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The war and our Enemy, and why we need to win.

Well Journia, im glad a number of "we" gets your attention...and Rick yeah, its not just american blood over there, alot of European nations, and Iraqis to, ive seen my fair share of em...
I've really got to hand it to our military soldiers then,because there is no way I could just go fight and follow orders without asking a question or two.
Okay my take

As someone who studied Levantine History, I think I am qualified to post here :

Firstly, terrorism is subjective, one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter,
take September the 11th, it was a horrible trajedy and the US immediately launched a counter offensive, Israel has done just as much to Palestinians, but if Palestinians rebel, its terrorism, this is my point, why is that if NATO gets attacked, then its wrong and revenge is right, but a non aligned nation gets attacked and no one does squat

Now, who put Saddam, Osama and those guys in power in the first place, the US and its allies to fight against the Soviet Union, same goes with Iran, other nations meddled in the Near East when they shouldn't, the Middle Easterners have for thousands of years prospers without others invading and telling them how to live, I think they can do that now as well.

Yet America does nothing to other terrorists, like Chechen, Azeri and Chechnian terrorists, in 1993 the Azeris hired Osama Bin Laden to engage in Holy War against the Armenians to claim the Republic of Armenia, yet the US supported the Azeris, as they were keen on a NATO alliance, while not sending military, they did send economic aid to Azerbaijan

What about Guatemala, 900 000 people, my people, were wiped out by US backed insurgents in 1981, women and children mostly who were killed, innocent Mayans who did nothing to deserve what the brutality awarded to them

I don't hate the US military, some joined in Iraq because they really did want to save people, however the bastards who tortured Iraqis in Abu Ghraib can go to hell, I just hope the US stays out of Iran, let Iranians deal with Iranian problems
As someone who studied Levantine History, I think I am qualified to post here :

Firstly, terrorism is subjective, one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter,
take September the 11th, it was a horrible trajedy and the US immediately launched a counter offensive, Israel has done just as much to Palestinians, but if Palestinians rebel, its terrorism, this is my point, why is that if NATO gets attacked, then its wrong and revenge is right, but a non aligned nation gets attacked and no one does squat

Now, who put Saddam, Osama and those guys in power in the first place, the US and its allies to fight against the Soviet Union, same goes with Iran, other nations meddled in the Near East when they shouldn't, the Middle Easterners have for thousands of years prospers without others invading and telling them how to live, I think they can do that now as well.

Yet America does nothing to other terrorists, like Chechen, Azeri and Chechnian terrorists, in 1993 the Azeris hired Osama Bin Laden to engage in Holy War against the Armenians to claim the Republic of Armenia, yet the US supported the Azeris, as they were keen on a NATO alliance, while not sending military, they did send economic aid to Azerbaijan

What about Guatemala, 900 000 people, my people, were wiped out by US backed insurgents in 1981, women and children mostly who were killed, innocent Mayans who did nothing to deserve what the brutality awarded to them

I don't hate the US military, some joined in Iraq because they really did want to save people, however the bastards who tortured Iraqis in Abu Ghraib can go to hell, I just hope the US stays out of Iran, let Iranians deal with Iranian problems

Did you seriously just try and say we put Bin Laden in charge?

I agree that we should stay out of another country's business and let them handle their own problems but when they attack us it is our business to fight back.Should we stop the war and bring troops back home?Of course because we did what we needed to do and Bin Laden is likely already dead but if another attack comes I'm all for blowing that country to smitherines
To smithereens? Men, women, children, the lot?

So because one extremist group bombards America, its fair to wipe out an entire nation? That's Genocide and far worse than anything the US has ever had to endure, save if you are Native American (we know what Genocide feels like pretty well)

And you did train Bin Laden, googled Afghanistan Mujahideen, you trained him to fight the Soviets
Did you seriously just try and say we put Bin Laden in charge?

History is not my field of study, and even I knew that. The United States has this awful habit of helping people get put into power that either turn into our enemies, or get assassinated rather promptly by our enemies. Saddam Hussein, for example.

The other example is Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran. He was a progressive guy - put in power with our help. They overthrew him in 1979 and went back to the dark ages.
I've really got to hand it to our military soldiers then,because there is no way I could just go fight and follow orders without asking a question or two.

That is why they are the best, QBBM. Their discipline is unmatched. It is not their prerogative to question the orders, it's to carry them out, and they've done a fine job of doing what they are trained to do during their time in Iraq. Now, hopefully, they can start to come back home.

I am actually less worried about the U.S. entering Iran as I am of Iran starting some mischief with the fledgling sovereign government in Iraq.

Redman speaks many truths(as always), and I in many ways agree with him. The post-WW2 superpower conflicts were mainly played-out in smaller countries all over the globe, and in most of them, it wasn't the "soldiers" getting killed, but the civilians. :angelsad2:

I was against the Bush II invasion from the git-go, and remain so to this day. Primarily because I strongly doubt that sort of blundering-in is how a truly powerful nation should wage a proper "War on Terror". I think to do it right, you use intelligence and covert operations. We could have achieved the same gains for one-third the death toll or pricetag. Not to mention the worldwide loss-of-face after the vast majority of the planet were in our corner after 9/11.

