In the war between the lolcats and loldogs, the creature from the Pit of Fail had a plan. She would secretly use her mind control powers to take control of the lolcat Vice-President, Sweetums.
At that moment LoLRay came up with a plan so full of genious he almost cried for joy. He would unleash the most devastaingly destructive power in LOLCatland.
The first attack unleashed by the Creature from the Pit of Fail, was sending in her minions, wave by wave in an effort to decimate the LOLArmy's numbers.
Snipers placed above the city sniped failz one by one in an effort to thin the enemy forces. In related news and as an added bonus, Ray had one very talented sniper unintentionally, but very heroically pick off Rosie O'Donnell...yaaaaayyyy!
Between lulls in the long drawn out battles, a very forward thinking Ray ordered all active troops to be nourished with booze....but because of a small typo in the requisition paperwork, "SOMEONE" (stares at Robace) who fails at bilingual english-to-lolcat skills, mistyped booze with the delight of the entire army.