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Tickling and depression


3rd Level Indigo Feather
Oct 22, 2005
Heya all 🙂 .

Probably a bit of a touchy subject but if I can't post it here, then where can I eh? 🙂 . I am a minor sufferer of clinical depression, not really a big deal in this day and age... But I seem to have noticed that along with a wanting for more attention and physical contact when I started to notice things were wrong with me, I had an increased desire for tickling. I'm wondering if anyone else has anything similar to this....
I'm interested to hear what you think 🙂 .
Kimiko I have Atypical depression (treated), but did notice an increase desire in tickling (to tickle) contact and (ahem sex).
Its odd, because one of the symptoms of Clinical Depression is a decreased Libido (Sex drive), and I definatly suffered from that. Yet a want of tickling increased quite substantially. Maybe I just dont tie tickling and sex together...
I definitely suffer from mild depression and I find that I too crave it more when I'm starting to sink...I also find that if I'm not tickled for a while that tend to sink quicker...intriguing...we should be in a study!!!! Sign me up!!!! I'll be your first subject, Kimiko!!! 😀

Great topic!!!
Yeah, its kinda a paradox aint it >_< . Problem is I developed my depression some because of that lack of involvement with other people, and thereby a lack of physical contact. Problem is I also have trouble with jelousy too, and we had a couple living downstairs that were into tickling from the sounds of it. Didnt exactlyhelp much 🙁 .
I too suffer from mild depression much in the manner of lonelykimiko but I find being the tickler rather than the ticklee gets me out of my funk real fast. The main problem with that is it's hard for me to find an understanding female friend who will let me tickle her when I need to use tickling to get me out of the doldrums and back to normal.
Kimiko, it isn't odd at all that you'd have a increased desire for tickling. I too have a problem with depression, and having a desire for tickling is a good thing. Here's why.

1. It's something you enjoy, and doing something that you enjoy is always a good way to work through depression.
2. I provides you a unique closeness with someone, and helps you work through some of your darker emotions.
3. The physical sensations from tickling actually increase your natural endorphins, providing a natural high for you.
4. It also helps provide attention and physical contact that we all crave.
(which, unfortunately, I have not had in quite some time. :sigh: )

But that is just a few reasons why you'd have that higher drive for tickling. 'tis truely unfortunate that we're not in the same area, otherwise I'd suggest that we help each other out, hmm? 😉
There may be a very scientific answer to your question kimiko.

The hormone Beta Endorphin, (a group of peptide amino acids secreted by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain) contains many of the properties of an opiate. It is released in greater volume during periods of excitation or physical exertion. Triggers include sex, laughter, exercise, masturbation, love, tickling, sexual fantasies or viewing of titillating material, to name a few.

Because Endorphins contain opiate properties most closely related to Heroine, it is believed that continued production of endorphin can become addictive. "Sex Addicts," and “Thrill Seekers” are such people believed to have an addiction to the euphoria experienced as a result of endorphin rushes. Fetishists should certainly be considered members of this club as well. Some people (pornography addicts and Nymphomaniacs) who have been tested under controlled conditions have been found to produce larger amounts of endorphin just by the mere viewing of sexually explicit material.

It is my belief that a clinical study of Tickling Fetishists would reveal an addiction to endorphin. The absence of endorphin production in ticklephiles who suffer from mild depression probably adds to the depression itself. Also, the body, having been conditioned to secrete endorphin regularly through a constant diet of tickling materials and/or physical stimuli, would display symptoms of withdrawal – the phrase “need a fix” comes to mind. It stands to reason, therefore, that tickling would aid in the temporary relief of mild depression in such people.

Another quick fix might be to eat a bar of chocolate (Dark Chocolate). It is the greatest endorphin- producing food in the world.

