Wielder of 100 Feathers
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- Oct 24, 2001
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Hi Nemesis.How are you hun?
😀 😛
I'm doing good. Been doing a lot of thinking about gatherings. 🙂
How're you?![]()
Glad you are well hun.
I have never been to any gathering not even the ones in LA. 🙁 I should go to one eventually. 🙂
I am doing ok. 😀 Kinda hot here today reached 90 degrees. 😱
😀 😛
Glad you're ok.
Well, my original plan was attend Bella's, and I still plan on trying to attend, but Rob talked a bit to me about the Michigan gathering. I didn't think I could make that work and still go to Bella's, but I think I can. I've been thinking nonstop about it and I'm thinking I'll attend the Michigan gathering. 🙂
Thanks.You are a sweetie.
That sounds like a good plan. Rob is a smart guy. 🙂
Eventually I might go to a LA one. 😀 Mistress Stephanie offered to take me once. I am cant drive so I need transportation. 🙂
That's cool. If I go to Bella's, Natural said if I can get to Chicago, he'd drive me the rest of the way there. 😀
The only thing I'm unsure of for going to the Michigan gathering is flying. I've never flown before so it's all Greek to me.![]()
Sounds great.
Flying is easy actually. Ironically even though I cant drive I flown with my cousin in a small Cessna on several occasions. He even let me fly the plane for a few minutes. 😛
That's easy to say. 😛 I've never flown before so I have no idea what to expect or what to do or anything.![]()
You will be fine cause you iz awesome.Its natural to be a little nervous. I know I was and I was in a tiny Cessna which is not a good plane for your first flight. LOL 😛 You will be in a nice cushy big plane with lots of food and martinis. 😀
Lol. I just hope I don't have a panic attack. 😱
I am sure you will be fine.![]()
If you have a prescribed tranquilizer it might be good to take it before you actually go out just to be safe. 🙂
I even flew in a helicopter once.![]()
😀 😛
I honestly don't think I'll have a problem flying. It's the thought of going through security, checking in baggage, stuff like that makes me nervous because I've never done it before.![]()
Yea I agree, I think the hassle of the baggage checking and security and lines is worse then the actual flying.
Ironically where I use to work was right next to LAX so I took a bus that took right too the LAX terminal everyday and would have to go through to catch another bus that took me close to where I worked. So I saw a lot of the hassle there. I think the worse was the Musac they pumped through LAX maybe it was there to scare off would be terrorists. 😛
😀 😛
It'll definitely be a learning experience. 😀
Yea it wiil be. 🙂 I got use to LAX and came to love the ambience. They even had a weird restaurant there based on Extraterrestrials called Encounters. Very odd place. 😛 Never got use to the Musac though at LAX. 😛 LOL
Lol. 😀
Now the only thing is managing to convince my parents I'm not nuts when I tell my plans to go to Michigan. Not that I need their permission to go or anything, but I want my parents to know where I'll be just in case of an emergency. 🙂
I think your parents are nicer then mine in that regard. 😉 😛 My mom would want to know every detail of every little thing if I went. LOL and I am 51. 😱
Well, I can expect quite a few questions about why I want to go to Michigan and who these friends of mine are. Lol. I can probably appease some of my parents' fears and nerves by showing the FB profile of a couple of friends who I know will be going like Rob and Natural. To kind of show my parents that "hey they're real people and not psychos".![]()
Yea Rob and Natural are real stable, stand up people. 😀 My mom has actually talked to Rob a few times though she doesnt know about this forum of course. LOL 😉 😛 So I could get by just saying I am visiting him. 😛
😀 😛
I talk to Natural often; he's fun to talk to. 😀 I talk to Rob mostly through TMF and FB. My mom knows that I've made friends online, but I don't really talk to her about them. I'll mention them sometimes in passing and she knows I belong to a forum where I'm active, just not what the forum is about. Lol. 😀
I never actualy gotten to talk to Natural. I am sure it would be a blast.I talk to Rob a lot.
Mom knows I moderate a chat room but she thinks its just an adult chat where men and women come to meet which is sorta true 😛
😀 😛
I love chatting with Natural; it's always a blast to chat with him.Though, a majority of our chats involve him threatening to PWN the heck out of me.