Hey people! I happened to liked Daredevil, Electra, The Talented Mr. Ripley (so I like Matt Damon flicks), and Catwoman. Okay, so I have cheesy taste.......
My hate list:
Anything by Will Farrell......I absolutely can't stand him. Who in the hell told him he was funny?
Pretty much any remake done from 1980 and forward. Haven't seen one that impressed me yet.
Napoleon Dynamite......can't get past the first 10 minutes. I have no idea how people found that movie funny.
But the worst movie I have ever seen in my life was one that most around here loved and saw repeatedly was that last Batman movie with Heath Ledger as the Joker. Rented it for a dollar at the redbox and felt that was way overpriced. Most boring movie I've ever seen........ever! My highschool astronomy class was more exciting. I couldn't stay awake and have no idea how the movie ended. God awful!!