But at what point does it become obvious to you that Mitch has a different kind of logic and probably a different reality to others here, making it difficult, if not impossible for him to understand and apply what you/we are trying to tell him? He needs advice and help that we can't give from people more qualified to give it.
Of course he has a "different kind of (so-called) logic .. and a different reality". He's been molly-coddled and babied his entire life.
Isn't that what you/me/others were trying to get thru to him while he's whining & crying about, well, everything?
You, yourself told him to "Man UP", grow a pair and deal.
During the last few threads, it's apparent he'll never get to that point; but for you (and others) to hammer on him for the exact same thing I'm hammering on him for ... and then ask me why I (and others) keep hammering on him ... sort of begs the question as to why you are asking that in the first place.
So you've seen the light, and want me to see it too. I get it. I'm pretty tired of this shit too, honestly.
When you say "he needs advice and help that we can't give from people more qualified to give it" ... well, that's the drum I've been beating the whole time: "Get Help! Get Professional HELP!"
Again, I'm not alone in this sentiment.
I don't think he will, because after reading his BLOG (which made me physically ill, btw) he's afraid his father will have him declared/diagnosed with a disability, which is probably the case, so he avoids the treatment he so desperately needs.
That, and he's just too damn stubborn and defiant. He'd rather tell others that don't support him 100% to "Bite Me" than to possibly consider alternate viewpoints.
He can't be reasoned with. I get it, again.
It took me a while to see it and I was trying to reason with him for the longest too, but this has gone on far too long and you have to ask yourself who's the one with issues now when you keep doing / posting the same responses and getting the same outcome.
Fair enough, AnnieHall.
I think we're all guilty of beating the dead horse to some extent in this case, hoping it will come back to life.
I will admit I have beaten it harder than anyone.
It's frustrating for all involved.
If he's an "attention *****" as you see it, you sure are fucking him real good.[/size][/font]
OK. I'm an attention pimp. I can live w/ that!
(Nice shot, btw.
😉 Better get yourself checked out at the Red Door Clinic, as well!)
It seems that after all the beatings he's taken by you, me, countless members, mods, friends, enemies, frenemies ... that you're asking me to stop.
I've pretty much reached that point anyway, but it's not really not up to you to set that threshold and scold others for the same "crimes" we've all supposedly committed.
This constant whining/bitching/complaining by Mitch has been going on for a long, long time and we're all sick of it.
That's pretty much the point of all of this.