise he gets from his own family, but rather how self-realized he becomes and how he adapts, evolves, grows, and matures into the unique person he was meant to be.

Canadian Ninja said:
I'm usually not one to deal with black and white either/or, but your post made me think that.

I'm glad that it did, then. We wouldn't have had this exchange had it not.
Another phrase is "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all"

My grandmother had a saying that accurately helped that one along. "Before you say something, think of three things. Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it nice? If you can say no to any two of those questions, you shouldn't say anything at all."

It was something like that, at any rate. I lost the actual quote a while back.
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