I seriously wasnt going to.. but.. one comment.
I was trying to be sincere by posting this thread. The first thread I posted about my friend was wrong, and I shouldnt have done it in the main.,
As I said before. I take responsibility for posting that thread.
I dont take responsibility for the "posting personal issues thread", and the potshots taken at me in that thread. .
I do think that a blog post is okay under the right circumstances. .
And as to Aimee. seriously.. bite me., I havent learned a damn thing, I think its YOU who havent learned a damn thing. About SEVEN potshots in the same damn thread, just like what you used to do. You could have stayed out of the damn thread.. but no.. you just had to join in, knowing you'd have nothing but potshots to contribute. .
Jeff was right, and so was Leo. I learned my lesson in this thread too. Some people are so damn bad, that even when one makes a mistake, and tries to make it right, it cant be made right.
Its like this:
Mitch posts a thread in the main forum discussing a situation with his friend. Thread caused huge problems for weeks. Mitch upset everyone by that thread. Thread is Mitch's fault to take responsibility for. He does.
ANOTHER thread is posted, basically simply for the purpose of taking more issues with Mitch. Such happens. Thread is not Mitch's fault.
Mitch posts a thread. "Sorry my thread about my friend caused so many problems", for the intent of trying to calm things down, and even more potshots are taken at him.
Mitch complaining about his friend in the main forum, the initial thread,.. all on Mitch. The other two threads,. and the uncivil reactions to them, especially by several specific people . not his fault