The Straight Story
Upon reflection of what exactly transpired here, I am more than obligated to provide an explanation for what happened. Granted, by now most people are ignoring what's happened here because of it, and my apology will fall on a few infuriated and deaf ears, but I cannot in good conscience let this go unattended.
This thread initially started out as a lark. I found the sperm nutrition info while poking around the web and thought it would make a thread that would be insightful and equally amusing. I also wondered how many women would react to such a "suggestion", even if made humorously.
But after the first page and a half of posts, I noticed that a lot of the posts had a confrontational edge...NOT an arguing edge, but just ones where strong opinions kind of grated in a defensive style.
When I saw this, I became frustrated because I was afraid fo the thread falling into the same vein as the religious threads, where people argued so much that nobody analyzed any points people were making. I feared that the defensiveness would interefere with perspectives, which to me, were very interesting because they provided insight into the way people think, which is something I'm not very good at.
Then I went too far; and I should've seen it coming, but my curiosity got the best of me. I wanted to test the foundation of people's opinions, i.e. "Why do you think they way you think?" I tend to think that people are the sum of their experiences and their opinions can be created/forged/manipulated by influential sources: parents who try to imprint their opinions/morals/philosophies onto their children, etc. etc. Also, what tieler said, that an opinion can be formed by a negative association caused by bad experience. I thought he might be right about that.
So I pushed the thread to find out if people would reveal the source of their influence; to see if I could figure out WHERE these opinions came from. I was so certain that everybody would clam up and not contribute if they knew I was gathering information to enhance my atrophied personality, so LIKE AN IDIOT I posted a tongue-in-cheek thread that stated how I was testing people to see how they thought.
That made me come off as an asshole who got off on provoking innocent people for fun. THAT IS NOT ME! I had a legitimate interest in what people had to say, but I became paranoid that things would go wrong, and in order to compensate, I pushed things in the WRONG direction, and I certainly pushed it without making my intentions clear.
I wanted to see what people thought and WHY they thought what they thought, and then I wanted to see if that was the absolute foundation of the opinions. Arguments about things like oral sex happen in the real world over illogical reasons and I was convinced this was due to stereotypes perpetuated by ancient credos that might not work anymore. I thought people wouldn't help if they knew that was what I was thinking, so I panicked and the rest you know.
I have no excuses or rationalizations for what happened, just an explanation.
I both want and NEED to apologize to everyone who was offended by my last post. It didn't go where I thought it would and it made a completely inaccurate impression that I did not want to make. You were trying to help me, I panicked, I fucked up, and the offending post was the result.
If this post is at all salvageable, it will be in your hands. I hereby turn this thread over to all of you to take over. I will come back, but certainly not as the creator again.
Thank you for listening.