Y'all need to relax.
This story is complete bullshit.
I'm surprised the didn't add at the end, "and the whole dealership applauded".
I can confirm his story, I was the women he tickled. The applause was deafening to say the least.
If you're really the woman he tickled, then please confirm how many orgasms you experienced in response to said tickling.
Y'all need to relax.
This story is complete bullshit.
I'm surprised the didn't add at the end, "and the whole dealership applauded".
(I still think it's hilarious that Manic Tickler and Magic Fingers of all people should be called "millennials" and liberal "snowflakes" 😀 I'd bet they'd think it was funny, also. 😉
Easily 18 AT LEAST! Greatest experience in my life!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ManiacTickler AND Magic Fingers, "millennials" and "snowflakes"??????!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH What's next, you're going to call those guys "liberals"?? heeheehee....
You lost, guys, thanks for playing. I don't even have an opinion on this story, I just have to laugh myself silly at the notion of Maniac Tickler AND Magic Fingers appearing in the same thread and being called millennials and snowflakes. It just shows how lazy these other two are, that they are so programmed and conditioned that they just use lingo that they picked up from their little television programs or radio shows that they watch and listen to, or the internet.....or anywhere else except their own brains. How embarrassing.
Go back to your TV set, guys, they'll tell you what to say next, we'll wait here for you. 😀
As far as whether or not this story is bullshit, I wouldn't be too sure. The wildest thing that ever happened to me tickling related is something I would never, ever believe if I had read it, not in a million years. And yet it happened.
I am also thinking of something else, something I witnessed, not tickle related, but still contrary to what I thought would be the reaction. That happened in NYC, also so......every person is different, every situation is different, and we shouldn't jump to conclusions as to what hotchtick looks like or how he comes off in person, or how this woman felt about it, etc. (Assuming it actually happened, of course) It's creepy to us because this is a fetish board and know the deal. She might have just seen it as a flirtation.
Ok, back to silencio, just had to resurface my submarine for that hilarity. Magic and Maniac as millennials, that is just too funny......
Shouldn't you be out protesting blocking traffic arguing over who should use which bathroom, or recycling your birkenstocks? Say hello to the rest of the vagina hat mafia for me
Boy the word snowflake really seems to "trigger" the Antifa wannabes. Why does that insult bother you so much? Is there some truth to it?
Thanks for proving my point, yet again!
I wish you were a little smarter so you'd realize how dumb you are. I mean seriously you're approaching AOC levels of stupidity.
The millennials are coming, the millennials are coming!
(I still think it's hilarious that Manic Tickler and Magic Fingers of all people should be called "millennials" and liberal "snowflakes" 😀 I'd bet they'd think it was funny, also. 😉
You are not a cop. Stop trying to pump up your otherwise small member.That's a shame man. I was on your side and you insult me. So because you randomly tickled a stranger's foot in public and essentially sexually harassed her and people call you out on it, were all whiney millennials?
As a cop, if I had been there and seen this and the woman had complained about it, I would have arrested you on the spot. That's the risk you face. You can cry millennials all you want, but the law is the law. Grow up and learn to control your urges like a big boy.
Women aren't meat just waiting to be touched by us men.
how many of you [...] don't have a problem looking at bondage pics? Is that not oppression as you would happily call it? Don't be a hypocrite.