Level of Tangerine Feather
- Joined
- Oct 11, 2007
- Messages
- 11,944
- Points
- 38
Do you enjoy scary/horror/gory movies?
If i met you for the first time, i would probably dive at your feet and start massaging them. would you be ok with that?
1. Warrior, ranger, or mage?
2. What have some of your tasks been as Mod of the Silly Stuff Forum?
3. Have you experienced the same kind of acceptance you get from your wives with anyone else? Is it based on the fetish, the friendship, or other factors?
4. How can a rhino have dainty appendages?
5. Do you hum / sing while you vacuum?
7. Why does vacuum have two u's back to back?
6. What's the last thing you watched on Netflix?
8. Would you be bound in yellow rope? Or does that go against your non-yellow feelings?
9. Of all the video game systems of the past and present, which is your favorite?
10. How many fruits / vegetables do you eat in an average day?
11. If there was an invention that let you relive past days of your life as if you were watching television, what are 3 times you would like to revisit?
12. How many people outside of your childhood school have seen your yearbook picture?
13. If you had to have a picture of a body part pasted on the TMF homepage for eternity, what would you choose to have posted?
14. What's the very first mainstream tickle mention you remember seeing or hearing in the media? How did you react?
15. When do you feel completely at peace with the world?
Do you turn green and strong, like She-Hulk when your mad?
Do you think, Maniac, can dive? 😛
Do you enjoy scary/horror/gory movies?
How many concrete bricks can you break with your bare-fists?
Are you gonna see the next Final Destination movie?
So how quickly after everyone else arrived did it take you to forget about the weekend we had? 😉 (j/k. Glad you lot had fun)
What did you get up to this weekend? What was your favourite part?
and how is my bubby doing these days??
btw, what is your T-shirt size??? saw some Voltron T-shirts
1. Longbow, crossbow, or throwing knives?
2. If I report something just for fun, will I get in trouble?
3. How many wives do you have? Is there ever any inter-wife jealousy?
4. Which wife wears the pants in the family?
5. Are the reports true that those pants are, in fact, orange?
6. How does one protect a rhino from hurting itself?
7. What, exactly, does the word beautimous mean?
8. How would you describe your facial expressions whilst tickled? I know you can't see your own face, but hypothesize. . .
9. Are you a hoarder?
10. If you had to be a hoarder, what would you hoard?
11. What's the saddest movie you ever remember seeing?
12. Contrarily, what's the funniest movie?
13. Are you a fan of highlighter yellow?
14. What's the maximum number of Crayola crayons you will allow in a single box?
15. Ever played Batman: Arkham Asylum?
16. What are the fruits and vegetables you've eaten thus far today?
17. How soon after waking up must you eat breakfast before your stomach begins eating itself?
18. Do you sleep with a glass of water by the bedside?
19. As one glasses wearer to another, do you put your specs on before using the bathroom in the middle of the night?
20. Let's say that you could plan a gathering with an unlimited budget, but you can only invite 3 people? Who are the lucky 3, and where are you going?
21. You still have an unlimited budget, but now you are using it to design your very own "playroom". What are your first purchases?
22. Do you consider yourself to be photogenic? What are 3 features you think come across best in pictures?
23. When watching those mainstream cartoons, did you envision yourself in the ler / lee's place?
24. On a similar line of thinking, can you watch other people get tickled and enjoy it, or does it bore you?
25.What are 3 things that make you jump up and down with excitement?
What's your current hair color?
How much work is it being a mod?
Could you pick six numbers I can use for Keno? (Less than 80.)
What is your favorite kind of stockings?
Do you enjoy Punk Rock music?
What's the number one candy you need - when you need candy?
Are you a singer or a vocalist? I'm a vocalist; because I can't sing worth crap.
Vocalists, can't sing! And, you didn't answer the question!
Did your neighbors call the cops?
1. Are you an able archer?
2. What advice do you have for those married people who do not live a harmonious life?
3. Did each member of the IFD break a rhino finger?
4. Is your eye-closing whilst tickled intentional? Are you afraid to witness your own demise?
5. How many items are currently in your shower?
6. Why keep a video game once you've played it through?
7. Be honest, Lily. You've channeled Ace Ventura and spoken through your bum, haven't you?
8. Of those 120 Crayolas, which color is your favorite?
9. Do you prefer fighting games, a la Mortal Kombat, or shooting games, a la the games where you shoot?
10. Do you lose your appetite when sad?
11. If your wives wanted to move in with you permanently, would you be OK with it?
12. How are the cats?
13. What are your second and third purchases for said playroom?
14. Ever found being tickled boring?
15. When's the next time the IFD assembles?
If i bought you a steak dinner, would you let me suck on your big toes?
If i offered to play a one on one Yahtzee game with you, would you accept?
1. Have you ever consider LARP'ing?
2. Have you ever considered writing a book? Sage advice there.
3. If you did write a book, what would it be about?
4. What would the title be?
5. Are you a fan of self-help books?
6. Don't you hate when your ears get blocked when you go swimming?
7. If your tickler asked you to open your eyes, would you be able to?
8. In general, do you follow directions well?
9. Why do you need 2 shower poofs?
10. Are you ambidextrous in the shower?
11. Are you a fan of Asian cuisine? Outside of sushi, which I think you mentioned loving previously.
12. Ever made it at home?
13. What do you consider to be an appropriate situation for butt-talking?
14. Ochre?
15. What do you have against dark pink?
16. At what point after waking do you need to take a shower?
17. If at some point you choose to have a child, will Cerulean be a name consideration?
18. If so, better for a boy or girl?
19. What are your preferred games to play with a partner?
20. Of all the fighting games, which is your favorite?
21. Fatality, animality, brutality or friendship?
22. You have 30 seconds to create the idea for the perfect video game. Go!
23. How do we know angels sleep?
24. If you were an angel / friendly spirit, what would you do?
25. What's wrong with the cuffs you currently have?
26. What would you use the duct tape for?
27. Can you write out a little "How-To" for those ticklers who need the extra help?