I'm usually a very non-partisan guy, because I think on my own, without being told what to think by a political party. And I don't like rich people. But ever since the Dems passed that piece of garbage "healthcare law" with the evil "individual mandate", I have thrown my full support behind the Republicans. For now.
Besides, the President has shown weakness by not taking faster, more decisive action against Wikileaks. If he was an American citizen, I'd demand that Julian Assange be hanged for treason, but since he's not, I'd settle for somebody killing him. Or having him slip in the shower and break his head open.
Then there's the "ground zero mosque". Have some respect, guy. I'm sure there are plenty of other locations in NYC.
Then the Dems condemned the state of Arizona for helping enforce federal immigration law.
Don't get me started on the "Dream Act", rewarding illegal aliens by granting them citizenship. It would be as if I got myself into Canada and started breaking their laws, and Canada told me that they would make me a citizen of their country if I served in their military for two years.
And on top of all that, despite being defeated in the recent election, this widely despised (Check their 13% approval rating if you don't believe me!) 111th Congress refuses to take the hint that we don't want them anymore. They keep trying to pass b.s. legislation that nobody wants. Just pass the tax cut extensions and sit out the rest of your term, so that the 112th Congress can get to work cleaning up your mess.
I now watch Fox News religiously (especially The O'Reilly Factor), because when you're furious, it feels good to hear somebody agree with you. But I don't think I should talk any more about politics. It just makes me -> 😛issed.
In case you're wondering, I do hate MSNBC, but not CNN. I like Wolf Blitzer. He seems like a fair guy.