Real Schedule
Wednesday: Making up everything he just posted since obviously he either kept a journal or made it up. (made it up)
Thursday: Slept
Friday: Went out with some hoes
Saturday: Rethinking what he made up for a grandfinally here.
Good job H.D.S! Far more effiecient than I am anyway considering that since I'm home for a month from college now I am using a far inferior computer and since there are no wallpapers on this one, I doubt you'll be seeing anime pictures from me for, well, a month. Good news is I saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico.
Wait, I mean I got a new bed at home since I was sleeping on the floor before.
New bed yay! Although it's extra firm...I need someone to help soften with me... *looks around* where'd Jay go....
P.s: Here's where we can make him scream Ness....his bucking around after we tie him down might do the trick