Be happy! 🙂
I prob suffer from depression(feelin it for over 5 years) but never bothered to get it looked at cuz i "fake" bein ok but regardless, it seems normal tho luv, its basically common sense, when you are feeling low, you would have an increased desire to want to do things that will make you feel better, just how yer body\mind works. heh, dont gals shop or eat ice cream when they are sad? 😀
so in yer case, its ticklin
Hey Kimiko, I also suffer from mild depression that is moderated by the seasons (i.e. I can get really down in the winter). I have found keeping busy is the number one way for me to fight this. So I go to the pool more often than I used, and go hiking. Physical excercise is great. I am sure tickling or sex would do the same thing (endorhins) but since those activities are dependent on other people I do the excercise thing. Choosing things that make you feel better that you have control over is proactive. The other thing that is effecting you at this time is your mindset. I know that when I'm depressed I exhibit behavior that is negative and increases my depression. The same thing is probably happening to you, explaining your need/desire for more attention (tickling included). When you don't get what you want you even get more depressed. I read a book that I think is really good called Overcoming Depression by Paul Gilbert. It discusses Cognitive behavorial therapy and using your own reasoning capablities to work on your depression. The last bit is something I've just recently discovered, we are affected by the people we associate with. Go hang out with people who make you feel good about being you. Don't have any, go find some.

That was a bit long, but I wanted you to know you are not alone in this. And if what I see here is any indication of half your personality, then I have a feeling there are many people you've encountered in your real life that are interested in you.
I've actually spent a few mandatory weeks in a "hospital" for depression. They diagnosed it as a behavioral disorder. That was back in college. In my case though I think tickling is part of the problem causing it as opposed to helping out. I tend to analyze things a bit too much and this was and still is one of those things I'm really trying to get my mind around. Nowadays, I refuse to let myself get down too often, but since tickling seems to not be as available as I would like, I combat it with exercise or getting out of the house with friends. You could try that, or if all else fails maybe tickle your own feet 😀
lonelykimiko said:
Heya all 🙂 .

Probably a bit of a touchy subject but if I can't post it here, then where can I eh? 🙂 . I am a minor sufferer of clinical depression, not really a big deal in this day and age... But I seem to have noticed that along with a wanting for more attention and physical contact when I started to notice things were wrong with me, I had an increased desire for tickling. I'm wondering if anyone else has anything similar to this....
I'm interested to hear what you think 🙂 .

I don't know, but when I quit smoking I had an increased desire for spicy or vinegary foods. I started buying pickles and jalapenos. It was partially conscious, though, because I read up on neurotransmitters around that time. Depression causes/comes from (who can say which?) inhibited neurotransmitters, and just about anything shocking to the senses forces some of them to fire. Beyond that I don't know... sometimes there can be a crash.
The best cure for depression, hands down, is cardio-vascular exercise.

I can also tell you tickling stimulates both pain and pleasure nerves, and that it is possible to tickle yourself upon waking from REM sleep.
Crazy, huh?
Tremere said:
I've actually spent a few mandatory weeks in a "hospital" for depression. They diagnosed it as a behavioral disorder. That was back in college. In my case though I think tickling is part of the problem causing it as opposed to helping out. I tend to analyze things a bit too much and this was and still is one of those things I'm really trying to get my mind around. Nowadays, I refuse to let myself get down too often, but since tickling seems to not be as available as I would like, I combat it with exercise or getting out of the house with friends. You could try that, or if all else fails maybe tickle your own feet 😀

I dunno why they send people to hospitals for depression, depression is a normal way of life, you have highs and lows, hence my personal angst against any form of behavioral drug usage for mental behaviors
LK, u need a hug, will that make u feel better?::gives her a bear hug::
I went to hospital, but that was more due to overdosing. I was stuck on fluroxetine, or prozac as more people know it, for a few months, but gave it up in the end as I didnt see it helping much.

