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Wait, was that a pun? Cos my avatar is a dog? LOOOL
It was coincodence! I swear! First saying that came to mind when I was thinking up a starter!
Wait, was that a pun? Cos my avatar is a dog? LOOOL
I feel like I have to be a homer here and defend my favorite game, so bear with me.
Although unfinished, ToG probably does set the bar on what TRPG's should do. It should have actual game mechanics, it should have a decent plot, it should have great characters (ESPECIALLY villains) and above all, the quality of writing has to be high when there is considerably little "on-screen graphic" tickling. The reason why I rate it higher than classic like CC or Screamer's excellent KP is that the writing is just so good. It might actually be the best tickle-writing I've seen anywhere, even in the stories section here.
Of course, feel free to disagree. Just voicing my opinion.
Just depends how quickly you want to jump to the fapping!
Ok, but you have to consider that Screamer is an Italian motherlanguage, not an English one!
You played the TRANSLATE and ADAPTED version of his previous game, and not the ORIGINAL one. That may influence your being the judge of the question...
It's like reading Dante's "Inferno" tranlated into English and than say "It's good, but I still prefer Shakespear"... you should be able to read it into Italian, to compare it to a Shakespear's work... gotcha? Ok, it's a little bit impegnative comparation, I know... 😉 It was just to get the idea!
Moreover, I recognize that ToG has got a much more complessed script that Screamer's works, that are easier... but that was the intention!
ToG is still incomplete because the project was just too ambitious! DeusexProcella made a fantastic work, but the took YEARS for makin' the first 5 (or 4?) part of the project... in the meantime, his life changed, he finishing studying, and get married and get a job... so now we've a great, but unfinished, game!
The intention of Screamer is just to entartain us, so he works on to projects he know he can finish in some months... so he won't disappoint us!
I think this are the motivation of Screamer... he can certainly speak for his self! 😉
(By the way, I consider Tower of Gargalesis a great game, and, if it would be finished, probably the greatest of all... I enjoyed so much how the script turno out suddently after you beat the spider-girl, it was just stunning!! And not to mention the great "The Labyrinth of Laughter", that unfortunaly wasn't translated any more... I loved it! 🙁 ).
Damm, I can barely wait for this x_x
Do we have any date, even if just a prevision? D:
Don't mind if I do.I feel like I have to be a homer here and defend my favorite game, so bear with me.
Although unfinished, ToG probably does set the bar on what TRPG's should do. It should have actual game mechanics, it should have a decent plot, it should have great characters (ESPECIALLY villains) and above all, the quality of writing has to be high when there is considerably little "on-screen graphic" tickling. The reason why I rate it higher than classic like CC or Screamer's excellent KP is that the writing is just so good. It might actually be the best tickle-writing I've seen anywhere, even in the stories section here.
Of course, feel free to disagree.
This is a bad analogy. Translation can lose how cleverly something is phrased. It does not, generally, throw out the content itself. The issue that was being expressed above is that ToG goes into beautiful detail of what's happening during an encounter, whereas some other games neglect that level of detail.It's like reading Dante's "Inferno" tranlated into English and than say "It's good, but I still prefer Shakespear"... you should be able to read it into Italian, to compare it to a Shakespear's work... gotcha? Ok, it's a little bit impegnative comparation, I know... 😉 It was just to get the idea!
Don't mind if I do.
ToG's writing was top tier. (Next best was, IMO, LoL.) However, its mechanics fell far short of their mark. The juice system's ultimate result was punishing players for not being an ideal level. The class system needed a lot of time and effort to balance (which never happened). I wouldn't be surprised if the mechanical ambition was what killed ToG, which is a shame, because again, the writing in it was great.
I'd have much preferred Deus spent more time writing and fleshing out the world/characters than spending hours upon hours fine-tuning minutiae for some class I won't ever play, because Slayer/Mage gets me to the meat faster.
(Another thing it screwed up, IMO, was tying the classes' weak spots to their mechanics. Separate crunch from fluff wherever possible, people.)
Something that ToG nailed that some other games missed: it described scenes in detail. Stuff like "*tickle tickle*" followed by "hahaha" is repetitive, bland, and lazy.