But, when it comes down to it, I can't second-guess what the grand plan of the previous administration here in the States was thinking. If they honestly thought they could tear down this ancient land, rebuild it, and start a fledgling democracy, then I suspect we made need to start piss-testing the President and all chiefs-of-staff.

All that said, our men and women in uniform have performed their orders magnificently. So while I'm not sure we couldn't have gone about things differently, I support the brave all-volunteer force over there, doing what the powers-that-be feel needs to be done.
As someone who studied Levantine History, I think I am qualified to post here :

Firstly, terrorism is subjective, one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter,

take September the 11th, it was a horrible trajedy and the US immediately launched a counter offensive, Israel has done just as much to Palestinians, but if Palestinians rebel, its terrorism, this is my point, why is that if NATO gets attacked, then its wrong and revenge is right, but a non aligned nation gets attacked and no one does squat

Now, who put Saddam, Osama and those guys in power in the first place, the US and its allies to fight against the Soviet Union, same goes with Iran, other nations meddled in the Near East when they shouldn't, the Middle Easterners have for thousands of years prospers without others invading and telling them how to live, I think they can do that now as well.

Can't really answer your claims about south american history, because it isn't my field of knowledge.

Given that I live in the Levant, and posses knowledge and some expertise in local history, allow me to disagree with what you've stated in the first 3 parts.

First, there is a very well defined definition to terrorism, that is more objective than you think. Terrorism has nothing to do with the attacker's motivation (freedom, for instance). Terrorism relates specifically to the methods of warfare employed.

The most general definition you could give is : "a strategy that focuses on intentionally and overtly targeting enemy civilians, instead of legitimate military targets, for the purpose of using shock and fear instilled by such attacks for psychological pressure on the enemy and it's leaders, in order to get them to cave to your demands".

Terrorism means intentionally, and overtly targeting civilian population, with the expressed mission of using the fear created by such an attack, for psychological gain (later used for what ever motive). Terrorism is by definition a war crime. It is against the laws of war to intentionally target civilian population. Terrorism is all about targeting it, because that's how it works - it abuses the media, and abuses public opinion and mass hysteria.

In this sense, the motivation of the terrorist (freedom?) is completely irrelevant to him being a terrorist. A terrorist could be fighting for freedom, for money, or for changing the taste of his favorite brand of rice crisps (crisp-fighter?). He's still a terrorist.

The context of conflict between Israel and the palestinian factions is a very complex one, and I beg you not to dive into finger pointing without thorough research of both side's positions and narratives. In any case, even if you believe Israel to be reckless with regards to casualties, Israel does not intentionally target civilians. Civilians still get killed, because any warfare kills civilians. Especially when warfare takes place in city terrain, with combatants hidden and abusing the local population. Infact, from personal knowledge, I can tell you that Israel tries to avoid it as much as possible. In no way is that similar or comparable to propelling airplanes full of civilians into civilian buildings, with the expressed goal of killing civilians.

Regarding your claims about Saddam and Bin Laden being put to power by the US - that casts some doubts on the accuracy of your historic knowledge.

Saddam rose to power on his own, within an already consolidated Baathist single-party state. His interests soon became close to those of the US - keeping a power check on Iran's shiite sphere. Khomeini was a threat on Iraq's regime long before that. After the war began, the US supported Saddam's war efforts, against Iran - a state that was a larger (overt) threat to US interest than Iraq ever was (even though Iraq for instance, hurt US interests by defaming Egypt after it signed a US sponsored peace accord with Israel).

The US did not support Osama bin Laden in any way. It is a popular myth. Osama has been involved, on his own, in financing resistance cells completely unrelated to the US activities in Afghanistan. This is the version accepted by professional researchers. You can see the arguments laid out at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_CIA_assistance_t😵sama_bin_Laden

In spite of the differences over historical data, I certainly agree with the general spirit of your post.

Other countries meddle in the Levant for different reasons - often mixing ideals with national interests and profit. This includes all large foreign powers - starting from Britain and France, and ending with the US and Russia. The middle east today was largely shaped by different levels of outside interference. That does not mean that everything bad is US/Britain's fault. Not at all. Just because some element likes to blame the US of some thing, does not make it true, or releveant to whatever his grievance is.

But it is very important to remember that foreign meddling often creates long term processes with very unexpected and surprising results. And that every decision you make, as a superpower - both to attack, but also to withdraw forces, or force various policies or agreements - has tremendous effect on the local force balance.

The Iraq invasion had positive effects too. Lybia changed sides. Lebanon became mostly free from Syrian occupation. Iran took a temporary halt in its nuclear program. But those were short-lived because the Iraqi state-building was problematic, because of ill-planning and lots of execution problems. In the end it created new unexpected threats - strengthening Iran's strategic position. Reducing US image. The Lebanese power-void was filled by Iranian backed Hezbullah.

The reality here is never simple and always changes. That's why it's important to think things through, and always watch what risks you create with every step.
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History is not my field of study, and even I knew that. The United States has this awful habit of helping people get put into power that either turn into our enemies, or get assassinated rather promptly by our enemies. Saddam Hussein, for example.
Making temporary allies / helping is not the same as leading people to power.

