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Its not the mods you should worry about......its the elves.......the underwear elves! They hide under your bed and steal all your underwear in your sleep.
As bad as I want it? I made one throwaway remark in another thread (a remark I didn't actually make THAT seriously, but more as making fun of Tron if you read it carefully)and Mantis copied and pasted it to this one. That constitutes wanting it bad? I think you misunderstand me Drew, or perhaps you just have a low opinion of me. I can live without being modded. I get enough pleasure from being a normal member. I won't be getting any stomach ulcers from remaining in the ranks.drew70 said:
Absolutely. But, only to a point. If you have to hold a gun to somebody's head to take the job, they probably won't do it to the best of their ability. But somebody who wants to do it as bad as you want it...I gotta tell you, I would question such zeal seriously. No offense.
Vulnerable? Nah, not really. Even that arsehole you enjoy the antics of so much, admitted it wasn't as vulnerable as a non-java based forum. (Whatever that means; I'm a total techno-dunce.) As for saving the day, well Myr, Qjakl and Dave all know 100 times more than me about keeping the Forum safe. I'm under no illusions as to how unimportant I am for it's personal security. I know next to nothing about firewalls and server security.drew70 said:Jim, this statement raises a couple of questions. You obviously view the TMF as a very vulnerable, perhaps even volatile environment...on the brink of ruin unless you can jump in and save the day. Just what would you protect us from??
Good old days eh? Heh heh. I find it very sad that you get a kick from seeing a guy who has so little of an actual life, that his main hobby is sowing discord and winding people up. The guy is capable of incredible things with computers, isn't it sad that he spends his days using them for negative purposes? Just think what good he'd be able to do if he shook the dust of his anorak, got rid of the white socks, stepped out into the sun for once and tried doing something useful. I'm not sure which is more sad and pathetic, him for doing it or you for thinking it's cool. Get a life Drew.drew70 said:"reign of discontent" you call it. I call it "the good old days." It was most cool seeing him in action again recently. Really took me back. But I digress. So your saying his shenannigans make you wish you had the power to zap him out of the chatroom? That just means you're vindictive. Yet another unsuitable attribute.
LOL Your opinion and one based on a very narrow view of life. I would actually say that I'm too willing to enter a heated debate to be made a mod here. The mods that are around already are a lot more diplomatic and guarded with their attitudes. Given that, I find it highly unlikely that I'll ever be asked. IF I was ever askeddrew70 said:I'm sorry to say that yes it does, unequivocably. But take heart, Jim. I've seen equally unsuitable candidates make it to the mod staff. You'll probably get asked eventually. My advice to you is to say, "Hey, you guys are doing a great job! If you need any help, I'm here."
TickleMantis said:I hope the mods don't destroy me for bringing this up...😱
As bad as I want it? I made one throwaway remark in another thread (a remark I didn't actually make THAT seriously, but more as making fun of Tron if you read it carefully)and Mantis copied and pasted it to this one. That constitutes wanting it bad? I think you misunderstand me Drew, or perhaps you just have a low opinion of me. I can live without being modded. I get enough pleasure from being a normal member. I won't be getting any stomach ulcers from remaining in the ranks.Originally posted by BigJim
evilqueen said:I stopped modding for my own reasons. Some people (not you, Jim) think the decision was not mine, but those people are confused. Myriads can confirm that I no longer have the time or desire to moderate here. I hope to continue writing and sharing my fiction, but for now, sadly, that's another thing I have neither time nor desire to do.
drew70 said:However, if it is to be done, it should be done by those of a high calibre. Of the six you mention, only one falls into what I consider unsuitable. The rest are far more mature, and not given to emotional posturing.