On the flip side, Lala's Ordeal was mechanically superior to ToG and KP, because it was straight-forward, finely tuned (up until that fight on the boat, I guess), and—above all else—actually understood the type of game that it was (read: fap game, not a Tri-Ace lab production).
This is a bad analogy. Translation can lose how cleverly something is phrased. It does not, generally, throw out the content itself. The issue that was being expressed above is that ToG goes into beautiful detail of what's happening during an encounter, whereas some other games neglect that level of detail.
No one is saying, "Screamer, you word things clumsily." They're saying, "Screamer, tell us more!"
Something that ToG nailed that some other games missed: it described scenes in detail. Stuff like "*tickle tickle*" followed by "hahaha" is repetitive, bland, and lazy.
Don't mind if I do.
ToG's writing was top tier. (Next best was, IMO, LoL.) However, its mechanics fell far short of their mark. The juice system's ultimate result was punishing players for not being an ideal level. The class system needed a lot of time and effort to balance (which never happened). I wouldn't be surprised if the mechanical ambition was what killed ToG, which is a shame, because again, the writing in it was great.
I'd have much preferred Deus spent more time writing and fleshing out the world/characters than spending hours upon hours fine-tuning minutiae for some class I won't ever play, because Slayer/Mage gets me to the meat faster.
(Another thing it screwed up, IMO, was tying the classes' weak spots to their mechanics. Separate crunch from fluff wherever possible, people.)
Something that ToG nailed that some other games missed: it described scenes in detail. Stuff like "*tickle tickle*" followed by "hahaha" is repetitive, bland, and lazy.
Hi Lurky! Glad you could join this lively debate
Here's why the juice system was shit. Say you get a new potion at level 5. It heals like 80% of your life.The juice system wasn't the problem. Hell, the juice system is what helped make the game doable!
I could tolerate mobs taking a fixed % of my HP at any given level, provided that progression in the game's mechanics introduced mitigating factors (which ToG didn't). One example would be having some changes in the action economy (e.g. act 2+ times per turn) or having new abilities that negate attacks, drain life, or whatever. I'm not saying I want these things in the game; I'm saying that when you have mobs whose numbers keep up with yours, but you don't get anything new or cool that makes you able to shit on them wholesale, you don't feel like you're getting more powerful.The problem was a scaling mechanic that wasn't properly balanced (there really should've been a limit to how far enemies scaled, particularly enemies that you met at the start of the game. Tickle Faeries should NOT be able to take 1/6 of your life at level 14 and max gear). It created a limit to what the player could do - you had a specific range to what you could play at, without notice, and outside that range you were F'd! The farther you were away from that range, the harder the game was to the point you could destroy all future progress due to overleveling.
The bottom line is that I don't think he should have bothered putting in that many classes to begin with. The less you introduce, the less you have to balance.I argue with you on the class system. What...was the problem? I felt many classes were "balanced" to a degree; not as badly as you make it sound.
Thought fine tuning/balancing was what you said was poor 😉 Yet you wish he'd have balanced less and done more story?
Ah, I still remember when we first got LO. Playing through the game, it was new and exciting. Someone else made a tickling RPG and it wasn't from the TT! And then we got to the ending... what a lousy ending. It was terrible. Ruined practically the whole damn game.
...And then... something weird happened. Something unexpected...
...The creator himself came to us. Made an account and spoke to us. Changed the ending to one much more satisfying. How strange it was; for most of us thought he only spoke Italian and couldn't communicate with anyone but Xtreme. Such a shocker it was, and such a momentus occasion. With Screamer joining our leagues, it lit a fire - a search for tickle games began, TT gained a brand new forum dedicated solely to tickling games, and what's more we now begin to have other creators in TT making games of their own. Screamer began making more games - MOAR GAYMS! It's like we now have a supplier of drugs; we just gotta have the next Screamer title or our addiction will drive us mad!
-wipes a tear from my eye- Twas a great time indeed.
Damn you guys and your high expectations and makin us do more work because we worry we won't please you and we wanna raise bars! Rah-dah rah-dah rah-dah!
