I didn't click on the link for the vid for sale but I can guess that it was a bit offensive to many people and if it involved tickling young children then I guess I can agree with the general sentiment expressed in this thread.
However, I find almost equally offensive those members who chose to express their opinions with such vulgarity.
Makes me wonder if those people are the ones to whom the paraphrase "methinks the tickle fetishists doth protest too much" can be applied.
Just a little food for thought.
I'm not sure if they're are protesting too much because they actually like it? For me the girls looked at least 15 at the very least. Now for me, tickling a clothed 15 yr old would be hot. That is to my shame, perhaps, but tickling a clothed 15 yr old would not constitute abuse. How does one define child abuse?
If I was to download a clip of a young girl walking across a road holding her mother's hand - would that be child abuse? Almost certainly not. But what if by some mis-fortune I found that to be incredibly hot - would it then be child abuse because of it's impact on me? I would say not.
What then constitutes child abuse in the world of the fetish, where anything and everything - no matter how innocent and innocuous (or not) - can be sexual.
My answer would have to be the impact on the person in question. Did those girl's feel abused? To which I would say, probably yes. If they were under legal age (which seems almost certain) then they were almost certainly exploited and should they ever find out that the clips were on the internet would probably feel abused.
But, what if they were under age and they consented to the activity. What if they had even approached the vendor and requested that they be filmed. In whatever circumstances th vendor has a responsibiliy to the law and he went against that - knowingly - hence the disclaimer.
In my opinion whether or not abuse transpires comes down to how the other person interpreted the action. If a non tickling fetishist tickled a young girl (perhaps a moher tickling her daughter) that would not be abuse. Is there any real difference if the tickling fetishist tickles that young girl in the same way?
To the girl - no.
But this is a dangerous arguement. How can one know whether the person will take an action that is yet to be performed as abusive? And even if that person consents to the activity, don't we fetishits have a responsibility to draw the line at tickling younger members of society. Maybe.
What about the supposed duality of the tickling fetish - where one can tickle both innocently and for sexual gratification. I have read people describing that they can tickle a relative or minor in a playful way, and tickle a lover in a sexual way. I don't believe that this duality really exists for the true fetishist, except within their mind, but it's interesting.
With application to the circumstances of the thread, in my mind it is abuse if they were minors. Even if they were 17 yrs 364 days old at point of filming. The law is firm and should apply.
But what if the law had not been broken? The website said that the clips were legitimate as they didn't involve any sexual act or any form of nudity. Is that true? Perhaps. But their close juxtaposition with sexual clips makes that an irrelevant distinction to me.
But I come back to this. What is in an age, and what is the significance of consent where minors are concerned - especially when the "abuse" in question would not be considered as such by most people.
If I tickle a 15 yr old and she consents and she does not take it sexually, and I do not give any indication that I am doing it for a sexual reason - is that abuse? Only, in my mind I would say.
Tickling is unusual in that it is also a sexual activity. There is this duality between sexual and non-sexual tickling - which I would argue does not exist for the tickling fetishist. Infact I would make it a criterion for assessing whether one has a tickling fetish at all.
Having a conversation without replies is not much fun. I'd like to have a serious conversation on this.
And also the nature of a society that condemns on hearsay. Mr Angry, who in my opinion has already given me reason to doubt his soundness of mind, says it;s abuse and immediately people are ready to castrate and imprison the creators of the material, without even looking at it. I could understand their sentiments if they were to add the caveat - "...if proven to be true"
One more thing, I am not going to say that I am not a paedophile, because it should be blatantly obvious. No, I do not want to have sex with minors. No, I do not want to abuse minors. No I do not want to exploit minors. But actually I don't want to abuse or expliut adults either.
But what is a minor - and what is abuse. Black and white parts are easy - but can somebody help us understand the grey.