You'd think I'd be taking the side of the CG guys, but actually I tend to agree that it's a bit of overabundance. It wouldn't be Star Wars without special effects, but there are points where it's too much. Getting Yoda to fight - Cool! Having a Ronto step in front of the camera during Obi-Wan's Mind Trick on the stormtroopers - Irritating. The creation of non-human characters, the beauty of the space combat scenes, etc...all are things that make this series so great. But even right after seeing AOTC for the first time, I remember commenting to my friend as we discussed it that the Battle of Geonosis was too "busy." Yeah, it's a war zone, but you don't need a different colored laser for every vehicle. The corkscrewing missles were a nice touch, and the scene could have used some more conventional-weapon warfare, less laser work. The rack of small missles on top of the Troop transports (the Republic version of the Apache, I guess), looked really cool...too bad they didn't get to unleash it on anything.
Also, having Han Solo shoot first was the dumbest decision made when updating A New Hope. The whole point was that he was kinda cold-blooded at first, giving more weight to his final decision to help the Alliance. Reinserting the Jabba scene was good...watching a worker droid bitch-slap a hover-drone was just stupid.
I also agree that CG can sometimes come across as TOO perfect, therefore distracting. The asteroid chase in AOTC was cool, but again too busy. The asteroid chase in ESB was grittier, with more of a sense of imminent danger.
And for the record, since this thread is for all things Star Wars and this has been on my mind for awhile...for all of the original slamming of so many elements of TPM, and all the talk of a darker episode in AOTC...I find myself looking back now and liking Phantom Menace more as a film. I don't know what it is, but there's more of a feel of the "myth" of Star Wars, the deep history...where as AOTC was more of an action film, a good one, but mostly action. As a story and for it's merits as a film on it's own, I still like TPM a bit better. Although the Yoda fight was very cool...the three-way between Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Darth Maul, and the highly pitched duel between the two survivors at the end still ranks as the best lightsaber sequence yet, and one of the better martial-arts scenes in general from a fight choreography standpoint.
Speaking of which, the talk is that the final fight between Obi-Wan and Anakin is going to be a bitch. Hayden Christensen has reportedly bulked up considerably. He was pretty tall to begin with, but you didn't notice so much because he was so thin. Apparently, a more "Vader" look is in store for Anakin.
Again, good thread...thanks for starting it.