I give thee the cronicle of the past 4 days in the life of HDS:
a)Was using Photoshop and it froze, had to manually turn off comp.
b) When it turned back on, noticed that everything was running slowly and that IE was DEAD.
c) Turned it off for the night and hoped it would be better in the moring.
a) Tried it again in the afternoon, still didn't work. Swore at comp for several minutes.
b) Investigated various issues, including defraging and several system restores.
c) Still no go, very angry now.
d) Did a Windows Repair, took hours. Went to bed while it was finishing.
a) Repair complete, problem eliminated. But wait, there's more!!! O-O
b) Windows bombarded me with demands that I re-patch and re-update it, so I did.
c) Spent 5 hours trying to install Service Pack 1 before realizing that the firewall and antivirus blocked it.
d) Swore some more, and restarted comp, then turned off anti v. and firewall.
e) Spent another two hours finishing service pack 1. Went to bed.
a) Installed the REST of the updates for Windows, it was happy.
b) Checked site, and low and behold, got the urge to re-code the entire @#$&*(ing thing to work with CSS.
c) Spent TWELVE HOURS re-coding. Also spent an hour getting 99 screen caps and adding new links+ quizzes, and made new splash image, plus installing a PHP guestbook.
d) Finished that at 1:00 AM, and then saw that the java menu was DEAD. Spent an hour and a half fiddling with it and then gave up and spent another half hour installing a new one.
e) At 3:00 AM, died and went to bed.
Now, what have you done with life lately? 😛 *Laughs insanely and wanders off to shovel while glaring angrily at various inanimate objects.*