The other example is Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran. He was a progressive guy - put in power with our help. They overthrew him in 1979 and went back to the dark ages.
I'm fuzzy on the details, but to the best of my recollection, the french and brits had more to do with putting Reza Pahlavi in power, while the US did support him for quite some time.

Notice however, that his eventual downfall was, to my understanding, much to the blame of president Carter's policies. Pres. Carter insisted on preventing Reza Pahlavi from acting against the threat to his regime from Khomeini and his supporters, citing human rights and political freedom. That came around to bite him in the ... you know. Eventually human rights and political freedom took a nose dive, and became much worse under the religious regime.

To get a good feeling of how native Iranians view matters, you should watch an animated film called Persepolis based on a novel by the same name, by an Iranian born illustrator and director.

Lesson to be learned - if you already picked an ally - stick to him and make sure he survives. Otherwise you piss off both sides and lose on all counts.
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You know Power, i had some knowledge on this but you just made it a lil more to me, and considering my life and others depend on some of this, yes the US military is well known to thoose who choose to see it on blunders of training a militia, or guerilla task force to combat a threat instead of sending in our own, and then having it so that said local trained forces later down the road turn on us, prime example Osama Bin Laden, if i can find it i will post it, it was an article in National Geographic some time ago, the reporter ran into Bin Laden after america pulled its support and i believe how it left off was he hoped all americans died, and if he saw the reporter and his crew again he would start with them.
Interesting points,

Notice however you seem reluctant to reply to Turkey's aggression, and Azerbaijan, your allies? Why, why do you support nations who themselves target and massacre civilians, what about the fate of the Kurds, do they matter little?

As a nation who suffered Genocide, you'd think Israel would support the Armenians, but no, you support Turkey, a vastly imperialist and racist state, do I need to explain to you about the history of Turkish nationalism (Ziya Gokalp, Arparslan Turkes, etc.)?

Now Israel has targeted civilians, need I remind you of the bomb on the UN school earlier in this year? How about the way Palestinians are treated, and dont give me the "there are many Arab countries" tripe, because you know full well not all Arabs are the same and those people are being forced off their land to make way for people who have never lived there in the first place, I agree the Hebrews are indigenous to Israel, but many Ashkhenazis who live in Israel are converts, basically their religion guarantees them land, how is this diffrent to radical Islam?

You say freedom, I ask for whom, is it fair that your freedom should come with the slavery and bondage of another? Do the Arabs matter less to you than Israelis, if so you are a racial nationalist and I shall not waste my time further debating

Now the Talibaan, was part of the anti Soviet forces, deny it if you will, but its the truth, the US with its rampant fear of Socialism, aided fanatics to power who terrorised the people there for ages

Now see it from this perspective :

What if all Native Americans came and said "we lived here first" and threw out every other American, that would be illegal, but if Israel does that to Arabs it is tolerated

Not less the comments towards Iran, which is the favourite country to be attacked by the NATO allies you say its good to form allies temporarily sometimes, I see Iran as good for many nations there, if it were up to your allies, Armenia, Kurdistan and Assyria would crumble, they would be wiped out by your Turkish comrades, sorry but I see no reason why people who suffered Genocide, should have it repeated
You know RedMan, im glad there are people out there like you and Power, because for one, im young and I have no higher education, most of what i know about the world outside America is becuase ive lived it, i first really learned bout terrorism when they tried to kill me, and when others didnt, im glad to see there are still people with some sense in the world
Interesting points,

Notice however you seem reluctant to reply to Turkey's aggression, and Azerbaijan, your allies? Why, why do you support nations who themselves target and massacre civilians, what about the fate of the Kurds, do they matter little?

As a nation who suffered Genocide, you'd think Israel would support the Armenians, but no, you support Turkey, a vastly imperialist and racist state, do I need to explain to you about the history of Turkish nationalism (Ziya Gokalp, Arparslan Turkes, etc.)?
If you mean me in person, then this topic wasn't brought up.

I'm not aware of any Azerbaijani ethnic cleansing, so please clarify.

Regarding Turkey - it has a spotted past with Armenians but that his hardly relevant to modern bi-lateral relations. Israel is not concerned with Turkish past, rather with modern bi-lateral relations. Israel is also allied with Germany, despite germany being very very in the wrong, mere 60 years ago.

Turkish relations with the Armenians are for them to settle. Same thing with the Kurds. It is somewhat beyond Israel's ability to determine the fate of the Kurdish people. It certainly should be left to proper UN authorities and solved on a case by case basis in Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Personally I would like to see Kurdistan. Israel is infact to some extent allied with the Kurds. Historically Israel and maintained different levels of diplomatic, trade and other relations with them.

Israel is not an accepted mediator in the Trukish-Kurd issue and tries to maintain neutrality, while keeping both as friends. Kurds shouldn't terrorize Turikish people, but deserve some form of autonomy, and possibly independence. But it is not a black and white issue.

Hope that answers your question.

Now Israel has targeted civilians, need I remind you of the bomb on the UN school earlier in this year?
You should not confuse targeting with hitting.