crydun said:because he's too cute?😀
Those chatroom conversations you're refering to happened months ago, in fact I'm pretty sure they were over a year ago. They also refered only to being a chat room mod, not a forum mod. You're also under the misapprehension that I "could'nt understand" why Myr would consider me unsuitable. Not in the least. I've always understood why. I'm too bombastic, sarcastic, loudly opinionated and undiplomatic. As for "venting frustration", from my point of view it was more like puzzling it over. You make it sound like I was giving myself a hernia over it. You'll also notice I hope that I havn't even mentioned it since then, apart from in the poking fun post to Tron and the this thread? This whole thread has been more light-hearted than serious; you're the only one who's started a conversation po-faced.drew70 said:
Come on, Jim. You and I both know you made wayyy more than "one throwaway remark." I've seen full conversations from you in the chatroom where you vented frustration over the fact that they wouldn't make you a mod. You just couldn't understand why they felt you unqualified. I'm sure I'm not the only one who remembers this. And no, I don't have a low opinion of you. I merely question your motivations in wanting to be amongst those "in charge." I'm trying to have a reasonable discussion, not Drew vs Jim.
Yup, I'd agree. See above... too bombastic. I hope you'll also notice that the person in this thread who's been pissing on my chances most, is myself? That's why this thread was 99% light-hearted and joking. Sure there was a serious willingness on my part, but I never expected it to actually influence my chances. Myr is too long in the tooth for that.drew70 said:namecalling...check off one more unsuitable attribute.
Guaranteeing safety from hackers, mail-bombing and password theft. I would'nt call modding abusive posts or booting abusive chatters "protecting", because those practices ain't harmful, only annoying.drew70 said:Well now I'm totally confused. You now say the forum isn't vulnerable. You go on to say that the current mod staff is more than capable of guaranteeing safety (although from what, you've yet to say). Just how do you see yourself as a positive addition? You say you feel "protective" of the forum, but how would you protect it?
Uh-huh, the solution is plain and simple. Like a certain political group I mentioned in another thread, people like him only have power over others, because others give it to him. I don't find it funny watching people deal with it badly however. And why would I assume it's ALL he does? I know it's a large part of his apre time, because he told me himself. He even went into quite detailed explanation of how like-minded people to himself, orchestrate campaigns across the web. He said that as soon as the old room went, new people would stop using the chat because of that passwords. He also said that the old faces would get sick of each other and the chat would die. Well excuse for me for having a decidedly un mod-like moment of gloating, but neener neener neener!!! Like that tactic ever stopped Yahoo being a chat sucess. 😛😛😛 Ah, that feels better. Another reason why I'd make a bad mod; excessive childishness. (If I wasn't childish to some degree I would'nt type such a long frikking reply!)drew70 said:I get a kick out of it because watching people deal with him is like watching mice in a maze. They struggle and get frustrated when the solution is plain and easy to see from an objective vantage point. And what he does with his time is his own business, certainly not yours or mine. You make a grossly erroneous judgment when you assume that causing trouble in chat forums is all he does because that's all you see him do.
Nope, I don't care how far your opinions differ from mine. If yours and everyone else's opinions co-incided with mine life would be boring as hell. It's the kick you get from watching people get frustrated because they can't effectivley deal with an electronic bully that seems rather sad. As for our "mutual aquiantance" doing other things, well I don't care if he's a supporter of 20 charities in his spare time; getting pleasure from taunting people who can't deal it is a particularly sad and pathetic hobby to have. Notice I don't reccomend that everyone have hobbies similar to mine to not be sad here Drew? As far as I'm concerned you can give a shit for what you like, it's the rather Freudian penchant for others misery that is so hollow-minded.drew70 said:Hmm...So I guess you define "having a life" as agreeing with you that our mutual acquaintance is "an arsehole." Because in response to me thinking he's cool, you urge me to "get a life." I can only interpret this to mean that as long as I agree with you, I can be said to have a life. As soon as our opinions part company, then I'm suddenly bereft of life. I just wanted to make sure that's what you meant because in the next few sentences you tell me my opinion is based on a narrow view of life. I find that rather ironic, given your "get a life" philosophy, don't you? 🙂
I do a job where I hear a lot of misery from people. Most people in my job are for capital punishment because they're sick of dealing with arsehole criminals. (Even though I'm only a mere "sapling" of 24.) I'm not for it, therefore I can hardly be profiled as "vindictive". Savvy? (I think I remember telling "him" that I was a binman or something.😀 He seemed to find it amusing.)drew70 said:I have no idea what you are talking about, Jim. Our conversation pertains to your desire to be a mod, not on your opinions regarding capital punishment.
