Stephen said:
Very good, Ice. Can you believe asutickler? He takes me to task for not citing examples of Lott's bigotry. Well if dude wants examples, all he would have had to do is pick up any newspaper or news magazine since the Thurmond birthday party incident (did Strom use leaf blower to extinguish his candles?) and the evidence would all be laid out for him.
Ah, I see. You do realize that statements such as, "DUDE, that's, like, common knowledge!" or "Like, pick up any book or magazine and it'll, like, be IN there, DUDE!" are obvious smokescreen tactics to disguise your own lack of knowledge. I wanted to know which specific facts you were referring to. Since I am not clairvoyant, I was forced to
ask you which specific facts you were referring to. Given your evasive answer, I am led to believe that you CANNOT cite specific facts, given that you probably don't know any. It takes only a moment or two to post a link or mention an article... That is, if you've actually read one.
Stephen said:
Don't Arizona State students read newspapers?
Actually, most of them don't read anything.
😛 Our admittance standards are shockingly low... But we throw one hell of a party!
Seriously, though, given the individual biases of print media publications, reading two different papers will likely expose you to two different sets of "facts." Hence, my orignal question as to which "facts" you were referencing.
Stephen said:
And guess why Lott, Thurmond and the rest of them switched from the Dems to the GOP during Nixon's Southern strategy. It was race, only race. Nixon turned the GOP from the "party of Lincoln" to the party that gave a nod and a wink to bigotry.
Nixon was a class "A" shitbird, I wouldn't wipe my ass with Trent Lott's toupee, and I have occasional doubts as to the state of Jesse Helms' mental health. I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican... I was merely pointing out their prior party affiliation because of your unilateral slur against the members of the GOP.