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The Cackling Cave+ (*/f and f/*)

It will be added as soon as I got a fair decent amount of lees/lers' dialog. I'll add it with what I said earlier as well so it isn't a total waste.
I am now adding a new map, a possible new optional boss. New enemies and new status changes along with new enemy attacks and maybe a new skill. Along with the extended bonus dungeon. Stay tuned!
I don't think people can really blast this for having bugs... remember, I had to fix about 4-5 of them (2 were MAJOR) when I released the game, and I had testers!

Having no bugs at all is extremely hard for any piece of software that has at least some complexity. Maybe the RPG tool is almost perfect so if you make a simple game (yet complex looking) may be about bug-free.

But I think that these factors should be taken in account:
- The game is FREE, developed by someone who invests a lot of their own time, not asking anything of it. It's a bit hard to expect that they spend all effort to ensure it is flawless.
- Tk games are extremely few in existence, so having one that works nearly bug-free is great as it is.
- Bugs in a Tk game are not the end of the world.
- Even with an amazing amount of testing, trying to cover all areas, there still can be bugs, even if you don't find them.
You're right Ilohnoh ,I think a game without bug is not a real game ,personnatly ,I think there is two sort of bug ,good and bad ,good bug is a bug who don't stick the game and can be fun to see ,like the tavern bug of Klepto version ,that have make me laugh :lol

Bad bug stick the game but ,like you say ,it's not the end of the world and they can be fixed later 🙂
True that Ilohnoh. Words of wisdom.

Btw i'm also adding in elements. There are 4 elemental skills to learn. Fire, Ice, Electricity, and Light.
Almost every enemy has a weakness to 1 or more of these 4. I shall explain about every one of them. Skip this comment if you want to find out yourself.

In other words SPOILERS!

Blue Slime: All slimes HATE electricity. Because it spreads and moves through every part of them. Even worse when it tickles. Ice is a mild weakness but not as much as electricity.

Alraune: This type of fire doesn't burn as normal fire would but it sure acts like such as spreading on anything that is flammable. And because Alraune is in a flower and cover with vines, you can already tell it's a bad mix for her. Same goes for electricity too. The flower she is in is filled with a liquid substance which electricity would tickle all over her lower body. Ice is a mild weakness.

Bee: Mildly weak against fire and ice.

Bat: Bats hate light. And this skill against her is no exception.

Wolf: Mildly weak against Fire and Light

Red Slime: Same as Blue Slime.

Lamia: Very weak against light.

Mummy: Very weak against light. Those bandages dont help either as this makes her very weak against fire too.

Feline: Hates Fire.

Drow and Succubus: Both girls are dark. So it's only natural that they are weak against the light.

Arachnid: Fire is a terrible weakness for this girl.

Black Harpy: Fire travels across her wings tickling something awful and robbing her will to fly.

Mermaid: Wet and near water often makes this girl a target for electricity.

Dark Slime: Hates Electricity and Light. Mildly weak against Ice

Harpy: Same as Black Harpy

Scylla: Same as mermaid. It must feel terribly ticklish having electicity travel across every single tentacle of hers.

Sea Slime: Same weakness as blue and red slime.

I got more enemies along the way but i'm going to let you find out about them yourself.
It is 100% impossible for any piece of software to be free from errata. The problem in any situation is to count the number of "showstoppers," or bugs that make a piece of software unusable at launch.

A showstopper is meant to be found during a technical beta period. This does not mean people playing the game and saying they're "beta testing." As a past member of real technical beta programs, I can honestly say that unless you are a serious geek, being a real beta tester is more work than fun 🙂

Sorry, boys! Hehe.

Stark's original criticism was neither out-of-line, nor was it incorrect. His point was that Xtreme should turn his energies toward making his own game, not overhauling someone else's. He's saying that Xtreme should take the time and create his own game, make it all from the ground up and take his time. Stark's concern is that hastily slapped-together RPGs of extremely low quality will flood the forum, ruining people on the idea and completely crushing out the efforts of people who take their time on drawings, paintings, or their own games.

Stark voiced his opinion in a frank way. He was in no way unkind or rude. It wasn't until everybody else turned it into an issue that it became "bad." This place is starting to turn into something akin to the late 1980s "Doctor Who" episode "The Happness Patrol." If you aren't the regime's idea of sappy-happy-nice, they get rid of you.
Hey, i am new to this kind of thing, and i can't get the game to work. I hav downloaded the file, but i cannot extract it, can someone offer me advice?

I'm still showing thumbs up for Xtreme. He has done something very few of us have; creating their own tk game. Not only has he done that, he has been listening to people who found bugs and made fixes. Don't forget that all that is something he earns our thanks for. It is, in the end a well playable game (even if too hard for some, that tends to be a problem with almost every game... if they are too easy they are not a challenge to most).

So we had a good time.

I understand the concern that the forums may be soon flooded with copy-cat rpg games, but if they are made as well as the one Xtreme did, have something new/catching (like a very different storyline) I don't see a problem with that. With ANYTHING on these forums goes the same thing: If you don't want to see/browse/play it... don't. There's likely a fair group of people who is interested in it. I don't see a complaint about (taking just one subject) a lot of bondage non-tk threads on the non-tk area. I don't see complaints that there is too much video content.
Games are definitely wanted. If I look at my artist pad's index... the games section has by far the highest amount of views.

I myself specifically don't use a tool such as RPG Maker, just for the reason that it limits my creativity. If you have played a multitude of my games, you see that there's a rather broad variation on genres (from puzzle to adventure to gambling to card games), and the user interfaces and styles are each time created specifically for the game in question. I like to be able to do that. So my tool is a bit different. The game I am now creating is a combo game, mixing adventuring with action. It's a strange but funny one. But I got it working.