lol Well the mod you refer to, happens to be one of the most mature of all. That mod is among the most strongly opinionated people I've ever known, but has the self-discipline to keep it in check, so it doesn't violate the rules they work under. And I think it takes a special breed of petty-minded gimboid (name calling and a Red Dwarf quote in one sentence😀) to bring any sort of hot response from them.drew70 said:First of all, I'm still convinced that we don't need a mod staff...that a moderated forum is censorship, and the concept will probably never meet with my approval. However, if it is to be done, it should be done by those of a high calibre. Of the six you mention, only one falls into what I consider unsuitable. The rest are far more mature, and not given to emotional posturing. Sorry to bust your bubble Jimbo, but it appears we agree the majority of mods ARE suitable. 🙂
Any time someone wants to stand up for themselves, they can add a "cretin" or whatever to their Messenger list and wail away to their heart's content in private. Any time they want to have a relativley unmolested and peaceful time chatting though and they come to the TMF. It's the choice of the chatter. Choice over what we listen to and when, also should include the choice of being able to come somewhere where they don't have to put up with unsufferable bullshit every 20 minutes. That may protect the weak who should be able to "fend for themselves", but it's also how "normal society" functions. You want a pissing contest? Go in the car park. You want to spend time chatting and posting? Then stay in the club.drew70 said:Yes, God forbid we should have to stand up for ourselves against such "cretins" rather than have somebody do it for us. God forbid we exercise our own disgression over what or who we will listen to. 🙄
TickleMantis said:Mmm...o.k..*scratches head, looks at floor, coughs*...I didn't mean for this to happen...and I was really just asking the mods...well Myriads really because I suppose he makes the decisions. Next time I'll just e-mail him and avoid all the conflict. Sorry folks.😀
drew70 said:A mod's work is clearly no fun. They deal with complaining, whining, whimpering, sniveling, sobbing, blubbering, mewling, slobbering, and ...well, you get the picture. Then there are the blurry lines that define what is or isn't a violation, plus the hotbuttons (topics that aren't violations themselves but are controversial enough to spark flames).
njjen3953 said:
Listen to drew70. He has been keeping these mods very busy this year. 😛
Love ya, babe.
Mmmmm-hmmmm. So taking personal offense to, and commenting against, a duragatory female weight crack is now considered 'immature' and 'emotional posturing'?Originally posted by Mimi
drew70 said:
You mentioned a derogatory remark relating to a female celebrity's physical characteristics? Then you directed them at all women with that characterisitc and were thus being offensive Drew. You didn't mention an idiosincracy specifically attributed to her. Mod or not, if I were a woman who shared it, I'd be more than slightly pissed at you. I know a lot were pissed at Yaqi when he did the same thing. Many members would have flamed you outright. Mimi had the sense and foresight to moderate her own moderation. You can do a Big Jim style 8 page waffle on how that ain't so, but just about every other member and mod would disagree. There's a wise old proverb that says..." If 6 people say you're sick, lie down".drew70 said:Absolutely. Especially when said derogatory crack was specifically directed by name to one and only one recipient, her being a celebrity and certainly nobody in our group. Had I named you, or directed the comment to women in general, then you might have reason to take offense. It saddens me that you chose to misinterpret my comment and jump to the conclusions that led you to take injury, yet I offer no apology because it was your choice to do so.
Lie down Drew. Okaaaaaaaaaay, where's the other 5?
Drew you really are an insufferably arrogant prat, you know that? Yes I know I can be as well, but I admit it. You just think you're right. Ugh! Hell I've been told to change my font colour before now, because some of them are genuinely painful to look at, depending on the type of monitor you're using. That's not a mod being petty, it's a mod looking after the welfare of other chat users.drew70 said:I'm quite sure you've been admonished for this as well as other emotional outbursts. Mimi, everybody's got emotions and feelings. Nobody is a robot. The difference between you and the other mods is that they keep them in check, and aren't controlled by them. Also you sometimes (certainly not always, but sometimes) act more like a baby-sitter than a mod. You tell people what text colors they can't use. What's up with that?? Then you expect us to walk on eggshells around you, because god forbid we should say something that find personally offensive. In short, your attitude toward your position of modship is one of "don't mess with me, I'm in charge!" I don't get that from the other mods.
