Hi, Amanda! Thanks for the friend-add, and yes, I do have flat feet. 😛 I'm flattered that you find some of my posts to be interesting. I really appreciate it, because at times, I think I have a tendency to ramble and drone on when others can convey the same message in a more "quick and to the point" way. I've actually thought about approaching you before, but I'm reluctant to approach people, lately, and I'm not really sure why. Anyway, neurotic behavior aside, I wanna say that I LOVE the "LOLXenas" you've had displayed in your signature. 😀 I used to watch that show all the time when it was on, along with Hercules. I'm a BIG fantasy buff. Well, given that this is a wall post/visitor message, I'll be brief and not clog it up with... stuff. 😕 It's nice to meet you, Amanda. My name is Chris. 😉