Good lord man, you know not what you say! Innocent lives are at stake here! If enough praise is handed out, the entire country could be devoured it! We must commence the intulsting to neutralize it or all is lost! *Stabs self in eye* And I am now going to go bleed in the corner until the urge to act as nutty as I just did passes...
Oh me, oh my, oh my, oh me, do I spy a bumblebee? Buzzing, buzzing, throught the air, carrying himself with dramatic flair, he hunts down flowers, sweet nectar for honey; oh dear, how sad, he stung a bunny...
HDS advances, grinning wickedly until a loud chime is heard. He pulls out a pocket watch glances at the clock, and promptly falls asleep. As he is sleeping, strange flowers sprout about his feet.