For what it's worth Mimi is as broad minded as anyone when it comes to personal tastes. She's just as capable of tolerating other people not liking the BBW look as anyone is. What she (and come to mention it, NO other mod who's kept the job) has never tolerated, are deliberatley offensive statements: whether they're about her or anyone else.
As for repreimanding her, well I'd doubt that. Despite his best efforts to project a contrary image, Myriads is human too and he's no idiot. ( The dude HAS a sense of humour, check out the Part 2 9/11 thread for proof!: )
drew70 said:There's a perfect example of your attitude of superiority, Mimi. You imply we should be grateful that the Royal Order would stoop to hear the words of the commoners. I think the stress of modship has taken it's toll on you, Mimi and I hearby respectfully request your resignation.
Humour goes completely over your head doesn't it Drew? If everything even vaguely subtle goes over your head, you ever thought of going to Jamaica and becoming a limbo dancer? Everyone except possibly Myr has been caustic or sarcastic when they're dealing with a particularly obtuse member. Hal when he was a mod, Q ever so slightly, Marauder, Jeff on occasion and definatley both Daves. Mimi is no exception. If Myr reprimands for that, than every other mod on the staff was proabably bollocked at some time.
And resign? Hee hee hee. Oh Drew, that IS funny! If anyone resigns it won't be because a knobber like you requests it because he's in a strop.
*Post over, Big Jim buggers back off into the darkness, having demonstrated at least 15 qualities in this post alone, not wanted in a prospective mod*
JoBelle said:Not sure why, Jim, but that post made me giggle out loud. Did you lace it with some happy drug from Kurtch's store?
You mentioned a derogatory remark relating to a female celebrity's physical characteristics?Originally posted by BigJim
well all i can say is thank you bigjim thats a nice thing to say about me. you're right, i just try to say it like it is, thats the only way i know how.BigJim said:Actually, speaking of mods I always thought TIB should be one.
I think he should be one because TIB has always spoken what he feels and seems like a fair, nice regular guy who doesn't love himself to death.
The defendant is hereby sentenced to two hours of Rosie O'Donnell sitting on his face.drew70 said:
Guilty as charged
So why mention the physical characteristic at all if all you hate is Rosie?drew70 said:Whoa, back up there, Columbo. I most certainly did not direct the comment to all women with that characteristic. I was very specific in who I named (Rosie O'Donnell), using first and last name. Had I wanted to direct this to all women with this characteristic, then I wouldn't have named somebody specific, now would I?
I say old bean, the TMF craze of infective Brit Slang is even getting to you! :O You do have some redeeming features then?drew70 said:LOL. You weren't even there, Jim. How can you possibly say how you'd feel?! And you speak of "insufferable arrogance?!" The devil, I say!
Yeah I know, life's a bitch. You should have been there when he mentioned the one about Rosanne Barr's panty elastic snapping and bringing down four trees.drew70 said:Yaqi made a joke about Rosie O'Donnell? Damn, and I missed it.
I'm pretty sure it was a conspiracy thought up by the senior mods.drew70 said:I had no idea the Rosie O'Donnell fan club was so well represented in the TMF! Who knew?!!
You made a statement about her that so far only you agree with. Everyone else I've spoken to (of course I havn't spoken to Tron, Yaqi or Talons yet 😀) thinks your posting is a waste of space because all you ever come out with is negativity...negativity...negativity. Hell yes I'm a loud mouthed son of a bitch, but at least I'm original and can even tell Rosie O'Donnell that her ass doesn't look fat in that thong, if it was more healthy to the atmosphere. All you contributions ever seem to do is make the atmosphere akin to standing behind Bernhard Manning and John Candy after a pickled egg-eating competition.drew70 said:I'm sure she's held back quite a bit. Haven't we all? What's your point?
