Wildtime said:From the Food News website:
- Pesticides were found on 94 percent of celery tested.
- There were 29 pesticides found on celery:
Acephate, Azinphos methyl, Captan, Carbaryl, Chlorothalonil, DCPA, DDT, Diazinon, Dicloran, Dimethoate, Disulfoton, Endosulfans, Iprodione, Linuron, Malathion, Methamidophos, Methidathion, Methomyl, Mevinphos Total, Oxamyl, Oxydemeton methyl, Parathion ethyl, Permethrin Total, Phosmet, Piperonyl butoxide, Prometryn, Propiconazole, Quintozene (PCNB), Trifluralin
That's why you have to wash your vegetables thoroughly.blondie46 said:That's nasty! I wonder if the pesticides are all that bad for us (probably so) ..but I wonder if they may help kill off some harmful bacteria or pathogens.
catapy_girl said:I love 'em. Snickers or Butterfinger.
TKpervert said:Eat three servings of unwashed celery daily and never again worry about intestinal infestations of cockroaches, mud wasps, or boll weevils.
TKpervert said:Eat three servings of unwashed celery daily and never again worry about intestinal infestations of cockroaches, mud wasps, or boll weevils.
A dollop of ranch dressing covers that grass-clipping taste nicely 😀