Yeah true, but the problem is (especially with the software involved here) its' a little hard to accomplish that. In fact, it's hard to accomplish that at all in a turn-based RPG system (I certainly can't think of anything that does that).
What exactly would you suggest in this system? I should have enough know-how to know if it can be done (and if I don't know, I can easily find out).
The closest to what you are suggesting I did with a game a long, long time ago. The final boss was an entire sentient dimension, so obviously you couldn't plink away at it. Instead the goal was to swap between two sets of four heroes, and use their Limit Break attack "Seal" in the proper order to defeat it. Once the last character used "Seal" the fight was over. That's the closest I can think of to a non-traditional RPG boss fight in this system, though I could be wrong. (This system was actually based on Time Devourer from Chrono Cross...except you could still punch Time Devourer to death, you just got a bad ending)
I'm honestly curious, it would be fun to work out a way for a boss fight to work other than "Plink, Plunk, Shing (Attack, Defend, Heal)" but it's so hard to accomplish. Most games boil down to that system unless they involve environmental details and such (which rarely come up in an RPG).
Hm. I don't know RPG Maker of course, but I would have some ideas.
First of all, the simplest of course would be exploiting a boss her weakness. So if it's a fire witch for example, using ice should hit her harder. In that case, hopefully in the attack sequence you could append a bonus to the attack damage in case the boss mob is the target. Generally like this;
if bossMob=FireWitch and playerAttack=IceStrike then DmgBonus=10
if bossMob=FireWitch and playerAttack=IceStrike then Dmg=Dmg*2
If you like to make combos, I would suggest using an extra variable. So for example, first make a mob wet (with an ability called WaterStrike) and then electrocuting the mob (with ability ElectroZap or something). You could do this:
Have a global variable, e.g. MobWet and set it to value 0 (meaning mob is dry). Then, after each player attack round, you should do the following:
if MobWet > 0 then MobWet = MobWet - 1
Now, if you use your WaterStrike ability, add the following line when the damage is done:
MobWet = 1 Edit: Make sure you do this AFTER the line if MobWet > 0 then MobWet = MobWet - 1, or otherwise set the value to 2, because otherwise you're immediately undoing it.
(you may need to write something like
if ability="WaterStrike" then MobWet = 1 , you know better than me as you know how the system is stuck together)
And in the damage dealing, BEFORE dealing the damage, you should include the following idea:
if ability="ElectroZap" and MobWet > 0 then Dmg=Dmg*Multiplier
Of course the latter part, how much to add or multiply the damage by is something you have to design/decide. But I hope the idea is clear.
So, this way you basically accomplish that if you do first a WaterStrike so the mob is wet and then electricity right after it, you get the damage bonus kicking in. The other way around it does not, and if you do something else in between (e.g. sequence "WaterStrike", "Poke", "ElectroZap") you won't get the bonus either.
If you want to allow more time for the player to execute a combo (let's say it's okay if the player is stunned in between for a turn) you can change the number in
MobWet = 1 above. Putting the value to e.g. 4 will leave the mob wet and vurnerable to electricity for 4 rounds instead of just one. etc.
Other tactics just need some creative thinking and problem solving skills. Let's say a boss mob has four small fireflies hanging around her. These don't take turns and don't do damage, but they are in fact acting as a sort of familiars and enhancing something of the bossmob. Example hitpoints, shield, invulnerabilities or give her a damage bonus. Or use of special abilities on a random interval. That are other ways to make a boss special and harder than regular mobs without necessarily raising the hitpoints. So in effect, while you CAN attack the boss mob and try to wear it down... that would be the highly ineffective way to tackle her, probably requiring you to take several potions, maybe defend, etc.
Above sample would involve again a variable, e.g. NumberOfFireFlies. Set it to 4 to indicate there are four fireflies. Give the fireflies each 1 hitpoint and if possible (and wanted) make it impossible to miss them. Each time one of them dies, reduce the variable NumberOfFireFlies by one. It's easier then to check what the value of that variable is when you want to apply the specials (such as deflecting blows, applying the special abilities granted to that boss, etc.) instead of having to check which of the additional fireflies are dead by checking their status individually.
Finally, bosses can be made interesting by giving them a 'hidden combo' that weakens them, or may even be required to beat them. If you do that, make sure to reveal that somewhere in the dungeon. E.g. there's a prisoner who knows how to beat the boss and can tell you that (like in that other game, called something like Lightningwarrior something) or maybe a writing on a wall or a piece of paper you find or a book you can buy in town telling a heroic story about someone slaying that type of mob.
That was quite a bit of reading material there. I think you may not be able to use my code samples as such (as each language is a bit different) but structurally it should make sense to you. Ah, and in comparisons you may use == instead of =. That's how it works in C++ at least. I myself use VB so I'm used to using a single =. Hopefully some of this also contained some information that you can use and that you were looking for. Again, I can't help you very well with the coding issues as I am not familiar with the structure of RPG Maker but if you can do some customization at all, this should get you somewhere I think.
Good luck.