YAY! Finally have more than three minutes to write a real fricking reply. So here goes:
Great cover art!
GREAT Comic, I really loved it 🙂
Awww, thanks man! That mean a TON! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. Sincerely - thank you.
This series is awesome in general, but editing this issue was a pleasure.
I think I found the droid's theme song, btw -
Fresh out the box, the latest model
Generator runnin on full throttle
Can I get a fuel up? Hit the bottle
(Reboot) I got a lotta
Automatic booty applications
Got a CPU maxed out sensation
Looking for a droid to man my station
(Reboot) Ro-rock the nation
My system's in mint condition
The power's up on my transistors
Working fine, no glitches
Plug me in then flip some switches
Pull up in docking position
Pop the hatch and hit ignition
Bu-bu-burn out baby
Ready for demolition
My superbrain is all binary
Circuitry and mainframe, tin foil hair
I'm sippin propane topped with a cherry
(Reboot) In, fact I'm a very
Scientifically advanced hot mama
Artificially discreet, no drama
Digitally chic titaniam armor
(Reboot) Ring the alarm-ah
<object width="420" height="315"><param name="movie" value="//www.youtube.com/v/0cpUkPbodOM?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="//www.youtube.com/v/0cpUkPbodOM?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="420" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
Okay - not only is your comment one of my favorite ALL time comments that I've ever received, but Fembot is literally my favorite new song. You're the best, AH! Seriously. Can't thank you enough for that kind comment, for your wonderful work saving my grammar from incomprehensibleness (<---SEE??) and for everything you do. Thanks a million and I'm so thrilled you enjoyed Tickling in Space: Android Dilemma.
Really awesome.
I'll put together some thoughts when I'm not rushing to get to bed.
You rock, my friend. And your feedback means a lot to me. The next TIS is in pre-production now, as are a couple other comic lines - so seriously - please DO give me your thoughts. I highly value them.
ohhhh my Audrey and Thompson ohhh my love those scenes alll I know is I had this song playing in the background as I read it for the 5th time
So awesome. Something about AD really inspired the musical references. Must be Thompson's electric personality. Ah ha ha ha. Someone smack me. LOL. Thanks so much, man. Hoped you liked Audrey's little cameo as well. I'm guessing Thompson might STILL be finding her little spot again soon. XD
Must stop the voices......???????
Glib remark, missing reference or foreshadowing?
Ha ha ha. yeah...glib remark. Seeing as how Dusty hired the Mad Doctor to fix Thompson so she would stop distracting the crew, and then at the end the entire crew is distracted by TICKLING Thompson and all Dusty got out of the deal was a 3 gillion four hundred samolian dollar invoice out of the whole thing........she's feeling a little psychotic about it all. And of course, Koki's cute pun in response and resultant ticklish torture CAN be seen as some foreshadowing of what's awaiting her dusky freckly body in the hours to come. Thanks for all your support!
Nicely done! There's something for everyone in this. Great bellybutton attention!
If you haven't bought this yet, what's wrong with you?! Get it now!
Thanks so much, button! You know I always try to include something for everyone. I loved the way Andre depicted the button tickling here. Will definitely have to put in some more for the next TIS adventure!
Really enjoyed this one. Lots of good stuff all throughout.
Hugely appreciated. So glad you enjoyed it! Andre and the team did a wonderful job bringing the TIS universe to life.

I sooo waited for this comic and now we haaaaaaaaave it
So awesome

Brillant artworks. Wonderful Story... soooo great
The biggest surprise was the gal who was called to fix Thompson
😀 I so love to see her making her best work
So great to have a issue full with Thompson in focus
TIS is one of my mooooost favorite T-Comic series

My favorite Page is Page 3

So many great tickling at one page :lov:
Especially the last panel
And I so loved to see Slither licking with her snakey tongue

And page 16 is great too... cause you seeso many of the crew babes

My eyes are focusing the blond one (not Downy) and the gal with the eye patch

And glad that you give a lil' from your great novel
I have to read this great story again
Sooooo many thanx for that great Comic... I cannot say how great it is

