Who knows? after all, it's not done yet! No, everyone got the 50 Shades thing and I didn't think about that with the Angels! (accidental Easter egg ho!) There are two in particular that I'm not surprised people haven't found, but always laugh when I get the "I interacted with everything" comments, cause it's clear to me they didn't XD[\QUOTE]
Ahhhh now I see. Well I went back into my game save and thought that I checked out everything. Then I thought, if I haven't found it then it must be in a monotonous place. Sure enough, I found Tammi. Starting a new game to do a quick run through in case I found the other one and just blanked it from my mind.
I know how to do that, I did it and it went crazy! Kept resetting the opening..... so I took it out![\QUOTE]
Eh? Wait, I thought it was for the bed. What do you mean it kept resetting the opening? Did you add a Game Over to the end of it all? You need to make the event into a Common Event, then create a Variable that you'll use to do a number roll with.
I would have backed it up... if I had a computer at the time! I lost mine thanks to my dads stupidity! (This I why I told him to leave it alone and NEVER try shoving something into a port if it doesn't fit first time!) I will indeed! As I've said before, I had a tickle RPG game in the making that has up to the first boss done (stats for the first boss can't seem to find a happy medium). I decided to this game since I think it's the first interactive/horror types in our little community![\QUOTE]
I think yours is (sortof) the first interactive/horror game we've had. Though I think yours could use a smidge more "horror" if that's what you're going for.
I say think because I can nay understand the japanese ones!
Are you saying you haven't seen my How To on translating Japanese tickle games? I believe Don't Tickle Me had a spooky horror segment (as a guild quest) that involved a haunted house. It wasn't the whole game though.