Go have fun, Maggie
Hi Maggie,
I've had half an eye on this thread, just because I love it that some fellow New Yorkers are gonna meet up and hang-good for you guys!
I'm a practitioner of several (ahem) alternative activities, I belong to the local BDSM group and travel frequently for various events-all without my ever-lovin' spouse of 10 yrs. He's just not as social as I am, nor is he into what I'm into. And we do just fine, because A) he trusts me and B) he does whatever he needs to do to feel good about my activities. This can mean meeting my friends, having me call at a certain time during the evening, or (usually) just realizing that vanilla people are just as likely to be nuts as kinky folk if not more, and at least the kinksters know how to tie you up properly
Also, my hubby's fond of muttering ' could be worse, at least she's not a Trekkie
You can never be 100 percent sure when you meet new people, but I can tell you I've never, *ever* had a problem meeting folks in this community-in fact, they're some of my bestest buds, I feel safer with them than most anywhere else because they're so protective (just LET someone get out of line at a NEST or WCG, I feel sorry for them).
They are sweethearts and treat you like gold. Pretty quick you get over the "OMG I'm meeting kinky people!!" mentality, and realize that these are cool folks with kids and jobs and mortgages just like you. And you'll likely discuss all that stuff more than tickling, I might add
I really suggest telling your hubby the truth, and NOT in an apologetic manner as if you were going to do something shameful or wrong. (A big part of this boils down to being ok with you're kink.)You're gonna go do something fun for YOU, and that's very cool and actually good for marriage, trust me. Offer to bring him with you, and if he'd rather not, give him the number of the place and times when you'll call him to let him know you're ok. Or, have him drop you at the place and go amuse himself around town for an hour or two before coming to get you. It's NY, he can find something fun I'm sure
😎 . Then it's up to him to make peace with this very real and valid part of who you are, and that's part of a good marriage no matter what you're into. No couple is into ALL the same things, my hubby doesn't get tied up and I don't watch ant specials on the Dicovery Channel
🙂 We meet in the middle and love makes it work.
You could easily make treasured friends through this, I hope you don't miss out!
Just my nosy two cents,
<hugs> Bella