War is a complex situation, where you have a 'shroud of battle' - especially for units in combat. You don't always know who is shooting at you and you don't always know who you're shooting at. Alot of mistakes and miscalculations are made.

Most of the Israeli casualties were friendly fire. Do you think that means Israel intentionally targeted it's own soldiers?

No. It was a mistake.

How about the way Palestinians are treated, and dont give me the "there are many Arab countries" tripe, because you know full well not all Arabs are the same and those people are being forced off their land to make way for people who have never lived there in the first place, I agree the Hebrews are indigenous to Israel, but many Ashkhenazis who live in Israel are converts, basically their religion guarantees them land, how is this diffrent to radical Islam?
You make about 20 different claims in this paragraph and it would be very difficult to answer them all. I'd appreciate if you focus, or at least refer to different issues without mixing them.

The words "the way Palesitnians are treated" could mean a thousand things, so please clarify, and I'll be happy to tell you what I think is the official Israel position, and what is my own.

Jewish and Palestinian rights over the land
I don't think it is relevant to judge how many Ashkenazis are converts. You don't really have that information. Nor is it reasonable to set limits how far ago you've converted. Neither is it truly releveant in my opinion.

When I was younger I used to argue a lot about what percentage of Arab Palestinian population is really indigenous to the area, and what percentage migrated. And you know what I realized? That it doesn't matter.

The bottom line is this:
a) there exists now an Israeli state, that's supposed to give an answer to the necessity of a Jewish homeland.
b) There also exists a Palestinian people. No matter how they came to be, they exist and they want independence and they deserve it too. I acknowledge it personally and Israel acknowledges it since 1993. Arguing about who deserves what is fruitless.

Ethnicity vs. Religion in modern Judaism
I understand that you are concerned regarding the nature of nationality vs. religion in Israel. It is a very complex one, that Israelis often argue about them selves. Judaism is a very ancient religion. In ancient times, each distinct ethnic group would have its own religion. When the Israeli and Judean kingdoms were destroyed and the Jews were scattered, due to historical reasons, they kept living in closed communities, keeping a unique relationship between their religion and the "Jewish" (or shall we say - Hebrew) ethnicity. Converts were very very rare, and were quickly assimilated.

Furthermore, Judaism is not a religion that seeks to convert people. In the contrary, it challenges newly converts and makes them go through very rigorous tests. It has always been a seclusive religion. So the issue of fresh converts is a very very small one.

In the 20th century, the standard is that you have an ethnicity and a nationality and a religion and they're all different things. You could be a christian catholic, American of Irish descent. For Jews - they remained in their unique position - the tie between religion and ethnicity is pretty much the same. Jews are a tiny group. Converts are almost non-existant.

Jewish people rightfully got a state of their own. The oddity of being able to "convert" and immediatelly be accepted to an ethnic group is too small to be significant, in my opinion. It is also not that easy - since the different streams within Judaism, constantly fight about what makes a legitimate convert.

You say freedom, I ask for whom, is it fair that your freedom should come with the slavery and bondage of another? Do the Arabs matter less to you than Israelis, if so you are a racial nationalist and I shall not waste my time further debating
You've gone waaaay to far ahead of yourself. If you want to hear my opinions - ask.

I have no principal problem with a Palestinian state. I have no problem with Israeli Arabs. I live next door to a few, and I go to the university with a few.

I don't enslave anyone. Beyond that I have no idea what you are referring to, so please refer to specific facts.

Now the Talibaan, was part of the anti Soviet forces, deny it if you will, but its the truth, the US with its rampant fear of Socialism, aided fanatics to power who terrorised the people there for ages

If you have evidence or sources detailing how the US financed or supported people from the Taliban, I'd be happy to see.

You should also be careful in applying hindsight 20/20 vision. Just because you now know that the Taliban somehow gained from events in the Soviet-Afghan war, does not mean it was foreseeable then, or that somebody knowingly caused it.

Now see it from this perspective :

What if all Native Americans came and said "we lived here first" and threw out every other American, that would be illegal, but if Israel does that to Arabs it is tolerated
Given that 22% of Israeli citizens are arabs, who enjoy full citizenship and were not kicked out, I fail to accept the basis of your claim.

Contrary to what is perceived, Jews didn't simply come and start kicking people out. If you read the writings of early Zionist thinkers, they imagined a joined Jewish-Arab federation.

Most of the zionist groups who started the basis of Israel tried to achieve good terms with local arab leaders, and understanding about common interests. Eventually they met aggression by some groups, who were politically motivated (trying to keep local power) but used religion to motivate the local population against the possibility of Jews living side by side.

Later, when Israel was about to be declared there was a civil war, supported and fueled by foreign arab countries (Syria, Jordan, Iraq). This lead to many people fleeing and many people being deported, when the army met resistance in from their towns.

I think we're drifting from the thread coverage though.

Not less the comments towards Iran, which is the favourite country to be attacked by the NATO allies you say its good to form allies temporarily sometimes, I see Iran as good for many nations there, if it were up to your allies, Armenia, Kurdistan and Assyria would crumble, they would be wiped out by your Turkish comrades, sorry but I see no reason why people who suffered Genocide, should have it repeated

I fail to follow a coherent argument in what you said. 🙁

Armenia is not threatened by Turkey, and is an independent state. Turkey has not made any threats to the Armenian state or people in the last 50 years, as far as I know. Israel is in very good relations with Armenia too.

