Oooh, I finally did it! I had more problems than usual (some are actually unresolved, for example much of the text is not edited for now) but the new version is up. It's here (maybe I'll eventually learn how to do links properly, but not today).
I'll copy-paste what I wrote on my blog.
Just know that the hotness level is even higher this time, and the scenes other than tickling are more copious than ever, so keep this in mind.
Thanks to Jimmypee (where are you?!), and Shmocki84 and DDDindustry for the playtesting!
And now, some very professional FAQS!
Q: Can I use my old saves?
A: Sincerely, I don't know. I won't advise to do so, but, as always, I placed a custom, easy-mode save...
Q: EASY MODE?! Are you kidding me?! It was still so stupidly difficult! Why you hate humanity so much? The game it's still so impossible?
A: I... actually toned it down a little. A LITTLE. The PGs attacks will miss less often, some enemies have less HP, you'll be stunned less, and...
Q: And?
A: I added scrolls! Scrolls teach super useful permanent, passive abilities. If you use the right scroll on the right character, she'll become an adorable, unstoppable monster (well, almost). Try to give Concentration to Hotaru , for example, and let her reach 9th level... They're well hidden, though. And inside locked chests. You must find the secret rooms AND the keys for the chests. There's 3 scrolls.
Q: Well, it was about f***ng time.
A: Maybe. Well, there's a little problem, actually...
Q: What?
A: Mh, I retroactively placed scrolls in the previous chapter. You know, the last you guys played. If you're using your own saves, you'll probably want to ***gasp*** play that chapter again, so that Athena, Malin and Momoko will have their cool new abilities.
Q: ...
A: Well, or you can just ignore the matter... The next chapter will have another save done by me... Ohhh, listen, just play, Ok?!
Q: Ok, but... Why the English is so broken this time?! The characters seems like drunk.
A: My usual editor had some problems. Waiting for someone other to take that job would have taken maybe other, oh, two, three, four months? So, I decided to release the game with just a little part of the chapter edited. Sorry if this ruins the immersion.
Q: When the next chapter?
A: Well, I already did a part (maybe a third?) when I was waiting for the editor/s... but, as always, don't expect nothing quickly.