When it comes to testing... I don't have beta testers. I myself don't count because the coders can't test their own code in the same way an outsider would. But I do test of course. And after that, the final test is to play the game through entirely from beginning to end (without cheating if possible) to check that there's no blocks that prevent finishing it. Saves from unnecessary patches.

Anyway, just rambling away.
To tell you the truth I'm going to be a game designer. And using this project and adding things on was good experience for me to use RPG Maker.

And yes I should make my own RPG. So you know what? After i'm done with this I will.
I'll make a completely new RPG. Maybe using pokemon is one idea. I'll think of something.
Until then. I'm working more on this RPG.

Oh and ReggaeWarrior. It's an EXE you double click on and it extracts the data to the location you want it.
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With blackjack! And hookers!

Yeeeeah just keep telling yourself that Stark.

I found a huge picture of all 493 pokegirls. I'm going to work with that for my RPG. I'm going to make it a tickling style pokemon game. Only you are the battler and you use pokecards to summon pokegirls to attack the opposing pokegirl.

This will take a lot of items to make as these cards once used, disappear. There is a chance you can collect the card of the opposing pokegirl once defeating her.

For gym leaders, they only have one strong rare card to use that suits their type. After defeating the gym leader, you collect the badge from her and gives you one chance to tickle any spot on her body.

I dunno what to do for a evil organization though...

That's my plan. Not that original in terms of a game but an idea thought up.
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I think Stark was quite right on telling Xtreme that he should have made his own game instead of modificate Kleptomaniac's... But hey, if he, Kleptomaniac, gave Xtreme permision to extend his very own piece or work, then I see no reason for Stark's critics.

Anyway, I really believe that having video games programers/designers in the commutiny could be something very positive.

We already have some very good stories, tales and graphics works, why shouldn't we have video games as well?

Yeah he was right about making my own game instead of editing others but like I said, it's also a experiment to practice with RPG Maker and gain experience from it. Using this gained knowledge, I will be able to make my own RPG.

It'll go in the works once I finish up with Cackling Cave+
This will be the final update unless major bugs are spotted.

And Mr. White you are correct. Games should exist in TickleTheater as well. I mean people like Ilohnoh made that possible right?
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I didn't mean it was something wrong to take Kleptomaniac's original work and modificate it. There're lots and lots of artists that, in some occasions, use other artists' characters, they make cross overs, add colours to linearts, etc... so, I dont think you did wrong on taking Kleptomaniac's game and give it a little turn, I mean, you even ask his permission.

Anyway, if I got time this afternoon, Im gonna download it and try it. 😉
I didn't mean it was something wrong to take Kleptomaniac's original work and modificate it. There're lots and lots of artists that, in some occasions, use other artists' characters, they make cross overs, add colours to linearts, etc... so, I dont think you did wrong on taking Kleptomaniac's game and give it a little turn, I mean, you even ask his permission.

Anyway, if I got time this afternoon, Im gonna download it and try it. 😉

Hold up there. Not until I finish this next update. 😉
And Mr. White you are correct. Games should exist in TickleTheater as well. I mean people like Ilohnoh made that possible right?

I didn't make it possible... it always was since you could upload zip files. I'm more like one of the people who made it happen. But before me, there have already been some people posting (links to) demos of tk games. There's been at least that other card game and some 3d tickle games made with something like poser, etc. 😉
I for one want to thank you for the game. I really have enjoyed it.
You're most welcome. I want to thank everyone for their nice comments about this mod.

And to reward your patience. Here's the final version of The Cackling Cave+


It includes:
2 new monsters
1 new optional boss
You can now fight Mimic in the cave now.
Some monsters have new attacks now
1 new weapon
1 new skill
4 elemental skills with almost all monsters having a weakness of 1 or more of them.
New status changes
1 new item to cure status changes.
2 new maps
Extended bonus dungeon. This includes 5 new monsters to tickle and 1 new monster to tickle you. And 1 new tickling dialog for mimic tickling you by request.

This will be the last update unless a major bug is detected or someone really REALLY wants something to be included. Other than those, i'm done with this game. Enjoy!

P.S. The reason this update took so long to make was dialog problems. I was trying to think was what to write for new events, new monster game overs and the one that took the longest: The bonus dungeon. I hope you guys like what I made for the new dialog.

EDIT: Ah dammit it's always something. The elemental skill: "Tickly Ice" does not have its status change turned on. But I guess as long as people are fine with it I wont update any further.
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Heya, first post ever after a long time of lurking, thought I'd actually contribute to the place that I visit daily and have grown fond of.

First off, the game is very fun, playing it right now and it's really cute and well done for a free game.

One thing that just I just noticed was: when you lose in battle to a red slime, a picture of the wolf-girl is seen in the game-over dialogue. Not a big error, but just something that seemed inconsistent. Quick fix I imagine too =P.
Right. I've decided to make an update on fixing bugs to anyone who has a problem with it. Those who have V2.0 and dont mind the bugs don't have to download V2.1. But I do recommend it for people with the Ice status change bug.

Those who haven't downloaded 2.0 yet wait a little longer k?

V2.1 released. Few changes. Bugs fixed.
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Eep, the last boss is stronger. Awesomely enough, a level 3 challenge is still possible . . . Well, in addition to avoiding the secret weapon, there was this thing with the mermaid, but I figured it was a glitch and thus didn't exploit it.
I have a question, there's a section next to the entrance to the cave that shows a path and says you can't go down it until you explore the cave first. Is there any way to trigger that message so it doesn't show? Or has that map just not been developed yet?
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