Israel in fact in good ties with various Kurdish groups, and throughout history has helped them in various ways, including against Iranian and Iraqi oppression.

Assyria is a name of a country that ceased to exist more than 2000 years ago.

Hope it helps.
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I've really got to hand it to our military soldiers then,because there is no way I could just go fight and follow orders without asking a question or two.
I doubt they're not asking questions.

Following orders does not mean you're not asking questions, or following the orders blindly.

The commanders' duty is to explain the reasons and rational of the mission to be achieved and the plan for achieving it.
Hmm, seems you are not so well versed in Middle Eastern and South Caucasian history then.

In 1993, ethnic Azeris slaughtered pregnant Armenian women in Sumgait, Maragha and Baku, this was done solely for the reason of Pan Turkism and because the women were Armenians.

Now you claim Turkey is not hostile towards Armenian independence, then explain why their terms regarding the Genocide is the following :

1. Turkey will trade with Armenia if Armenia stops calling the Genocide, Genocide.
2. Armenia must relinquish control of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh), and rebels must be prosectued.
3. Further inspections must be done to see whether "Armenians are liivng on Turkic lands"

Consider that Turks are not indigenous to the Near East but to Central Asia and in the disputed region the Armenians are the indigenous and the majority and you kinda see my annoyance.

Let me ask you, you talk about Germany, have the Germans not apologized and made up for what they did, have you not received plenty of reperations?
Yet Turkey has done no such thing, in fact the reverse, lets google the Hrant Dink case, or "No Armenians allowed, dogs may enter freely" posters?

Also though ,you may deny that Israel has used terrorism, but civilians have been massacred, can you prove to me that Palestine INTENTIONALLY targets civlians? What about Mossad's vengeance against Arabs after Munich, killing a whole hotel block of Arabs basically.

You claim there is no Assyria, since when, do you know whtat Chaldean and Syriac means? http://www.nineveh.com/

They still exist, they form the majority in North Iraq and are indigenous, the land should be theirs, but yet where is Israeli or American support for them, they faced Genocide alongside the Armenians, I as a Native American who's people suffered Genocide support them, why can you not?
You have Armenian in your country, who have contributed more than I can say here, how do you think they feel?

As to Israel and Armenia, Israel has never recogized the Genocide, whereas Lebanon has, you kinda see my point here, the predominantly Muslims country recognizes the Armenian Genocide done to most Christian Armenians by Muslim Turks. If they can, what is Israel's excuse

Now I think from the tone of your post you might think that I have a disliking of you, I do not, in fact I applaud you for your support of both Arabs and Israelis, personally I think it woudl've been best if it was one state without racial or religious segregation as devision destroys countries, but thats just my opinion.

Now the Talibaan, regarding those lot,the US knew they were Islamic Fundamentalists, they trained Osama bin Laden, here I provide my link
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_CIA_assistance_to_Osama_bin_Laden now I know its not from the most advanced of encyclopedias, but the links and references point to valid links
RedMan01: You have great points, but your beating a dead horse. Sorry I had to break the news to ya.
WARNING:First QueenBee rant!May contain some offensive wording!

yeah and with anything Armenian he gets mad.I agree with Obama on one thing we need to look to the future and quit whining about the past.So many still rant and rave about the past.Even if they had nothing to do with it and were nowhere around possibly not even born yet.Learn from the mistakes and for the love of God please move on already.Sorry but I am in a bad mood right now and had to get that off my chest.I mean we brood over the past and most of what we brood over we were never born to see.It'd be like me hating all Germans for what they did to the Jews yet I was never born to see it.Granted I like Ann Frank and hate what happened to her.Or let's bring something in a little more closer to my home slaves.Do,I agree with what the whites did to the blacks?Heck no!Do,I hate the South forever for it?No,why should I,it's my home and it has learned from the mistakes and moved on.Imagine that a place where they actually moved on and acknowledge they made a mistake.Amazing I know!
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Hmm, seems you are not so well versed in Middle Eastern and South Caucasian history then.

In 1993, ethnic Azeris slaughtered pregnant Armenian women in Sumgait, Maragha and Baku, this was done solely for the reason of Pan Turkism and because the women were Armenians.

Now you claim Turkey is not hostile towards Armenian independence, then explain why their terms regarding the Genocide is the following :

1. Turkey will trade with Armenia if Armenia stops calling the Genocide, Genocide.
2. Armenia must relinquish control of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh), and rebels must be prosectued.
3. Further inspections must be done to see whether "Armenians are liivng on Turkic lands"

Consider that Turks are not indigenous to the Near East but to Central Asia and in the disputed region the Armenians are the indigenous and the majority and you kinda see my annoyance.

Let me ask you, you talk about Germany, have the Germans not apologized and made up for what they did, have you not received plenty of reperations?
Yet Turkey has done no such thing, in fact the reverse, lets google the Hrant Dink case, or "No Armenians allowed, dogs may enter freely" posters?