Don't try comedy Drew. It reminds me too much of that 2nd Lieutenant in Good Morning Vietnam.drew70 said:I prefer pancakes to waffles.
What, you thought I'd use common sense and persuasive argument? Hee hee hee.drew70 said:I say. Come come, now. No need to get cheeky, old boy. 🙂
drew70 said:drew70 said:I agree. But if the chatroom offers the colors, isn't that an invitation for people to select whatever color they like?? Mod's are supposed to enforce the rules, not insure color coordination. If using yellow or green is against the rules, what kind of sense does it make to offer those colors to begin with? That's like a restaurant chef getting pissed because a customer orders pesto. If he doesn't want to make pesto, take it off the menu!
Colour co-ordination? It's got bugger all to do with aesthetics ol chap, it's got to do with being frigging painful to look at if you've got the wrong type of monitor.The problem is, neither the mods nor the admins designed the chatroom. It was presented to them rather like it is now, when it was bought to add some extra security for dealing with pond-life. The code is gradually being re-written by Marauder, but I imagine that he's a busy dude and it'll be some time before he can finish it. Until then we have to make do as best we can with what the helpful salesman gave us. If you want to blame someone, blame the elephant's arse who made it necessary to buy the new room. (Check off another instance of name-calling.)
No, I'm pretty sure it was the sound of the death watch beetle in your skull, hammering to get out.drew70 said:)))SNAP!!!((( That was the sound of Jim's logic, breaking in two because that last sentence was just too much of a stretch.
In your opinion, which is all that ever seems to matter to you. "People should ignore the troll and it's their fault if they let him upset them; the Forum doesn't need moderating." (Paraphrasing obviously.) You don't care if it does offend anyone else, so long as you think it was directed far enough away to not matter. You seem to have little conception of any social online niceties at all, or you do but can't arsed to use them. You seem to be acting like the social equivalent of a rhino horn up the arse. So long as the horn is nice and thin and pointy it should go in without too much damage. It's the recipients fault if they object so much and cause themselves pain by squirming around. If they'd stayed still and ignored it, it would'nt have hurt.drew70 said:I like the BBW look just fine. You're deviating from the issue, Jimbo. I made a sarcastic comment about Rosie O'Donnell. It was not offensive to anybody but Rosie O'Donnell. You weren't there, Jim. You don't know what I said, or how it was delivered. So stop trying to win points by feigning outrage.
Winning points? Well I've had the same posting style for 2 years and it's not won many points has it? You don't think that even a dozy English bugger like me would have noticed that yet? As for "feigning outrage", well I don't have to. With graceless and minging knobs around to provide all the outrage necessary, I never have to fake it.
Hee hee. Quite a witty response actually. There IS a first time for everything. And you'd be surprised at the feedback that would disagree with you.drew70 said:Not all of it. Just that which is unimaginative and unclever.
Because it would give the rest of the members a break from your constant bullshit? I'm sure there's other reasons, but that's the main one I can think of right now.drew70 said:Why would I go to Jamaica when there's already more than enough dancing here at the TMF?
She's a friend, a co-member of the community and a damn decent mod, despite your rather arse opinion. She's also in a position that means she can't get involved in a personal argument without losing face and dignity. Even if she's logically right, she'll lose something because she's a mod and even though your idiocy is plain for most to see, she can't let herself get dragged down. Maybe that's my main use.drew70 said:Perhaps not, but the request was as much for her benefit as the rest of us. She would do well to consider it. At any rate it's for her to decide, so I won't even pretend to understand why you're jumping in, here.
drew70 said:Cheers!
Myriads said:Clarification.
The action rules for a chat mod are very different then those of a forum mod. Mainly because they face very different moding challenges. I give chat mods a lot more latitude to handle things. Many of the differences that you may see in style come from the very different rules I've set up for both groups to follow. Don't evaluate moderation that took place in the chatroom with the standards of the forum moding. They are two different beasts.
Often a chat mods job IS killing a topic that some might find offensive.