*hugs back*
goodieluver said:
I dunno why they send people to hospitals for depression, depression is a normal way of life, you have highs and lows, hence my personal angst against any form of behavioral drug usage for mental behaviors
LK, u need a hug, will that make u feel better?::gives her a bear hug::

Good point. But, like with anything, there are some people affected to extremes. From time to time I've felt like I was manic-depressive, but my psychologist friend informed me how bad manic-depressives have it, and I decided I was really just a little unsatisfied; my mood swings usually took days, which is not that bad!
I frown on drugs for emotional issues too, but I have known people who were absolute wrecks on their own. Some people have zero chance of living a normal life or fitting into everyday society, and medication helps them not be completely gone.
Really, the same is true for lots of prescription drugs. Some people use a drug to keep from dealing with the problem, but there are those for whom it is either take the drug or be in agony.
Or we could all tickle Salma Hayek.
Hehe, I like that last part 😛 .

Basically for me it was a whole host of things that set it off. Basically think of your regular day as having upas and downs, like having good moments and bad moments, but if you put how you were feeling on a graph you could plot an average in there.
For a clinical depressant, for whatever reasons, that average is below the "content" average line, so what you get is that the bad things are a lot worse from them in the way they percieve them, and the good things just aint as good either. This is why they tend to start thinking thoughts such as "why bother".

I'm in the annoying situation whereby I can be fairly objective about things, and see that things arent really that bad, but I still feel really down about them. Though there are many reasons for all of these things to happen, one commonly accepted reason is a chemical imbalance. Drugs like fluroxetine help to restore that balance to its normal, and do not, as seems to be believed, make you happy. THey average things out again, which is a why a lot of people think they dont work on them, until they realise that although their week hasnt been great, its not been that bad either...
Well I know when I went through basic training and a couple other types of training I had to endure for the Air Force, if I ever got down or discouraged during it, I'd just tell myself, "Hey thousands of people have gotten through this thing before me, so there's no way these #*^%ers are breaking me..." (Looking at this right now, I just realized I spent an awful lot of time talking to myself...maybe I was committed for the wrong reason...).

Anyway, I do the same thing in real life. Whenever I think life sucks, I'll think of some guy who lost his legs while I'm out running, or about homeless people when I bitch about having to get a toilet in a house I bought fixed. In fact I sponsor a little girl from some little island and just doing that type of thing makes me feel better about the hand I've been dealt. So keep your chin up doll, look how popular you are here. Life's never as bad as it could be.

Oh and Betchass, I don't remember tickling Salma as being one of my treatment options, damn HMOs...
I think that the tickling fetish in of itself as it relates to sadomasochistic relationships and the in turn impact on ones outlook on life that there are almost an infinite amount of factors that in my oppinion would expose our populous to bouts of depression. I think that each case in of itself would have to be examined to determine for each person although the scientific endorphin proposal was extremely accurate.

Kimiko, if you dont mind me asking, are you just a lee, or do you enjoy being tied up and tickled

If you enjoy being tickled then i think that there would probably be a certain attern of borderline masochistic psychological predisposition that contributes to your outlook on life
Well this is very interesting question. After a bad expereince with an ex that should be in prison for what he did to me, I became very depressed this was two almost three years ago. I started hurting myself and it wasnt to gain any attention i did this in places people wouldn't see such as my shoulder or sides. I even went as far as over dosing alot and trying to die. There was alot of shit that happened but during my two years of being that broken inside i had the biggest urge for tickling. So yes i believe that when people are depressed they have their sexual tension built also or something like that. you know? im no doctor but i was very sexually frustrated during those two years and desired tickling like never before. but now that im fighting the depression (fucking anit-depressants its better then being put away i suppose) i do still want to be tickled....but not as bad.
lonelykimiko said:
Hehe, I like that last part 😛 .

Basically for me it was a whole host of things that set it off. Basically think of your regular day as having upas and downs, like having good moments and bad moments, but if you put how you were feeling on a graph you could plot an average in there.
For a clinical depressant, for whatever reasons, that average is below the "content" average line, so what you get is that the bad things are a lot worse from them in the way they percieve them, and the good things just aint as good either. This is why they tend to start thinking thoughts such as "why bother".

I'm in the annoying situation whereby I can be fairly objective about things, and see that things arent really that bad, but I still feel really down about them. Though there are many reasons for all of these things to happen, one commonly accepted reason is a chemical imbalance. Drugs like fluroxetine help to restore that balance to its normal, and do not, as seems to be believed, make you happy. THey average things out again, which is a why a lot of people think they dont work on them, until they realise that although their week hasnt been great, its not been that bad either...

