ObservingEgo said:
Little do those idiot fathers know, they're doing more harm than good!! Sexual repression, immaturity, eating disorders, and even major character flaws (mood and personality disorders) are the results of parents being sexually over protective with their children. If you want to protect your daughter sexually you should talk to her about sex, and how the mating game is played and the different types of players... not restrict her from experiencing one of the best pleasures and intimacies life has to offer!!! Instill some confidence and trust in your daughters and they'll have a self-esteem that enables better decision making for themselves throughout their lives, duh! The world could always use more healthier people in it.
Sure you should allow them to lead their own lives and teach them the tools to live them well. Doesn't mean you have to stand by while they make the wrong choices. That's bad parenting. If I let my daughter live in a relationship with some skinhead because he gets her panties wet and she's fine with his activities, then who is going to be the one to hug her, wipe her tears and rock her back and forth... when she comes back home... dead from the guys drunk buddy killing him and her over drugs, violence or some petty issue.
The activities some people surround themselves with can be an indicator the the situations they live. Everything needs to be taken with a grain of salt, and my example is clearly on that extreme side, but it's not too uncommon. One can say a parent in that situation is simply overreacting because the guy looks and acts hardcore and he judges him on appearance alone. I know how that's like...
I'm fucking Hispanic in a rather large Caucasian family who lived in a Caucasian state. I'm not stranger to odd looks, and spite, but I was lucky to have an open minded father. I didn't expect that, nobody should expect parents to NOT want to be protective of their children.
I went into my relationship with the intention of PROVING myself as a man, and worthy of their daughter, and it turned out I didn't have to prove anything to them. Relieved?
Sure, but I can't say I would be as trusting with my own children. I could have been a complete douche bag, coming off the internet and meeting this woman. They didn't fucking know me. They trusted their daughter, and that's great. But I could have been a rapist, I could have been a bloody murderer, it fucking scares me how well I was treated, because I wasn't raised in such a clean enviroment.
People are out there, and they can be anybody, and anything, and there needs to be some kind of sense of precaution with young women. They sure can protect themselves from the pain of loss, but they aren't bulletproof, and a daughter, a child is an investment. An investment of the heart... of the soul. Time and sweat and tears and diapers and college tuition and hugs, you're a damn imbecile if you cannot understand why a father would treasure that. Call it jealousy, or psychological whatever.
I call it love for your children. Who the hell is this sexual partner to tell me I can't do that. You're truly priviledged, if you cannot see that. Nobody in this planet is immortal, and too many generations have echoed before us for us to think we somehow know better.
I don't need to have kids to have that wisdom, ya tengo familia. Eso es suficiente para mi.