Also though ,you may deny that Israel has used terrorism, but civilians have been massacred, can you prove to me that Palestine INTENTIONALLY targets civlians? What about Mossad's vengeance against Arabs after Munich, killing a whole hotel block of Arabs basically.

You claim there is no Assyria, since when, do you know whtat Chaldean and Syriac means? http://www.nineveh.com/

They still exist, they form the majority in North Iraq and are indigenous, the land should be theirs, but yet where is Israeli or American support for them, they faced Genocide alongside the Armenians, I as a Native American who's people suffered Genocide support them, why can you not?
You have Armenian in your country, who have contributed more than I can say here, how do you think they feel?

As to Israel and Armenia, Israel has never recogized the Genocide, whereas Lebanon has, you kinda see my point here, the predominantly Muslims country recognizes the Armenian Genocide done to most Christian Armenians by Muslim Turks. If they can, what is Israel's excuse

Now I think from the tone of your post you might think that I have a disliking of you, I do not, in fact I applaud you for your support of both Arabs and Israelis, personally I think it woudl've been best if it was one state without racial or religious segregation as devision destroys countries, but thats just my opinion.

Now the Talibaan, regarding those lot,the US knew they were Islamic Fundamentalists, they trained Osama bin Laden, here I provide my link
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_CIA_assistance_to_Osama_bin_Laden now I know its not from the most advanced of encyclopedias, but the links and references point to valid links

Okay and RedMan this is for you.We have not only Armenians but Mexicans,Japanese,Chinese,Europeans etc. on the globe and with that globe comes present problems and we actually have a president who wants to do something about those problems (for once in a freaken lifetime)!So,stay with us and focus on those problems.There is something for you to be worried about not the past.Present RedMan Present.Stay with us okay stay with us.
Hmm, seems you are not so well versed in Middle Eastern and South Caucasian history then.

In 1993, ethnic Azeris slaughtered pregnant Armenian women in Sumgait, Maragha and Baku, this was done solely for the reason of Pan Turkism and because the women were Armenians.
How is the Nagorno-Karnabach war (an ethnical conflict instigated by Armenia inside Azerbaijan that began in 1988 under the Soviet Union) somehow Turkey's fault?

You speak of massacare.
The sumgait massacare is dated 1988 and killed around 50 people. The bacu pogroms occured in 1990. The marragah massacre happened in 1992 and cost the lives of 50 people. Those are 3 different occassions, over the span of 4 years. Neither of the massacares are related to Turkey. Turkey was not a side in that war.

Turkey later sided with the Azeris, but was never took an active part in the war, and was a part of the OSCE Minsk Group attempting to bring about a peaceful solution.

The Armenians have not been innocent victims of that war. They are far from saints, and are also apparently responsible for some massacares (Khojaly).

Why, in your opinion, should the events of the Nagorno Karnabach war, an inner caucuses conflict, somehow reflect on Israel-Turkey relations?

Now you claim Turkey is not hostile towards Armenian independence, then explain why their terms regarding the Genocide is the following :

1. Turkey will trade with Armenia if Armenia stops calling the Genocide, Genocide.
2. Armenia must relinquish control of Artsakh (Nagorno Karabagh), and rebels must be prosectued.
3. Further inspections must be done to see whether "Armenians are liivng on Turkic lands"
To quote wikipedia:
Turkey was one of the first countries to recognize Armenia's independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.
Turkey is not threatening Armenian independence.

There are several UN resolutions which affirm Nagorno-Karabakh as part of Azerbaijan, and calling for Armenian withdrawal. I can easily see how Turkey sees Armenian expansionism as a threat. Inspite of this, the AKP party has made advances aimed at burrying the hatchet with Armenia.

Consider that Turks are not indigenous to the Near East but to Central Asia and in the disputed region the Armenians are the indigenous and the majority and you kinda see my annoyance.
This is quite irrelevant. Are you also suggesting the english to be bannished from the brittish isles back to normandy and germany?

Let me ask you, you talk about Germany, have the Germans not apologized and made up for what they did, have you not received plenty of reperations?
Yet Turkey has done no such thing, in fact the reverse, lets google the Hrant Dink case, or "No Armenians allowed, dogs may enter freely" posters?
The Hiran Dink case is not official government policy. People who celebrated with his killer were punished. Germany still has nazis and anti-semites. Jews are still often attacked in Europe and in Slavic countries. That has nothing to do with the official relations.

Germans officially appologized to Israel. Turkey is on its way to apologize to the Armenian people.

also from wikipedia:
The Justice and Development Party (AKP) came to power in Turkey, following the 2002 Turkish general election, under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Abdullah Gül with a foreign policy formulated by Ahmet Davutoğlu that postulated “zero problems with neighbours” leading to new hope for Armenian–Turkish relations.


The International Center for Transitional Justice was asked by the Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Commission to provide a report on the applicability of the Genocide Convention to the controversy. This report ruled that the term "genocide" aptly describes "the Ottoman massacre of Armenians in 1915–1918," but added, in an effort to ease adverse Turkish reaction, that the modern Republic of Turkey was not liable for the event.