Now that you mention it, I recall being told Ritalin was once prescribed in conjunction with Prozac, as people were found to commit suicide more often. I guess the depression wore off in stages, and the "helpless do nothing" stage wore off before the "can't go on" stage did. That was his explanation anyway.
If you are being objective in some ways, I would guess it just means you're smart and have the desire to improve your life.
Sadly, I don't think spending more time on tickletheater.com is the best way to improve your life. Once I was out of work for 2 weeks after a depressive episode (stayed awake 3 1/2 days), and my best friend pointed out that, the longer I let it interfere with my workaday life, the more power I gave it.
Forget I said that part about tickletheater. IF there were more Salma Hayek tk pics/scenes, there would be no problem.
Tremere said:
Oh and Betchass, I don't remember tickling Salma as being one of my treatment options, damn HMOs...

Yeah, they haven't thoroughly embraced alternative medicine yet. But you may be able to find a loophole if they support "wellness" programs.


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If at all possible i advocate no drug usage as a cure for depression or any mental issue. Im so annoyed with the concept of "oh your kid is hyper, here give him this pill" etc etc But i also advocate no drug usage as a cure for depression cuz when the drug is gone, it makes the depression worse, as i learned by starting drinkin due to a love in my life tellin me to fuck off, then i gradually snapped out of it and learned the joys of drinkin...lol

I dunno, from personal experience one day u just wake up and snap out of it...im still in my perpetual downward spiral but few weeks ago i woke up and all that hatred and anger i had towards the said person above which really drove me into a depression was gone, completely. Heh, now i gotta work on losin the anger to other jagbags i know

but hugs always work::hugs lk again::

or as im watchin, bein ryu and doin wicked hadukens apparently make u feel better
Clincial Pharmacist's Perspective:

The question of anti-depressants comes up all the time. Although my specialty is cancer care, I did do a clinical pharmacy rotation in psychiatric medicne while earning my degree. "Depression" diaganosis and treatment is a tricky thing, since much of it is in the eye of the patient, not the doc. It's not fully measurable like, say blood sugar levels or blood pressure. The field has improved much lately with better screening tests and the like, but many doctors, esp. the older ones, may not be as up on them as the younger ones. I go back to the pre-Prozac days, when all we had were the tri-cyclics like Elavil (amitriptyline) or those horrid MAOI inhibitors like Nardil. They really didn't work all that well.

The best thing one can do for mild depression is actitvity, esp. physical. Many substitute sex for this, which is ok if you have a stable relationship going. But some, not having one, will hop from partner to partner, which makes the depression worse. Physcial excercise is great, as well stated above by others.

We all get down from time to time. I've been there, even held the knife to slit my wrists in college at one point is was so depressed and alone. But, the Lord rescued me from that pit and has shown me how to avoid it. I have been depressed, and I have, like the time above, probably been clinically depressed. One can lead to the other, although the more serious forms tend to last for longer periods of time (not up on the latest guidlines for diagnosis these days, my copy of the DSM criteria is way out of date).

The key is to try to balance one's life as much as one can. I say this because too much of ANYTHING, even (ducking thrown objects) too much time HERE, can lead to obcessive behavior, which can trigger depression.

Drugs like fluoxitine (Prozac) DO work when used right. The problem is, everyone seems to still want a "happy pill' rather than facing life head on and dealing with reality (thank you '60s and '70s generations for that pathetic mind set...). There is no 'magic bullet' drug. They all have good and bad effects. Used right, they bring people out of the pit of depression. Used incorrectly, all they do is increase risk of other problems.

I will not go out on a limb and say: LK, you need 'Drug A" or You need to stop everything you're taking. That's beyond my scope of care, and your physician(s) are the best first judge there.

Sorry to go so long, but there are so many myths about drugs, esp. Psych drugs that need to be dispelled.
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