Good thing it wasn't kudzu they used it on ... that stuff you can't even flamethrower down sometimes! What an experiment to try, though.
Kudzu isn't something we have to endure in this part of the US... it seems confined to the East Coast, the southern states in particular. I've certainly heard what a horror it can be to get rid of, though! Another unwise import, a transplant gone bad!
The "flamethrower" business in my story was a rather flip comment... burning is definitely
not indicated for poison oak eradication, as the irritant can work severe damage if inhaled with the smoke! I hope no one takes my silly recommendation seriously... the last thing I need is a law suit!
I don't know if you could make a chemical that would burn clothes AND bodies but there are certainly flesh-dissolving venoms from real animals that this might be possible with. 'Course, you'd be stupid to do it. XD
I hadn't really thought about this issue very deeply... it seems odd that toxins which destroy living tissue won't scar organic non-living material like leather or cloth. The absence of a functioning vascular system to spread the damage is responsible, I suppose.
Yanno, you've killed lots of kids in this series. I'm amazed there are any left (Or parents daft enough to move to this part of the world with children). The places around the Low Roads are dangerous enough for adults!
Guilty as charged! Kids don't fare much better in genuine urban folklore, whether pegging out from hairdo black widows or basting slowly via drugged-out baby sitters ("... I put the turkey in the oven... "), so the extension is an expected one. Since youngsters are our sole hope for species continuation, harm to them constitutes our most potent nightmare material. I get away with it (to the extent that I
do get away with it at all) by spreading the loss over a full century of ugly incident... a few deaths per year might even accurately replicate genuine accident and crime statistics. Though, in Tabor County,
no one (young or old) ever seems to suffer a normal, non-bizarre expiration...