Ghost Rider
Probably the single worst movie in existence imo. At least Ed Wood's flicks had the zero budget excuse.
I offer for the record, a review I wrote after my Ghost Rider viewing experience:
"You know, I'd like to say that I've seen worse movies than Ghost Rider...but that would taste a lie. Upon leaving the theater, I felt the overwhelming need to hang my head in shame. At the end of that 2 hour nightmare, I was embarresed, distraught, and absolutely horrified to discover that It hadn't killed me. I simply wanted to put as much distance between myself and that movie as possible. It was bad....REALLY bad.
For those unfamiliar with the comic book, Ghost Rider is a movie about Hollyweird's ongoing mission to squeeze as much money out of the "comic book movie" phenomenon as possible. There's also a secondary plot about a man who can inexplicably turn into a flaming skeleton-biker, but the movie, for the most part, seems a little too anxious to gloss over that. The plot is stollen from at least a dozen different movies (some of which were the comic book movies that had come before it), the characters are inconsequental, and the dialog seems to have been writen by commitee. As you are reading this, there is a 2 year old watching Ghost Rider feeling his/her intelligence being insulted.
There was also lots of embarrasingly fake looking CGI shots of motorcycles and skeletons and such...these, of course, were the selling point of the movie. Ghost Rider apparently has the ability to alter the shape of anything he touches to look "cooler", and yet seems completely perplexed by simple dialog as he utters such gems as "Bring it on!" ...or "You're goin' down!". He also has a magic chain that does wonderfully stupid magic things...sometimes it's on fire.
(I'm not even going to start in on the whole: motorcycle that comes when you whistle for it bullshit).
...and then there's Nicky Cage. Well, what can you say about him that hasn't already been said. Well, to be VERY kind, he could have sucked a lot job Nick.
You know, it's pretty bad when the TV shows that the characters in the movie are watching are more entertaining than the actual movie. For a minute or so, they were watching a show about a karate THAT was quality entertainment. If I were the director, I would have scraped the entire plot and gone with the monkey show. Yes friends, a chimp in a little karate suit was more interesting and engaging than anything in Ghost Rider. That's really where the shot themselves in the foot. If not for that waaaaaaay too entertaining monkey, the viewers might have slipped into a sort of Ghost Rider induced coma and (with no monkeys to compare it to) left the theater feeling like maybe the movie wasn't all that bad really. Horrifying.
And no, I didn't spell check this. This blog is not about correct spelling, this blog is about pain. Lots and lots of digital, Nicky Cage, pain. I'm already whincing at the nightmares and cold sweats I'll surely be waking up in during my post-Ghost Rider experience.
Learn from my mistakes folks, AVOID THIS MOVIE AT ALL COSTS!!!"
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Honorable Mentions:
Batman and Robin
Alone In The Dark
Plan 9 From Outer Space