-> HDS
My archive, counting in double pics and unsorted stuff, is 10.000 or so tk pics big.
I don't know how large it is on the whole. Maybe I'm not too far from you. 🙂
That's why I keep wasting money on larger and larger hds... 😀
-> Anime 316
Oh, your signature! Jipsy! Of course! Now I'm going to congratulate on you twice, then. 🙂
Firstly, for correctly recognizing Chad Pet [see attachment], and secondly, for your manga tk art.
Thumbs up. 🙂
Well, gals and guys: 3 uncovered, 1 revealed by me, and only 3 to go. I doubt you'll get them, but... never know. 🙂
As always, respective copyrights do apply.
Keep posting and guessing! Reg's!
-> HDS
I don't think I've copied fan art - or pics from resident artists.
Only one of the pics probably was fan-art, but it looked "official" so we'll say after I post it. 🙂