N N naughtylucy Aug 4, 2009 I knew I'd find a way to make you say fuck! 😉) Nighty night. It's late-ish over here.
N N naughtylucy Aug 4, 2009 Of course you will. I suspect you're accustomed to surviving. You're still in my thoughts, though. Still battling with the recession over here. Blah. I resent being forced to contemplate the economy, when I lack the mental capacity to understand it.
Of course you will. I suspect you're accustomed to surviving. You're still in my thoughts, though. Still battling with the recession over here. Blah. I resent being forced to contemplate the economy, when I lack the mental capacity to understand it.
N N naughtylucy Aug 4, 2009 Thought I'd try to corrupt you here, rather than hijacking threads😉 How's it going? You're much in my thoughts.
Thought I'd try to corrupt you here, rather than hijacking threads😉 How's it going? You're much in my thoughts.
goddess_nemesis Aug 3, 2009 I'm doing good. I'm happy that my aunt and her family are up here visiting from Kentucky for about week. We'll have them over on Wednesday. Are you sick? What's wrong?
I'm doing good. I'm happy that my aunt and her family are up here visiting from Kentucky for about week. We'll have them over on Wednesday. Are you sick? What's wrong?
goddess_nemesis Aug 3, 2009 Yeah, I'm about to head to bed myself too. I gotta get up at 7, not too bad, but still early. 😀 Just surprised to see you on so late. 😛
Yeah, I'm about to head to bed myself too. I gotta get up at 7, not too bad, but still early. 😀 Just surprised to see you on so late. 😛
M M McNoodle Jul 30, 2009 Wow! That is totally nasty man. Has it been causing fires and the like as well? I'll keep my fingers crossed for your area to get some rain and relief.
Wow! That is totally nasty man. Has it been causing fires and the like as well? I'll keep my fingers crossed for your area to get some rain and relief.
M M McNoodle Jul 30, 2009 lol! Thankfully no. They've all went on strike to protest mauling restrictions 😀 How are things down in the Lone Star (Jessica Simpson?) state? 🙂
lol! Thankfully no. They've all went on strike to protest mauling restrictions 😀 How are things down in the Lone Star (Jessica Simpson?) state? 🙂
goddess_nemesis Jul 30, 2009 Well then that's understandable. But me, the hassle of taking care of the lawn is worth it when after it's been cut, the smell is awesome!
Well then that's understandable. But me, the hassle of taking care of the lawn is worth it when after it's been cut, the smell is awesome!