All thumps up fr a perfect adventure, with Dusty and all the sexy pirates
Awwww - is TIS really one of your favorites? That's so sweet and wonderful! Thanks, Deemon. I agree - Andre and the team did a fantastic job on the art! And by the way - I really love that bottom panel on page 3 as well. Audrey has always been one of my favorite TIS characters and something about seeing her naked in the devil chair and being tickled right THERE just DOES it for me. XD You're the best, Deemon. Thank you!
Bought it. Very glad I did.
YAY! Thanks so much, my friend. Thrilled tat you enjoyed it.
I have to admit, I found this a worthwhile purchase. Normally I'm prepared to be slightly disappointed her and there on tickling action, artwork, or writing (the old 2 but not 3 triad), but this one didn't disappoint at all: all 3 were in equal proportion and the fact that the issue had 30 pages--a full-sized direct sales individual issue publication page count--to take it's time made it a good, quality, leisurely read you could savor.
I'm giving my endorsement on this.
Thanks, my friend. Andre and the team definitely did a tremendous job on the art. And it can truly be a challenge to create a fun, humorous story in a comic like this and still include a HOT TON of ticklishness action. So I'm glad we came through for you. Thanks for the generous feedback!
I just wanted to make clear that
TICKLING IN SPACE: ANDROID DILEMMA official page count is 16 (15 comic pages + cover). The additional pages that you mentioned is a preview from
Bounce Chix Origins I novella.
I'm really glad you enjoyed the comic. Thank you very much for your feedback!
Thanks for always making things clear, Jim. You truly are the mogul giant philanthropist dictator genius of the tickle comic world. And I mean that. I do. All kidding aside - thank you for being a sensational business partner and for making projects like the Android Dilemma possible. I owe you. Like forever.
THIS WAS FREAKING AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The art was OUTSTANDING, the story delightful, and the tickling oh-so enjoyable!
Awesome and totally generous support, my friend! As one of the original stakeholders of the TICKLING IN SPACE series, your feedback means a great deal to me. I'm overjoyed that you dug the comic. Andre and the team did a terrific job and we've already got them started on the next installment. Thank you for all you've done for the TIS universe, good buddy!
The tag *HOT* in the title is not hyperbolic, it's a great comic.
Props to all involved.
As one of resident experts in what's HOT in the tickle world - your kind words mean a lot my friend. Can't wait for your next release. I know it'll be outstanding.
Simply amazing as always! I have yet to purchase a dissapointing comic from you.
Wow. Yeah. Wow. That...uh. That's probably one of the nicest compliments you could have paid, my friend. Thank you. You made my night. I will continue to try my ass off not to ever disappoint.
Fantastic comic! The girls are cute as hell and the tickling action smokes! This artist is unbelievable; he compliments 'Deeto's script and ideas perfectly!!
Thanks, my good friend! Your input always means a great deal to me. So glad you like Andre's approach! I think we'll be seeing more of him.
another awesome comic bandito, keep em coming cant wait for the next peterton poe
Me too!!! And trust me....they'll keep coming as long as we keep tickling them like this. LOL. And hey - worked on the next Poe for a while this weekend, my friend. Thanks for all your support!
Thanks, man. We appreciate that!
This is indeed spectacular! I enjoyed every page, tidbits, angles, color palette and details of this comic --- and very sexy too! The story evolved so well and the signature flavor and plot is distinct, and it gets hotter and hotter in every episode... Kudos to the great teamwork of Deet and team! To those (if there are newbies) who haven't known Tickling in Space just yet, you should really check-out the past issues too, especially the two T.I.S. artworks done/interpreted by Scavenger...and of course, add this latest!
You're too good to us, Bohy. Always treasure your comments! Thank you. And I agree.....Scav's original contributions to the TIS universe are classic and epic! INOSAKA'S PARADOX and VEIL OF QADESH are among my favorite tickle comics EVAR!!!
Okay - I'll end this wall o' text with another HUMONGOUS thank you to all of you. The TICKLING IN SPACE series continues because you guys and gals are awesome. Without your support - none of this would be possible.
So thank you, from the bottom of our purple three-breasted alien hearts.
The Space Deet