Turkish Foreign Minister (now President) Abdullah Gül, responded by reaffirming calls for a committee of Turkish and Armenian historians to re-examine the events of 1915, as first suggested in 2005,[65] but Armenians showed no interest in the suggestion with a 2007 public opinion survey quoted by Stephen Kinzer indicating that, “only 3 percent of Armenians believe that forcing Turkey to admit genocide should be their government’s top priority,” and, “Only 4 percent even placed it on their list of priorities.”

If anything, Turkey has been more and more appeasing to Armenians.

Regardless of all that - I can't believe how far we side-tracked. Israel has no relation what so ever to this conflict, so please, stop involving it.

Also though ,you may deny that Israel has used terrorism, but civilians have been massacred, can you prove to me that Palestine INTENTIONALLY targets civlians?
Yes. They say so on TV, on their websites, and in their press releases.
If I'm able to use wikipedia, to learn about Armenian-Turkish relations, so are you. Look it up.

What about Mossad's vengeance against Arabs after Munich, killing a whole hotel block of Arabs basically.
What ever are you talking about?

You claim there is no Assyria, since when, do you know whtat Chaldean and Syriac means? http://www.nineveh.com/
Yes, that is one meaningful minority movement :lol
They are less than 3% of the Iraqi population.

They still exist, they form the majority in North Iraq and are indigenous, the land should be theirs, but yet where is Israeli or American support for them, they faced Genocide alongside the Armenians, I as a Native American who's people suffered Genocide support them, why can you not?
a) they do not form a majority in n. Iraq. Kurds form a majority there.

b) there are hundreds of different groups, around the world, in all continents that suffered opression, ethnical cleansing and persecution. Some deserve independence, some don't.

c) if the assyrian people want independence / reparations, they should go to the Iraqi government (which is now, democratic, and avoids gassing people) . Regarding their independence the UN is the relevant body for these kinds of issues.

Israel plays no part in inner Iraqi business. It's their own fate to decide. You yourself suggested countries do not meddle in business that aren't their own.

d) There are hundreds of ethnical problems in the middle east. Jordan is ruled by a dynasti originating from Saudia. Syria is ruled by a tiny minority elite. Lebanon is plagued by civil unrest and a history of ethnic fighting. Iran is oppressing a dozen of small non-shiite minorities.

Do you actually think it is a good idea for Israel/The US to start interfering in the affairs of those countries?

You have Armenian in your country, who have contributed more than I can say here, how do you think they feel?
There are armenian jews in Israel.
There are also armenian christians in Israel who run the armenian block in Jerusalem and enjoy full rights and a religious protectorate over their sites.

What does any of this have to do with the discussion?

As to Israel and Armenia, Israel has never recogized the Genocide, whereas Lebanon has, you kinda see my point here, the predominantly Muslims country recognizes the Armenian Genocide done to most Christian Armenians by Muslim Turks. If they can, what is Israel's excuse
The question should be solved in the context of Turkish-Armenian relations. They are certainly going that way, and from the wikipedia quote, it seems the Turks are actually more interested in it than the Armenians.

“only 3 percent of Armenians believe that forcing Turkey to admit genocide should be their government’s top priority"
why should Israel butt in?

Now I think from the tone of your post you might think that I have a disliking of you, I do not, in fact I applaud you for your support of both Arabs and Israelis, personally I think it woudl've been best if it was one state without racial or religious segregation as devision destroys countries, but thats just my opinion.
First, thank you for respecting and honoring my opinion.

I find it very confusing however that you say "I think it woudl've been best if it was one state without racial or religious segregation as devision destroys countries". But all the while you support the cessationist movement in Nagorno Karnabach, despite UN resolutions calling for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity.

I think that sometimes two peoples are very conflicted and it is better for them each to be able to express their nationality and ethnic heritage in their own independent country. Which is why I think 2 states for 2 people is a good solution.

The problem is how do we reach that, and how do we devide the land. It has alot of historical, security, and economical implications, and views on this differ.

I'm certainly supportive of a Palestinian nation state, side-by-side of a Jewish nation state (Israel).

Now the Talibaan, regarding those lot,the US knew they were Islamic Fundamentalists, they trained Osama bin Laden, here I provide my link
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegations_of_CIA_assistance_to_Osama_bin_Laden now I know its not from the most advanced of encyclopedias, but the links and references point to valid links
Actually it is a very good encyclopedia.

I haven't found any mention of the word Taliban or Talib in that page.

It speaks of allegations regarding Al-Qaeda, but those are different people, and the allegations are contested and not presented as fact.

To the best of my knowledge, most serious researchers and most historic documents point to no direct relation between the US and Al-Qaeda. And in any case it is irrelevant to the Taliban, who are not Al-Qaeda.
this thread is full of people who are vicarious

my hand glows with an awesome power
it's burning grip tells me to defeat everybody in this thread
take this
my love
my sorrow
and all of my anger
why What the heck have I missed?Oh,and if you want to defeat me then give some good points.Don't tell me you are going to or want to I hate empty threats they let me down.I just think we have some real problems in our country that need addressing now instead of past problems we can't do anything to fix just brood over.If you have a better idea then lay it on the table honey
Hmm, as usual a lack of dialectical analysis is becoming a wart in my anus again, *sigh*

Let me explain something of languages, there is a thing called an analogy,

Analogy (noun) 🙁pl. analogies) 1. A Comparison 2. A partial Similarity

Taken from the Oxford Encyclopedia, 2003 Edition, imagine this a Mexican teaching America and its allies how to speak English (conservatives must be shocked, not to mention minutemen)

(btw Islamophobes on here, its in the Quran, so many be read the book, might teach you some things).