The juice system wasn't the problem. Hell, the juice system is what helped make the game doable! The problem was a scaling mechanic that wasn't properly balanced (there really should've been a limit to how far enemies scaled, particularly enemies that you met at the start of the game. Tickle Faeries should NOT be able to take 1/6 of your life at level 14 and max gear). It created a limit to what the player could do - you had a specific range to what you could play at, without notice, and outside that range you were F'd! The farther you were away from that range, the harder the game was to the point you could destroy all future progress due to overleveling.
I argue with you on the class system. What...was the problem? I felt many classes were "balanced" to a degree; not as badly as you make it sound.
Thought fine tuning/balancing was what you said was poor 😉 Yet you wish he'd have balanced less and done more story? Wires are crossing right there. But no, Mage was quite grueling until you got Spaz. And THANKFULLY she scaled to some degree based on your difficulty, because DwtD mode would have been impossible if she was as weak as normal mode's (I honestly didn't find her useful in that mode).
I have no clue what you mean on class' weak spots tied in with their mechanics. Are you upset that a class had one designated 100% weak spot?
This...This right here. THIS - RIGHT - HERE! This is what makes me skip most scenes in Jap tickle RPG's. Well, not "skip", but flick through them. Because this is almost entirely what the majority are. Ugh... It's what also can ruin a great story on something like (you've got a good writer who will do practically 3 pages of story, and then the next choice gets you 3 sentences that a kindergartner could have written).
Heh, I wonder if you're mistaking Lurk(a) for Lurker. Not the same person.
Ah, I still remember when we first got LO. Playing through the game, it was new and exciting. Someone else made a tickling RPG and it wasn't from the TT! And then we got to the ending... what a lousy ending. It was terrible. Ruined practically the whole damn game.
...And then... something weird happened. Something unexpected...
...The creator himself came to us. Made an account and spoke to us. Changed the ending to one much more satisfying. How strange it was; for most of us thought he only spoke Italian and couldn't communicate with anyone but Xtreme. Such a shocker it was, and such a momentus occasion. With Screamer joining our leagues, it lit a fire - a search for tickle games began, TT gained a brand new forum dedicated solely to tickling games, and what's more we now begin to have other creators in TT making games of their own. Screamer began making more games - MOAR GAYMS! It's like we now have a supplier of drugs; we just gotta have the next Screamer title or our addiction will drive us mad!
-wipes a tear from my eye- Twas a great time indeed.
Ah, I still remember when we first got LO. Playing through the game, it was new and exciting. Someone else made a tickling RPG and it wasn't from the TT! And then we got to the ending... what a lousy ending. It was terrible. Ruined practically the whole damn game.
...And then... something weird happened. Something unexpected...
...The creator himself came to us. Made an account and spoke to us. Changed the ending to one much more satisfying. How strange it was; for most of us thought he only spoke Italian and couldn't communicate with anyone but Xtreme. Such a shocker it was, and such a momentus occasion. With Screamer joining our leagues, it lit a fire - a search for tickle games began, TT gained a brand new forum dedicated solely to tickling games, and what's more we now begin to have other creators in TT making games of their own. Screamer began making more games - MOAR GAYMS! It's like we now have a supplier of drugs; we just gotta have the next Screamer title or our addiction will drive us mad!
-wipes a tear from my eye- Twas a great time indeed.
better job at handling ending problems than Bioware did with their game 😛
I've never made a game. I translated Tickle Mansion and helped translate a little bit of KP, though. Both of those were made by Screamer.Hehe, and I just like called Lurk, Lurky. I know who he is (I did comment a few times about his game, after all XD)
How about puting in a "SAW" style trap (tickling instead of pain of course) in the game.
It was Deus that REALLY started all this, as broken as ToG can be)
Just to echo the above, consider me on the "Screamer is awesome" boat.
I've never made a game. I translated Tickle Mansion and helped translate a little bit of KP, though. Both of those were made by Screamer.
Time to PM a mod and ask them to change my handle to DaveyJones!Well, fuck. I can't believe there's a guy called Lurk AND a guy called Lurker. Apologies.
What are the odds? C'mon, people, you need more imaginative distinctive names!