Wow. Why has so little been completed?! I'm already at 80%! I'm over here being mr. lightning I guess.
😛 No, I'm kidding, don't have a heart attack lol. I've only got about 30% of the maps finished; less than that completely evented. Gonna piledrive through some this week.
Still, what's slowing you down? If you're run into any eventing issues, drop me a line. Two heads are better than one.
Oh yea - and I'm SO looking forward to babysitting Marika. Do we have an option to leave her to Them? Like, she gets all tired and we just yell "DINNER TIME! COME AND TICKLE!" and then run like the wind? 😛
Thanks for the offer mate, but like you, i really enjoy solo-work!
And, it's not i'm slowing down, but there're a lot of things i want to include into the game!
Screamer do you plan on releasing a trial or are you just going to release it when its finished?
I'll release the entire game when it's finished.
I'm doing it out of love!
Well if Screamer is indeed a solo worker, then I guess it goes to show that almost anyone can do it without too much help.
Leave AW alone Dae. With Screamer, we already know what his RPGs are like. AW is a newcomer so it would only make sense that he show how much potential he has when it comes to game design. Screenshots are good and all, but the game itself is where it counts.
Oh and people prefer solo work so that no one else changes or interprets differently what their visions are for their game.
That said, small things like map design and beta testing are good. I have helped out with Deus in mapping before anyway.
It also takes dedication to the craft. I'm sure a lot of people on the forums have tried to make a game, but quickly stopped because it became too tedious. Going about it solo means you become the writer, sound designer, 2D artist (or 2.5 if you're crazy enough), and scripter/eventer. You gotta be a little crazy to do it lol.
Well for some reason, I tried making one twice with RPG Maker XP...not sure if I should get XV Ace since it's near $100. I have come to two problem that not cause me to try again.....
1: I was suppose to make one that actually have the two characters have an adventure yet likes to tickle (unlike some games where they start with dislike but began to grow fond of it) but one pointed out that I was making something too related to the game once played (Screamer's Game: Lala's Ordeal). I didn't realize the mistake I had made until she told me about that and that cause me to lose confident in myself.... (The game I tried to make was called "The Tickle Sister")
2: I got the confident back and decided to make a shorter game and it was going pretty so far....I was pretty close onto finishing it with one person and was going to go through that would 3 more (so it's going to be like 25% done if I finish one). However, when I formatted my laptop to try and fix the unknown error with the internet and the system...I thought I copied my new one over the old one, but I was dead wrong when I saw that my hard work was gone. I was REALLY upset that I lost everything I worked hard on.
I'm not gonna give up yet, and I decided to do the smart thing....plan on what game should be about before making one. Though it'll be a challenge still since I''m no artist and I'll have to look for various sound effect to make the game more interesting, and for scripts...I'll need to look for something that will bring my interest. Heads up though, I rather make a battle style like Screamer and also what Dues had made...a little easier that than make battlers move during the fight (or tickle fight). Being a writer though....if you saw David the Genikit's Adventure that I wrote in Deviantart, you may see if I did well or not with that.
Use Dropbox or make regular backups to prevent this from happening again.I was pretty close onto finishing it with one person and was going to go through that would 3 more (so it's going to be like 25% done if I finish one). However, when I formatted my laptop to try and fix the unknown error with the internet and the system...I thought I copied my new one over the old one, but I was dead wrong when I saw that my hard work was gone. I was REALLY upset that I lost everything I worked hard on.
Well for some reason, I tried making one twice with RPG Maker XP...not sure if I should get XV Ace since it's near $100. I have come to two problem that not cause me to try again.....
1: I was suppose to make one that actually have the two characters have an adventure yet likes to tickle (unlike some games where they start with dislike but began to grow fond of it) but one pointed out that I was making something too related to the game once played (Screamer's Game: Lala's Ordeal). I didn't realize the mistake I had made until she told me about that and that cause me to lose confident in myself.... (The game I tried to make was called "The Tickle Sister")
2: I got the confident back and decided to make a shorter game and it was going pretty so far....I was pretty close onto finishing it with one person and was going to go through that would 3 more (so it's going to be like 25% done if I finish one). However, when I formatted my laptop to try and fix the unknown error with the internet and the system...I thought I copied my new one over the old one, but I was dead wrong when I saw that my hard work was gone. I was REALLY upset that I lost everything I worked hard on.
I'm not gonna give up yet, and I decided to do the smart thing....plan on what game should be about before making one. Though it'll be a challenge still since I''m no artist and I'll have to look for various sound effect to make the game more interesting, and for scripts...I'll need to look for something that will bring my interest. Heads up though, I rather make a battle style like Screamer and also what Dues had made...a little easier that than make battlers move during the fight (or tickle fight). Being a writer though....if you saw David the Genikit's Adventure that I wrote in Deviantart, you may see if I did well or not with that.
Use Dropbox or make regular backups to prevent this from happening again.
While I don't advocate it exactly, there are "deeply discounted" methods to acquiring the program, if you so desired. Everything online tends to have a cheaper, alternative way of getting something.
That said, this bloody disappoints me, FT Genikit. You stopped making a game because it was similar to Screamer's LO? Seriously? Not sure who this girl is who pointed that out, but who cares at all if the main characters like tickling ON A SITE DEDICATED TO TICKLE LOVERS. See FT Genikit, everything has its roots in something else; everything is just a slight modification to something that already exists. You can't really make anything original these days, you can only take a slightly add or take away from something. All games, all movies, all art is taken from something else.
Here, take a look at this; it's a great example: http://youtu.be/sFy Q3SaDXKo
Everything has been done - even in anime. Every angle, every camera move, every character type, personality, action, joke, it's all been done - otherwise you wouldn't be able to make AMV's like that.
I'm not saying it's ok to copy a game word for word, scene for scene - but honestly, you quit because your characters liked rather than loathed tickling at the start? :rolleyes Cmoooonnn. I'm sure a lot of tickle lovers like having the characters actually like their fetish at the start than go "Omfg, tickling? Seriously? That's so gross!"
Anyways, I'd recommend what Lurk(a) said and use a Dropbox. Of course, I don't do that - I have a "backup" on 2 computers, a portable, exterior HDD, and my flash drive (seriously, there's a sale going on right now to get a 32GB one for $20. That's amazing and more space than you'll know what to do with). After I had my stupid RAID setup frag itself one saddening day and lose several years of my life, I'm always backing everything up now. If you love your computer files, you'll definitely need a backup (and preferably a backup for your backup!)
Also, you think me and Screamer (and so damn many artists and even professional studios out there) make their own sounds? No. I might edit sounds, and I could combine and modify them for my purpose, but I'm not going out there with a shoe and record me banging it on concrete to get the sound when there are thousands of already made "Shoe walking on concrete" sound clips online.
You also don't NEED scripts; they can be confusing and a nightmare to get working well between each other. Same goes for art (seriously now? Screamer and I are both grabbing artwork from other artists. Like I said...cmoooonnnnn). You need dedication and determination when you set your heart on a project like this. Don't start something ya can't finish! Get in the groove. Get yer freak on. Grab that mouse and begin clicking out pure gold for others to enjoy!
I say, grab The Tickle Sister story and go with it again!
...Also, add incest... It'll sell better. :whistling:
For XP, it may not be as good as VX Ace, but at least now they have Character Maker XP to help create a style you like at least. If not....you might find a way to get "Private Character Editor" to make any kinds of appearance you like....may take more work though since you have to make him/her 16-18 times (4 Fronts, 4 Lefts, 4 Rights, and 4 Backs - and maybe 2 unconscious character for front and back.)