Now, as certain people get annoyed because I mentioned Hayastan (oh maybe because they also faced a Genocide and Turkey's policies affect them and the rest of Near East and Turkey is Israel's buddy, nothing much), I will not debate Azeri and Armenian situations, as seemingly the concept of analogies are lost upon certain members, others (Mike) just troll threads without a productive reply, so I will ignore their seemingly baseless words filled with such Darwinian statements that proves to me that humanity can indeed devolve.

So post in the relevant thread and I show you how mistaken you are about the "Genocide/Massacre" in Khojaly

This last of the Armenia situation in this thread I will mention is this :

You say you want to keep the "territorial integrity" of Tataristan....I mean Azerbaijan, but yet you support your forces stretching into agreed upon Palestinian territories, your nation has overstepped the integrity of another nation too, try to remember that in future when debating as it makes you seem hypocritical otherwise.

Now, let me explain the point I was making for those not yet accustomed to the idea of analogy, similes or comparisons :

1948 - Israel declares a Republic, they are neither a majority, nor indigenous, they were made the majority by British mandate.

The enter Palestinian Territories, seize Palestinian land, throw out the Arabs from these lands and declare all the lands theres.

Now say that the Lakota nation did the same in the US, declared themselves the majority, threw off Americans off the land John Brown style and declared it our land we would be (Dn Dn Dn) - Terrorists.

One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

Everyone goes on about how evil the "terrorists" were, what about the nice things the good 'ol boys in the army have done, lets think


For people who fail to read regarding Afghanistan http://www.infoplease.com/spot/taliban.html

In closing, my support is the following of nations "Every nation has the right to self determination", if they form a majority and have been majority a while I hail their independence if they are a sizeable majority, Israel was not when they took Palestine, I am for Israel to continue to exist, but they have no right to undermine Palestine's sovereignity (other course to the conservatives Arab=terrorist, so figures why some here support it)

Well, off to my Arab friend's restauarant (we have a sizeble amount of Arabs in Mexico both Christian and Muslim) for some Za'atar and maybe some Tabouleh, and yes it is food, not a bomb or a Muslim insurgent movement to all the "defend ourselves from our enemies" people here.

And Israel isn't so kind either :

http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/2505241.stm (not content with killing Arabs, Israel has to target Irish women too)
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Okay and RedMan this is for you.We have not only Armenians but Mexicans,Japanese,Chinese,Europeans etc. on the globe and with that globe comes present problems and we actually have a president who wants to do something about those problems (for once in a freaken lifetime)!So,stay with us and focus on those problems.There is something for you to be worried about not the past.Present RedMan Present.Stay with us okay stay with us.

So you're willing to forgive and forget about 9/11?

About Obama: Obama hasn't done squat. Currently he's imprinting the top of the fence in his butt from sitting on it too much. He's kind of a weasel, because he knows full well that recessions are not forever, and so when the recession in the US finally ends and our economy kicks back up, he's gonna be the hero.

About Terrorism: Some if you might be bitching about Redman beating a dead horse, but the shit that happens to others is not so easily forgotten. If your house got blown up by Israelis, you wouldn't be so ready to forgive and forget. I guarantee that.

Oh that's right I forgot, it did happen to us. Did you know that was based off an earlier plot? Some of you might want to really think about reading those links Redman posted instead of just brushing them off and saying "ahaha, the past is the past! It means nothing!". That is an extreme example of how people learn from their mistakes, Marie. Apparently even dumb-ass, primitive terrorists are capable of doing that. 😉

Something to think about besides the cold facts and the history:
Before you even think about saying "oh well terrorism is evil, and you're evil just because you're willing to look at their side of the story, calling them freedom fighters!" - First, if you were actually to say that, learn grammar. lol Second, open your mind for a second and think about what morals are exactly. What are morals?

Morals relate to the behavior of individuals within societies. In an oversimplified explanation, morals are "codes" developed by creatures to better ensure the survival of a group.

We're not the only creatures with what you call "morals" - you'll notice that pack animals have such "ideas". Hunting and feeding in a pack, upon larger/more-dangerous creatures, is obviously better than hunting alone. That's also an oversimplified ANALOGY, but I think it fits. It isn't about good or evil at all. It's about what people think they need to do to ensure the survival of their group. If you go around killing people in your society, you're hampering it's ability to propagate. This is severely true amongst hunter-gatherer groups who need their pack/tribe mates to survive. If you still wish to assume morals aren't relative, and it's all black and white, read these:


Moral absolutes are a luxury. When it suits America, we can be just as evil as Osama Bin Laden, or Hitler. 😉 The Romans had a saying for this: Inter arma enim silent leges. In times of war, the law falls silent.
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