Wow! Thanks for saying so, Kal! That means a great deal to me! Actually, the fetish involvment in the next chapter is gonna be a bit oblique. That'll be the necro-tickling chapter we discussed months back, and I've stuctured the script in such a way as to minimize any askance reaction. The required tickling quotient will definitely be there, but I'll use some time displacement and editing to keep things active (distraction tactics!) Frankly, I don't know how well this will work. We'll see. Aside from that, the chapter will have a lot of exposition and tell a great deal of background history.
My Sculpey model is in just about the same state it was when I took the pictures. I haven't given up on it... I have rethought the project slightly. Instead of stocking the figure, I intend to position her flat on her back, staked to the ground. That will simplify the talbeau and make it more feasible (besides, the stocks scenario was a bit of cliche). Finding time to work on it is tough because the Low Roads story is so time consuming. I really do need to get this darned sculpture done and out of my hair. It wouldn't take more than a weekend, probably. After I've completed Chapter 5 of the story, I'll feel more confident that it's been established, and will take a bit of time to complete other projects. Till then, I have to locate a working SLR camera. Everything I've used up to this point (borrowed equipment) is now inoperable. I've wanted a little SLR camera for general needs anyway.
I'd been cagey about doing anything with "Spectacles of Doom" (the space story) because a huge amount of the background detail was created by a good friend of mine. Well, he died last year, which leaves me in sole control of the property. I could indeed adapt the story now... I'd like to. The artwork is going completely to waste as things stand. It's not a bad adventure yarn, but the exposition is a bit stilted and the resolultion stinks. I'd have to come up with some econimic way of revising it without rewriting the whole darned thing. And it's huge. It could easily take several years to present at a chapter a week. Aw, I'll probably just adapt it as is. I don't want to waste too much time trying to fix it. I doubt it's that improvable, no matter how much effort I put in.
Enough about me, though. What projects do you have in the works? Please don't tell me "nothing"... this site can't survive long without Kalamos contributions!