Yesterday I downloaded the RPG Maker VX Ace for the trial period, but man...what did they say??? "Even a child could make an rpg with this", seriously??? Am I stupider than cildren nowadays???
They should at least deliver more detailed instructions. Examples would be best! That's where I learn the most. It took me hours until I could set my very own event sequenz in motion like I wanted too, with my main character "alone". How should I make events involving several characters I wonder??? And how can I separate the event-trigger-field from the characters I want to do something on a totally different place???
Does anybody know where I can find a more detailed manual?
So for Ace, I would recommend this forum
Specifically, the Tutorial sections, the Master List has a pretty good place to start. Like someone else said, definitely look up variables, switches, self-switches, etc. and use that as a spring board to get started.
However, when you're really ready to get going, look at this thread:
When I saw this, the world opened up to me. The damage formula bar in VX Ace is both the single most frustrating and single most liberating addition. You can make a skill do just about anything without being forced into an outside script.
For example:
My basic attack abilities call this as their damage formula "a.basic_attack(a,b)"
What does that mean?
Well it calls this
def basic_attack(a,b) += a.mmp / 10 ; a.atk - b.def < 1 ? 1 : a.atk - b.def
Okay so what does that do?
Well first off, if the user has MP, it restores 10% of their maximum MP. Then, it runs the formula for attack "User Attack - Target Defense". If that total is less than 1, it sets the damage to 1. Otherwise, it deals the damage the equation calls for.
It seems complicated at first, but then you'll find yourself able to make skills like:
def fairy_wisp(a,b)
if b.state?(9)
return ((a.mat + 6) - b.mdf).to_i;
elsif b.state?(5)
return ((a.mat + 2) - b.mdf).to_i;
return (a.mat - b.mdf).to_i
What does this do?
Well it's a magic spell that, under normal circumstances deals User Magic - Target Magic Defense as damage.
However, it also runs two checks first. If the target is afflicted by State 9, it will deal 6 additional damage. If they're afflicted by State 5, it will deal 2 additional damage. And if neither, it deals normal damage.
This type of set up wasn't possible without an outside script before Ace. But, both of these I've managed to do with just the damage formula.
It's an extremely powerful tool and I highly recommend you read around on the forums and especially that thread to really appreciate what VX Ace is capable of.
It's insanely daunting at first, but I would first focus on just making something quick, stupid, and fun. Come up with an attack and play with the system to try to make it work. And read the forums. I spend hours a day pouring through the information available on the forum, available on and anywhere I can get my hands on new info. It helps to even go into threads where people are having issues, just to read how they were solved.
If you'd like additional help, I'm not exactly an expert with Ace, but I know my way around it pretty well, feel free to PM me if you get stuck on anything, 60% of the time I'm available all the time.
Good luck and have fun with it!