hmmm...a demon trapped in glass perhaps? A long, slow demonic possession that was stopped by the knife...but the broken eye leaves open the possibility of that demon running wild over Tabor County. Who knows what evil he could create while lurking about (cues theme music for "The Shadow")...
Glass is a lucky and unlucky medium in which to suspend evil: lucky, because it's relatively easy to shatter; unlucky, because the shattering leaves sharp residue. Every Shadow may know that Crime Does Not Pay, but plenty are ready to do it for free (the last thing Tabor County needs is another unemployed demon!)
Gradual possession makes for simple procedural writing. There'll be a few more instances of it (like this and "The Weeping Wound")... as a pathologist, you even more so than the rest of us may appreciate the intrigue of tracking a "disease", whether it's an actual or moral complaint. Such didactic medical concern compliments good plot construction... a trait we should we shouldn't at all find surprising in the TTC's first Story Contest victor!
i don't remember this chapter..however it was a while ago probably..since i'm the lucky one to receive this via email..yippee for me lol
True, "The Glass Eye" was likely months ago for you. You're so far ahead of the TTC narrative, everything here must seem like ancient history (the cost of being a pioneer... no story developments will hold any surprises!) Take care about perusing "Vintage Scripts" and "Pokemon Poetry"... I had intended to offer those once the Low Roads are used up.
...but just as fascinating to read over and over know that poor kid..he actually killed himself to keep the evil from i right? and that bracelet sounds super sexy...i can picture vin diesel sporting one..hmm..
Yeah... Vin Diesel or The Ah-nold (our grand governor, who set the trend!) You're quite right about the possessed boy... his self-sacrifice freed both he and his community from they eye's pernicious evil. A steep price... fleeting fashion always enforces a steep price...
wouldn't this series have been ultra cool with artwork as well? this one would make such a colorful drawing..the arm getting all crusty..the eye eww lol but you do such an awesome job on the Low Road series that it takes much out of you..ok izzy is rambling..grrr
Not rambling at all! Illustrations are an addition I'd considered from the beginning (back when these tales were formative midnight musings). And I abandoned the idea for the very reason you suggest... other projects ("Spectacles of Doom" then; The "Low Roads" comic now) took precedence. That doesn't mean that I may not yet do it someday. In the midst of so many other projects, unfortunately, it likely won't be soon.
anyway..your talent never fails to amaze and awe me..
As ever, Izzy, my grateful thanks! :ggrin: