well, since I'm post # 64 I doubt too many will read this. LOL This might be long, but I wanted to express myself to other lers and lees. Maybe some of you out there grew up and felt the same way as I did. So don't read any further if you get bored.
I'm new here, 44 yrs old and read most of the responses on here. A lot of them are how I am and how I feel to this day. It wasn't until 1986 when I picked up a copy of LegShow magazine that I found out there were others who enjoyed the same things as I did.
Tickling has been a part of me since my childhood. I think my father had a foot and tickling fetish since he'd tickle my mom often. But back in the 1960's, fetishes was unheard of and kept in the bedroom. While growing up I thought I was the only one who liked tickling feet in hose. At times felt ashamed and embarrassed so I never told anyone about my fetishes. Not even the gf's I dated. I didn't want them to think I was weird or perverted. I never told my "wife to be" about it until after we were married. She's accepted my foot, hose and tickling fetishes after 21 yrs of marriage, but she's not really into it. And as us true ticklers know, it's not the same when a person does it because we ask them as it is when a person really loves it. I think my wife does it because she loves me.
For most, that would be fine. And it's true that in the end when we're old and gray, the only thing that matters is love. But for a lot of us, that's a long way off! LOL
My fetishes are a part of me as they are to others on here. One lady wrote that it's a sexual part of her. It's that way for me also. While sex isn't the only thing in a marriage/relationship, I do believe it ranks up there next to love, trust, honesty, etc. Especially if one or both partners are very sexual.
The question "Would you ever marry someone not into tickling?" is quite complicated. For 21 yrs I've felt and will always feel there is a true part of me missing. My wife is loving, caring, a wife any "normal" man would die for. But for me, my fetishes are real and deep. And because of that, it's caused serious problems in the marriage that I won't talk about.
I know my fantasies of tying and tickling my lover will never be fullfilled. I guess that's why they call it fantasies, right? At times it feels lonely knowing I won't be with a woman who would love for me to cuddle with her feet. Massage and tickle them while watching TV or things like that.
It seems you have to sacrifice one thing in order to get another. We could find a person who satisfies us sexually, but we might lose other things such as love, trust, etc. There is no perfect marriage/people. I don't believe anyone has it all. But I also think we weren't meant to have it all. We were meant to be happy and grateful for what we have.
My answer is no, I wouldn't marry someone who isn't into tickling. Not knowing what I know now.